Deleting vertices

use backspace to delete them

EDIT: you might also wanna get rid of the smooth modifier for now... it might be keeping the vertices as a subdivision guide
I usually just weld them to a vert you want to keep.

Never knew about the backspace though, you learn something new everyday. :D
Welding them to something you want to keep is a good idea because there are implicit edges there that you cant see or edit. I've noticed that a quad is not really a quad so much as it is two triangles, and if you delete the edges of too many triangles, the program can't figure out what you want and just deletes the face. So you could delete the face then go back and fill in the face with a polygon creation tool.
archvilell said:
Welding them to something you want to keep is a good idea because there are implicit edges there that you cant see or edit. I've noticed that a quad is not really a quad so much as it is two triangles, and if you delete the edges of too many triangles, the program can't figure out what you want and just deletes the face. So you could delete the face then go back and fill in the face with a polygon creation tool.

or you can always use editable mesh...

I tend to just use editable poly, make triangles when I need them, and for quads I'm not sure of I just use the "make planar" tool
idd, and just fyi, under I think "edit vertex/geometry" u can select verts & click Remove. I really wish using make planar would let you select an edge/vert as a pivot :(