delay = loyality?

Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
loyality.. hmm is that a word? whatever

if you truly think about it doesn't this make sense more

valve delays because they want to release a GOOD game and please the fans. Therefore by delaying the game would better than just releasing it because if it's not released, obviously they're gonna work much longer on fixes then if they released it. therefore, how about we thank valve for delaying.... it.... ? (god how screwed up does that sound?)

i dunno about all of you, but i'm using this extra time to upgrade my computer. because when hl2 is released.. heh nothings getting me away from this screen.

(feel free to delete this thread if you feel it's "spam" or some crap)
see the thing with me is, and lots of the other people, we upgraded, and in my case, got a completely new computer for sept 30th, because was was always coming out on the 30th, now its delayed, that just pisses me off.
Originally posted by Tek
the game is done, BLAME STEAM.

I blame 3drealms. Because of them, developers like Valve think it's okay to break release dates. :P

(please don't take me seriously)
i agree, confusion cuases anger more than the delay... and why do other sites always talk for valve/venvidi.. they never speak for themselves
i think if steam wasn't here to start with we may have the game now
Nobody is complaining about the delay raising the potential for a better game. Mainly, we're pissed that Valve chose to deceive their fans by hiding the delay from us until the last minute.
The word is loyalty.

No one here KNOWS the REASON for delay so saying that they are were HIDING it from us is PREMATURE and possibly ERRONEOUS.
Valve is a company. They are loyal to $$$. It's just blatantly obvious that they knew the game wouldn't make it back in July as they told (apparently) Vivendi AND gaming magazines. They tell the rest of us 6 days before release whilst affirming the date was the 30th. That sucks.

I don't get why unless they thought to make the delay more palatable by waiting until it was obvious to 90% of thinking humans that there was a delay.

I also believe Steam has a lot to do with it. It couldn't serve up enough content right now to do HL2. Not even close.
i hope we find out :/ ffs it was comin out on tues, now we have to wait months :(

I think valve....needs their own website with OFFICIAL HL2 NEWS!!! SO WE DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE FAKE E-MAILS!!!
Re: web

Originally posted by Pauly
I think valve....needs their own website with OFFICIAL HL2 NEWS!!! SO WE DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE FAKE E-MAILS!!!

Yep. Someone needs to introduce them to the concept of a News Page and a Press Release Page on their website.
valve should end this guessing game right now and come clean. they think they can push us around by lying and delaying. DEMAND information, they owe it to us, the consumers
they dont owe us anything, but they should have had the decency to tell us what was up.
Re: web

Originally posted by Pauly
I think valve....needs their own website with OFFICIAL HL2 NEWS!!! SO WE DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE FAKE E-MAILS!!!

ive been saying that forever, but its too simple and logical to happen

btw, whichever mod just deleted my "gabe needs some love" thread, congrats on the fastest thread delete *ever*. I went to read it to check the link and it was already gone.:eek:
I think developers should just stick to general release dates like Quarter 4 2003 or the like as release dates are always nothing more than general goals anyways.
Originally posted by Ahnteis
The word is loyalty.

No one here KNOWS the REASON for delay so saying that they are were HIDING it from us is PREMATURE and possibly ERRONEOUS.

Actually I think when someone asked Erik from valve why it was delayed he said, "because it isnt done"

So dont say they have no reason to delay it. And Steam has very little to do with it. They wouldnt compleatly hault the printing of HL2 and stop from shiping it if steam wasnt working right. If steam was as screwed up as you make it out to be then they wouldnt still be making hl2 avalable through it.
I disagree Fender, I really think the two major reasons HL2 is delayed is Steam and nVIDIAs poor performing drivers (possibly the cards themselves...?) I mean, they want Steam to be THE THING for many years to come. I think they hope to licenese it out to other companies (gaming or non) as a way to keep everything nice and updating/warez proof (possibly).

So if they cant get Steam to work well enough to thousands and thousands of gamers using thier broadand wanting at least a 100KBs DL rate , without crashing or choking, they they shall wait until they can accomplish that mighty task. If they release HL2 in stores and not over Steam, Steam would be a forgotten waste, huge profit loss. I mean, I honselty dont like Steam, the idea is wonderful (cept for having to be online to play SP) but its just too slow to DL stuff of it, and it keeps crashing , and killed me FPS (used to get solid 100 sans Steam).

This is also why Spitdfry said it seemed so calm at Valve. I mean, nvidia is prob working thier tails off, and the Steam dev team, while the whole other huge part of Valve just keeps bug testing the (most likely) "nearly" done HL2.

I dont think they gave a crap if it wouldnt hit STORES by the 30th, as long as it hit Steam. Thats why they prob waited so long to inform everyone of the delay. Cus if they could get a week or two headstart they would make MUCH more money. They take ALL the money from someone buying it on Steam, while only a mere percent of sales thru the store selling boxes! Remember, no one controls the release except Vavle, wich is vastly diff then most game dev companies. Talk about power.

