Delay threads - BAN. READ!

I have no idea why people would fake e-mails. For fun?

In fact, yesterday someone claiming to be Doug Lombardi added me to Steam. They even had his e-mail address and everything. I was fooled until he started blaming me for Half-Life 2's delay.

Now who would do such a thing?
The fake email(s) were probubly made by students who have access to PC's and far too much spare time on their hands. Not that I have anything against students in general but half the worlds net problems, be they virii or trojan, hacker or blocker comes from the academic community.
Originally posted by xBaM
people who send these fake emails should be shot in the face
Exactly. Why the hell would you want to muddy the murky waters of release date speculation even further? Unless of course your heart is pure, darkest evil pumping bile round your cold veins.
And your life an empty sham that can only be filled with the torment of others.

By the way, has there been any word on reasons for the delay or any further comment since I went to sleep last night (UK time, natch)?
He works for Valve.

EDIT: Check the Valve Info Thread.

He also mentions that they are still "Finalising the new schedule". To me, this strongly implies that this delay is recent and they haven't known about it since July.
That's what I was thinking. Personally, I'd like to think it's Vivendi's fault and not Valve's, but it hardly matters. Valve will deliver in shed-loads when we hit release day. And if it IS in November, then it's the 5 year anniversary of HL1 - now isn't that cute?:)
Still some explanation would be nice - when do people reckon that'll happen? I mean, it has to happen some time right?
They do seem pretty busy with fixes to steam and cs and also they will be working on whatever has caused the delay so all in all they will be pretty busy but it would be nice to receive some form of official word as to why.

Delays happen in game development, we all know it and there's no changing it but my only real gripe with the whole thing is the lack of information we've been given. It would take a day to make an official hl2 website and put news up on it to keep the knowledge in one place. Two firms the size of valve and vivendi should't have to rely on games news sites to converse with each other and with their potential customers.

All in all I think the delay is a combination of things. HL2 and steam etc have thrown up some new ideas:

HL2 is a massive move forwards in game technology.
Steam is a whole new way of shipping a game.
Payment plans are a whole new idea for a game release.
SP only and sp+mp boxed sets is very uncommon.
Mods and SDK's etc on a bigger scale than ever before.

All in all a company could probably manage one or two of those things and meet a deadline but factor all 5 of those things in and add in a publisher that wants to make money (justifiably so imho) and devs that want to make money from the release and then throw the ati vs nvidia war and game bundles plus re-coding for some dx9 gfx cards into the mix you've just got too much going on at once.
I was expecting it to happen so I personally am not that annoyed its just a shame it happened on the last week before release But it would be nice If they apologised to all the millions of gamers around the world that were anticipating the release and suddenly got horribly disappointed I feal for you guys, come on all Group Hug. :naughty:
Originally posted by Munro
Read this:

Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Delivered-To: [email protected]
Received: (qmail 30444 invoked by uid 524); 25 Sep 2003 00:19:13 -0000
Delivered-To: [email protected]
Received: (qmail 30437 invoked from network); 25 Sep 2003 00:19:13 -0000
Received: from (
by with SMTP; 25 Sep 2003 00:19:13 -0000
Received: from ([])
(InterMail vM. 201-229-121-137-20020806) with SMTP
id <>
for <[email protected]>; Thu, 25 Sep 2003 01:19:17 +0100
To: "" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "Doug Lombardi" <[email protected]>
From: "Doug Lombardi" <[email protected]>
Subject: Half Life 2 Gone Gold
X-Mailer: Ghost Mail 5.1
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-Id: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 01:19:17 +0100

I think we can guess Gabe doesn't use NTL, an UK ISP to send his mails. Also got a couple from India!

Eh? Wtf? CONFUSION! :eek:
Fascism, I think you'll find.
Communism is different.
Besides, Munro's right on that one: Too many people are making personal attacks at Valve without knowing anything more than at the moment it's slipped. Not cool.
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
Eh? Wtf? CONFUSION! :eek:

Tis the e-mail headers, the stuff that computers use to deliver the thing from one place to another.

You usually won't see this stuff in Outlook Express and the like.

If you look closely you can see it originated somewhere near an NTL server since that was its first port of call.

ie. "Received: from ([])"

Servers are listed in reverse order they are encountered, with most recent at the first.

Its like adding a stamp to the e-mail at every major posting junction.
Let me preface this by noting that I might be posting something completely unoriginal here. I have tried to find this elsewhere, but it’s hard to wade through a googolplex of posts by banned 13 year olds about why Gabe no longer “roxxors”.

Maybe this delay is in everyone’s best interests. All the goobers who bought pc’s (and will probably still have to upgrade whenever Doom 3 comes out) are doing their part to bolster the waning tech market. People notice a stink pretty quick, and maybe the rotting-corpse kind of stench so replete on these forums will increase public awareness of HL2, and any press is good press.

And to all the whiners posting their exponentially increasing drivel about why they just can’t bring themselves to show their all-important respect to a company like Valve:
<Vitriol> This delay “news” has you so wadded up that you’ve completely forgotten how impossibly miserable your virginal little lives are, which is what you wanted HL2 to do for you in the first place. </Vitriol>
No matter what is posted, what is said, i'll see what happens the 30th, and if nothing really happens, not even an announcement from valve on steam or any other way, i'm sending a peaceful, harmonic e-mail to gabe in which i politely and sincerely request information about the reason of this kind of communication with a whole gaming community, millions of anticipating gamers worldwide, and me.

My opinion: i don't think they'll delay for the money... i mean they made millions and millions of pure half-life profit, they're not really that tight in their wallets are they? Maybe if in their contracts with some company, in fine print, it states they can't release and can't speak a word of it BECAUSE it's stated in the contract (am i confusing you? :P) then.... well.... uh... what was i saying? ..... oh yeah, then we're screwed.
Originally posted by Interl@ce
No matter what is posted, what is said, i'll see what happens the 30th, and if nothing really happens, not even an announcement from valve on steam or any other way, i'm sending a peaceful, harmonic e-mail to gabe in which i politely and sincerely request information about the reason of this kind of communication with a whole gaming community, millions of anticipating gamers worldwide, and me.

What are you expecting them to say on the 30th? "Yep, Half-Life 2 is still delayed. We were right about the delay". It's delayed, they've told us. There is no lack of communication.

Originally posted by Interl@ce
My opinion: i don't think they'll delay for the money... i mean they made millions and millions of pure half-life profit, they're not really that tight in their wallets are they? Maybe if in their contracts with some company, in fine print, it states they can't release and can't speak a word of it BECAUSE it's stated in the contract (am i confusing you? :P) then.... well.... uh... what was i saying? ..... oh yeah, then we're screwed.

It's delayed because they are taking more time to work on the game to get rid of the bugs and make the game polished and great.

People seem to overlook that as a reason for the delay.
yeah well maybe because they've had 5 years of developement time and were playtesting for a long time too, and they were "oh so certain" at E3 about the september release, and the footage looked so good, and when spitcodfry was there only 2 people seemed even 'busy' with something hl2 related, that we all might have thought it was as good as gold.

...and yeah i am kinda bothered by the fact they keep answering all the e-mails we've sent them, answered every single question (which no-one had done like that before, it's really great of them), but all that time only replied with "no comment" on every delay question.