Delete our own posts


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Why aren't we allowed to do that?

And why can't moderators delete threads rather than closing them?
Deleting your own posts could lead to something like the following:

Shuzer: tommie you SUCK!
tommie: no flaming!
*Shuzer deletes post*
Shuzer: What are you talking about? :angel:

It would lead to more problems than good.
Shuzer hit the nail on the head

We tried it, and IIRC also longer edit timelimits and basically thats the kind of thing it promoted. Two people that I remember off hand were banned for pulling stunts like that. So yeah its a bad idea. Even though the staff can see whats been deleted, users can't and it will cause trouble.
how about closing our own threads then?
How about closing other people's threads?
No shuzer your wrong :P, you can do that now if you want by just editing your post to say something completely different.
Fat Tony! said:
No shuzer your wrong :P, you can do that now if you want by just editing your post to say something completely different.
for an instant ban, so I'd not recommend it.
Exactly, so if someone would do the same sort of thing by deleting the post instead then they get banned. But it doesnt matter really, my arguement goes against me since the only use of deleting posts would be if you said something offencive or whatever which can be changed with an edit. My Bad :)
there sould be a "request delete" button, which if a mod sees a post that has been alerted by the poster to be deleted, teh mod can either delete it or leave it be. A lot easier than asking a mod through a PM, or editing the post to say "delete this please" imo.
I still don't see why you would want to delete your own posts.

It's not like you can go in the past and remove spoken words. Things are fine as is.

The only people who can erase the past on these forums are the moderators; just like the government of the real world.

holy ****ing shit, you ban anyone that pisses you off because all you do is sit in front of your computer.
You damn fat ass.
johnyksjdf324 said:
holy ****ing shit, you ban anyone that pisses you off because all you do is sit in front of your computer.
You damn fat ass.

Wow. Just wow.
johnyksjdf324 said:
holy ****ing shit, you ban anyone that pisses you off because all you do is sit in front of your computer.
You damn fat ass.

lol, hope you had a nice stay here. Because I cant imagine it lasting much longer...
Is there any possiblity of being able to close your own thread?
If somebody acted like an idiot, then I think his post should stay. Covering up your ass is lame.

Yes, it's trivial. But that's why I don't agree with the ability to delete your own posts.
Shuzer said:
Deleting your own posts could lead to something like the following:

Shuzer: tommie you SUCK!
tommie: no flaming!
*Shuzer deletes post*
Shuzer: What are you talking about? :angel:

It would lead to more problems than good.

As Dark Elf said, you hit the nail on the head, BUT!

,but you can already do that
[no offense meant here]
PunisherUSA: Shuzer you suck! blah blah [flame stuff]
Shuzer: no flaming haha you can't delete your post!
*as long as it has been less than 15minutes (or whatever the time is) replaces his post with words of love)

Now the thread looks like this:
PunisherUSA: Shuzer you are great and smart and handsome! I want to grow up to be just like you!
Shuzer: no flaming haha you can't delete your post!
PunisherUSA: Why do you toy with my feelings ;(

Oops. FatTony said this already. But it's fun mimicking how shuzer put it!
No hard feelings :E

And as to Dark Elf... can't you ban people who delete their posts in such a fashion? In fact editing is worse because a flame can become words of praise with an edit, but by deleting, it is simply gone. But what do I care...
the simplest solution, I think, would to put in a small "this post has been deleted by" line in place of the large post box. Like what the ignore thing does.

That way, it stops stupidty while preventing too much confusion from missing posts and such.
Welll... Sven Co-op's forums toyed with deleting posts; we allowed users the ability to delete threads that they started, but not individual posts. We've disabled it now, but at the time the sheer number of "oops wrong forum/didn't want to post that please remove it" requests was a strong factor in implementing it in the first place...
I haven't read through the entire thread, but I just thought I would share this. How about a compromise? Instead of letting them completely delete their posts, give them the power to lock it. As stated somewhere up the list of posts, someone noted their concern that if people were able to delete their threads when they thought they were done, someone else might come along later wanting to know the outcome of the discussion. I think allowing for locking of his or her posts would be nice, in some ways, for I think to much chaos would come from everyone deleting threads when they feel it should be.