SUmmerize: Steam and nVIDIA drivers caused delay IMHO.
Yes, we should all gravel at their feet for locking us out with no info as to wtf happened.

Bend over please.
Delays happen so damn reguarly, so I dont blame Valve for not finishing HL² in time, it needs to be done. On the other side I seriously think they should have told us, they must have known some time in advance it wouldn't happen. But if I have any idea how Gabe is as a person he already feels really REALLY bad about the delay. Aww that poor huggable guy 8( ;(
no i think we are all blaming valve, because they tell us the delay 6DAYS before release!!!
Originally posted by hunter-killer25
valve should end this guessing game right now and come clean. they think they can push us around by lying and delaying. DEMAND information, they owe it to us, the consumers


forget it.
Originally posted by Fender357
They wouldnt compleatly hault the printing of HL2 and stop from shiping it if steam wasnt working right.

I disagree with that! Steam is HL2s launcher, updater, online gaming server browser, and anti-cheating/pirating tool. If Steam doesn't work right, HL2 doesn't go anywhere, and they're not going to drop Steam after years of work and after dumping WON ids and making everyone upgrade HL, CS, etc.

Steam hasn't handled any major demand well yet. I just hope they give the Bink videos a try again soon.
i dont think its just one thing that is delaying it. its more likely a combination of steam not being able to handle the load, HL2 not being done and needing time for small bug fixes, nvidia's cards being shit, and vivendi wanting them to release it later. it just works for everyone a lot better that is involved, and for us because we wont get a rushed game that has a horrible steam release with a rediculous number of steam users not being able to download and servers crashing...its just not ready for that

the bink videos never ha dmuch of a problem with dl, they are probably just too busy to be spending time on them, as steam really needs optimizing.

and while steam hasnt handles a severe load yet, it still has difficulty with what it does release, look at everyone who is having problems
Sending emails to Gabe etc seems to be working fine, so why dont anyone do that and ask them these questions directly? Since I believe the game is quite finnished (seemed quite finnished in those movies anyway)... meaning they got some time to answer? :D
This is also why Spitdfry said it seemed so calm at Valve. I mean, nvidia is prob working thier tails off,

I'm not saying this is true or not. Although it does sound reasonable, why would they want to release a game that wont play nice on a huge part of the gamers' systems?

Also, this could be an explanation as to why they are not giving us any reasons for the delay.

Essentially, Valve just hit nVidia where it hurts, real bad. HL2 and Source put nVidia in a very difficult position, more so than ever before. What I mean is this: nVidia must be putting a lot of pressure (ie: money) on Valve to wait until the next set of drivers.

Hopefully, if my theory is correct (cuz that's all it is,) if the next set of drivers show no improvement Valve will release Source/HL2 and nVidia will be on its own.

^^^^^ llueve
Can you substantiate that with any info/facts. "Trust me guys, I'm king of the world." Thank you ;-p
erm, yeah, you know these steam conversation screenies that other people have been posting, it was one of them.
Originally posted by Homer
they dont owe us anything, but they should have had the decency to tell us what was up.

they dont owe us anything? do you realize we pay their bills by buying their games?
Originally posted by hunter-killer25
i dunno about all of you, but i'm using this extra time to upgrade my computer. because when hl2 is released.. heh nothings getting me away from this screen.

Exactly what I'm doing. I'm glad it's delayed because if it were to come out September 30th, I'd play buy it and play it. Then I'd be pissed off because I played it with crappy graphics and didn't get the full experience. This way, I'll be able to play it with max graphics when I get the game and get the full experience.
Originally posted by Tlaloc
I'm not saying this is true or not. Although it does sound reasonable, why would they want to release a game that wont play nice on a huge part of the gamers' systems?

Also, this could be an explanation as to why they are not giving us any reasons for the delay.

Essentially, Valve just hit nVidia where it hurts, real bad. HL2 and Source put nVidia in a very difficult position, more so than ever before. What I mean is this: nVidia must be putting a lot of pressure (ie: money) on Valve to wait until the next set of drivers.

Hopefully, if my theory is correct (cuz that's all it is,) if the next set of drivers show no improvement Valve will release Source/HL2 and nVidia will be on its own.

^^^^^ llueve

hmmm..interesting, i hadn't thought of it that way yet..
Originally posted by MaDMaXX
Trust me guys, steam isn't the hold up.

How do you know? Do you have special info? Our (admitted) speculations on Steam are based on experience with Steam thus far and their own admissions that the release didn't go well and that they had "catastrophically underestimated" community demand.
Guess why other companies never give release dates? It's because thier so called fans are a bunch of whining crybabies that feel personally insulted if the game slips past the release date. (Even though it happens with every game except Matrix:Reloaded and we all know what a pile of sludge that was.)
i to, thought steam may be some of the hold up, so i asked.