Defribulating the enemy as medic!


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
omg i never knew you could do that! its SO funny!
i run towards the soldiers with the shock pads out and sometimes they just turn and run the other way! classic! :D
neptuneuk said:
omg i never knew you could do that! its SO funny!
i run towards the soldiers with the shock pads out and sometimes they just turn and run the other way! classic! :D

I've only done it by accident.
It's a good way to get humiliation kills...although it can be kidna flaky. You can be point blank on a sniper, defib his chest or back or whatever and he won't die sometimes. Then of course he'll turn around to fight you having heard you try.
I can't really do it that well....I got about 30 so far, but I don't try anymore
'It's recharging!'
'Ok, you're good to go!'
'PWNED you sucka!'
speaking of the defribulator i was looking through my stats with it as a weapon, my k:d ratio was 1:169, wtf? 169:eek:

must be a screw-up....
Why defribulate them? take an extra like, 5 seconds to recharge them?, just shank em with your knife..
jimbo118 said:
speaking of the defribulator i was looking through my stats with it as a weapon, my k:d ratio was 1:169, wtf? 169:eek:

must be a screw-up....

The stats count your deaths by a weapon as what you were holding when yu died, not what you were killed with- most likely you have died 169 times out in the open trying to revive someone, tsk tsk :)
J_Tweedy said:
The stats count your deaths by a weapon as what you were holding when yu died, not what you were killed with- most likely you have died 169 times out in the open trying to revive someone, tsk tsk :)
lol thought it was odd, guess that was from my medic hoaring days trying to save everyone...:stare:
jimbo118 said:
lol thought it was odd, guess that was from my medic hoaring days trying to save everyone...:stare:

Seems your days are not over as I saw you today running out of cover, under heavy enemy fire (on the front line) to revive one poor fella. I know, cause I tried to do the same thing ;). Anyway, that's what I expect from a good medic :thumbs: as long as it's possible to get to cover without getting killed the same second.
Unfocused said:
Seems your days are not over as I saw you today running out of cover, under heavy enemy fire (on the front line) to revive one poor fella. I know, cause I tried to do the same thing ;). Anyway, that's what I expect from a good medic :thumbs: as long as it's possible to get to cover without getting killed the same second.
I generally do that. People get pissed because they think it gives them an extra death...boohoo, it doesn't.
I get pissed off when someone revives me and i die again, then have to wait another 15 seconds. Or if im out of ammo, and nobody's resupplying me, then i get revived with a kit with no bloody ammo on it.
Dog-- said:
Why defribulate them? take an extra like, 5 seconds to recharge them?, just shank em with your knife..
Because it is ****ing funny.
if i see a medic running to revive someone ill let him do it, this way when i launch my grenade i get 2 kills, and plus the one where i killed the guy he was going to revive that makes 3!

you killed supportguy
you killed HealYouSucka
you killed supportguy
J_Tweedy said:
I get pissed off when someone revives me and i die again, then have to wait another 15 seconds. Or if im out of ammo, and nobody's resupplying me, then i get revived with a kit with no bloody ammo on it.

Oh god, I hate it when i'm like, 1 second to a respawn, then a medic revives me, runs away, I get nailed, and end up waiting 30 seconds.

When i'm playing (i'm always medic) I usually try to kill whoevers there before reviving them, even if it means losing the revival. Or if i'm up against a humvee or something, i'll revive the guy(s) and fight off the humvee with them, or die trying to keep them alive.
Unfocused said:
Seems your days are not over as I saw you today running out of cover, under heavy enemy fire (on the front line) to revive one poor fella. I know, cause I tried to do the same thing ;). Anyway, that's what I expect from a good medic :thumbs: as long as it's possible to get to cover without getting killed the same second.
hehe really? did i revive him?

what i hate about medics reviving is when they try to revive you when the enemy who killed you is right infront of them, kill first then revive....:upstare:...
It's funny to be special forces and put C4 under someones body, then detonating it when a medic comes, I LOVE IT!
Dog-- said:
It's funny to be special forces and put C4 under someones body, then detonating it when a medic comes, I LOVE IT!
Ditto :D
Dog-- said:
It's funny to be special forces and put C4 under someones body, then detonating it when a medic comes, I LOVE IT!

;P but you have to be aware of an incoming medic. Anyway thx, never thought about it :thumbs: