Dehydration and Orange Juice


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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If I drink nothing but orange juice all day, will I become dehydrated?
drinking anything besides water will hydrate you much less, obviously...but you would have to find the amount of pure water in the orange juice as well as any ingredients which would speed up dehydration
Well, I think the answer was yes.

In any case, your mouth tastes like ASS at the end of the day.
That depends what your doing in that day, if your sitting around doing nothing I think you can get away with drinking nothing for one day so orange juice probably wouldn't dehydrate you. If you were doing a marathon or something you'd be pretty screwed. I Managed to drink nothing but coke for a weekend and came out fine... KILL THE INFIDELS yes just fine
Yeah, you can go a while with a substitution for water...though still not healthy for you at all...sadly.
You do know almost everything you drink contains water?

Therefore everything hydrates you, just some much less than others.
concentrate or not from concentrate?
if you've been drinking concentrated orange juice straight out of the bottle you can kiss your kidneys good bye :D.
You do know almost everything you drink contains water?

Therefore everything hydrates you, just some much less than others.

The ingredients in anything other than plain water will have a dehydrative effect. Some drinks, the dehydrative effect is less than the hydration you get from the drink, but for example, the alcohol in a beer will cause more dehydration than the water you get from it can hydrate you.
The ingredients in anything other than plain water will have a dehydrative effect. Some drinks, the dehydrative effect is less than the hydration you get from the drink, but for example, the alcohol in a beer will cause more dehydration than the water you get from it can hydrate you.

hence the wonderful headache you get from drinking too much. :p
hence the wonderful headache you get from drinking too much. :p

Drinking alcoholic drinks doesn't directly dehydrate you as they contain water, it's the breaking down of alcohol in the body that dehydrates you as it requires water. If not there'd be less people drinking as you'd get a hangover after a pint of lager :)
Drinking alcoholic drinks doesn't directly dehydrate you as they contain water, it's the breaking down of alcohol in the body that dehydrates you as it requires water.

Well yeah, but my point is, if you drink a lot of beer, you're going to have a headache *90% of the time* because you are dehydrated.
Ooh, apparantly vitamins are used as a coenzyme in the breaking down of alcohol. So dehydration and vitamin defficiency....

*changes hangover prevention method to pint of water and vitamin tablet*
Drinking alcoholic drinks doesn't directly dehydrate you as they contain water, it's the breaking down of alcohol in the body that dehydrates you as it requires water. If not there'd be less people drinking as you'd get a hangover after a pint of lager :)

Thats a bit like saying people don't die in the desert because of the heat, but because they are not drinking enough. I mean its technically accurate, but **** me, picky much? :P
I never said he is wrong, I was just sticking up for the guy who said certain drinks just dehydrate you less :P
That depends what your doing in that day, if your sitting around doing nothing I think you can get away with drinking nothing for one day so orange juice probably wouldn't dehydrate you. If you were doing a marathon or something you'd be pretty screwed. I Managed to drink nothing but coke for a weekend and came out fine... KILL THE INFIDELS yes just fine

Considering that A) I had a fever for pretty much the entire day, and...

concentrate or not from concentrate?
if you've been drinking concentrated orange juice straight out of the bottle you can kiss your kidneys good bye :D.

B) I only had about 2 or 3 cups of concentrated OJ...

Yeah, i'm guessing that the whole reason I was having a hard time walking and standing was because I was dehydrated :P
You'll be quite normally hydrated.

Unfortunately your teeth will rot, and you'll gain weight, because Orange Juice is about as healthy as Coca Cola.