Dejavou Dream

Here u can read some various mystical mumbo jumbo:

There u can read this also:
There is a study that is ongoing. That when a body dies there is 4-12 oz of unexplained weight loss at the point of death. In the studies all body fluids and waste was keep with the body. Yes I believe there is some form of energy that is omitted for the body and remains around. Good topic I would dearly love to here a lot of input on this one. Mary

its shure something to ponder about. I dont know what to think.strange.
Oh come on, this is off-topic and you know it. :E
*moved to off-topic forum*
i thought there was a theory of when going beyond the speed of light time has a different meaning ex ten years on earth = 1 year for someone who is at the speed of light. please dont take the example seriously about the time but iv heard this a number of times, about how time at light speed

oh adn babout the einstein quote i was only telling u why one of the smartest men in history believed in an after life. and i dont think he was talking about kenitic energy.
The mental impression that a new experience (e.g., a scene, sight, sound, or action) has happened before; a common phenomenon in normal persons that may occur more frequently or continuously in certain emotional or organic disorders. Also variously referred to as deja entendu, deja eprouve, deja fait, deja pense, deja vu, deja vecu, or deja voulu, depending on the experience or sense that is evoked.
I've been having a series of dreams lately. Starting Tuesday, I had this dream where it was completely black, and I just see someone or something walking towards me, but it doesn't get any closer. And the whole dream just continues like that. And every night I have the dream again and it gets closer, but I can't make out what it is yet. Scary shit.
its weird, when i dream, i can see things going on, like enough for me to describe it but when i wake up, i cant remember anything from it.
when i dream, i c things, but when i try to make it out, it suddenly becomse blurry and i cant see anything. and aboutl ucid dreams, i have those many times. in fact, i had one last night. it was so realistic it was scarry, its like i was there.