Deja vu


Dec 30, 2007
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Lately Ive been experiencing a lot of Deja vu, Like at work we were having a group discussion on weather to fire this guy, when a passage of words were said, i strangely felt that id already done this before, every think that everyone said i new was going to be said but i didn't interact and say wow WTF just happened, i let it slide and this felt like id had done this a while back!!! this has happened to me a lot over the years!!

Has any had the same experience??
One time, I was playing JKII online, having a duel with some guy. And I started having this massive deja vu, and everything we were doing felt like we'd done it before. At one point he did a side flip off the platform we were on, and at the exact same moment I also did a flip in perfect time with him, and we crossed sabers. And the fight kept dragging on, deja vu and all, until I thought, "What happens next?!"

And then it ended and he struck me down.

I truly felt one with the Force that day.
You were one with the force, since your body was destroyed by his lightsaber.
I have Deja Vu quite alot, it is so weird when it happens.

I hate it but love it if you get me.
I have a funny deja vu feeling all the time, but for me I'm fairly certain I've actually done those things previously.
You live a repetitive life.

Haha, this is true.

Sometimes when I'm sitting at the computer and I press combination of keys on the keyboard, I swear I've pressed those exact same keys before!

But seriously though, it's more involved with the rare things that I do. Like get out of the house.
i had Deja vu with my gf once and i got in a lot of trouble because of it!!!!!
I've started to suspect that the feeling of deja vu comes from dreams that you can't quite remember.

Plenty of times I'll dream of a place or situation that has no real echo in my past experience; I'll make it all up. Later on down the road, if I find myself in a similar setting and remember the feeling from the dream (if not quite the dream itself) I might have a Keanu Reeves 'whoa' moment and call it deja vu.

I'm not being faggy and superstitious saying that dreams have predictive power btw. But for example that let's say that one time you dream something basic, like of a high up place, with railings, the sky a certain colour, whatever - then later on you are in an environment like that and recall it without understanding why. That's where I think it comes from, since once or twice I've felt deja vu and remembered the corresponding weird dream from my past.
I had two recently.

One was when I was talking to my ex on MSN, something in the room happened then I turned back to look at the screen and noticed I had seen it before.

Another time was when I was playing TF2, Dustbowl Stage 2, Cap 2. I was fighting with some BLU's, good think I knew what to do :D
Wouldn't it be nice to have Deja vu during sex, ah, one could only dream.
Yeh I used to get it a lot, haven't had it that much that past few months. It is usually rampant when you following a routine everyday.
Isnt it caused by a slight miscommunication in the brains (lasting less then a second) that make you think youve experienced it before? Think it doesnt have alot to do with dreams.

I saw an audition on American Idol a few weeks ago that I recounted almost entirely in my memory (not word for word but the gist) despite it being a new episode. Explain THAT shit.
I dream stuff then remember the dream moments before the event is supposed to happen , then it happens. I shit you not.
I just got back from a run over a common route, except I seemed oddly unfamiliar with it... so much so that I almost wrote it down. Now I come here, read this thread and look at the wikipedia page for deja vu, and on there explains the phenomenon I felt earlier as 'Jamais vu'. Sweet :D
I've started to suspect that the feeling of deja vu comes from dreams that you can't quite remember.

Plenty of times I'll dream of a place or situation that has no real echo in my past experience; I'll make it all up. Later on down the road, if I find myself in a similar setting and remember the feeling from the dream (if not quite the dream itself) I might have a Keanu Reeves 'whoa' moment and call it deja vu.

I'm not being faggy and superstitious saying that dreams have predictive power btw. But for example that let's say that one time you dream something basic, like of a high up place, with railings, the sky a certain colour, whatever - then later on you are in an environment like that and recall it without understanding why. That's where I think it comes from, since once or twice I've felt deja vu and remembered the corresponding weird dream from my past.
I remember reading, or hearing, that deja vu might actually be the result of certain kinds of dreams, which have the partial purpose of 'rehearsing' likely possibilities and situations, if in a very strange way. So when we get deja vu it is simply a moment when a dream-rehearsal happens to match, in some way, a real happening. In fact, I bet it was Dan who said that. Bastard.

The problem with this, and with what you say, is that whenever I get deja vu it is achingly specific. It is almost always to do with a particular sequence of words, a particular conversation, a particular emotional landscape covered. What is more, I experience a very intense perception of not merely remembering this having happened before, but remembering that at some real point in my recent life I remember remembering it. There is the powerful suspicion that this really has happened at a specific point. It's all very odd.
I saw an audition on American Idol a few weeks ago that I recounted almost entirely in my memory (not word for word but the gist) despite it being a new episode. Explain THAT shit.

I don't think anyone can explain why you watch American Idol.
So when we get deja vu it is simply a moment when a dream-rehearsal happens to match, in some way, a real happening.

The problem with this, and with what you say, is that whenever I get deja vu it is achingly specific.
A common theory is that it's your brain lagging behind a split second, so it feels as if you've done the same thing twice.
On another forum I me and a guy were discussing something, and the thread ended up dying. Then a month later the thread was bumped and he made 2 different replies. I skimmed over the first not recognizing it was a reply to me, but responded to the second. Later I read the first reply, and I could have sworn it was from a month ago, but it was from an hour ago.

I'm not sure that was deja vu, but it scared the shit out of me.
I get Deja Vu at least once a week now. I used to get it a lot during my childhood too but it was more special then and meant something. Since it happens so often I usually don't even care anymore to try and change things. Tonight I had one when I saw the music video of the Beatles 'I am the Walrus'

Also I'm wondering if everyone experiences this or if its only certain people.
i used to get it a lot, but i haven't had it [properly] in years.

its a weird experience, but it has never happen in a situation that can help me.
I dream stuff then remember the dream moments before the event is supposed to happen , then it happens. I shit you not.

I get this, or something similar. I'm dreaming and in the dream I think that I've dreamed this before (even though for some reason, I do not realise I'm dreaming and make it a lucid dream). When I wake up and remember the dream, I realise that I hadn't actually dreamed it before and that feeling was false.
I never used to get it until about a two years ago. Now it happens more and more frequently.