Demise of Terra
Introduction: Me and a friend have an idea for a mod that we would like to create. I am a Web Master and a Web Programmer, my friend is a mapper. We are looking for anyone that has experience in mod developing and that is willing to help us out in any way that they can. We currently do not have a website for I am looking for someone to make a template for the site.
General: It takes place in the year 2040. The theme is supernatural; it consists of two teams, the Mephistopheles the evil team and The Condemers the good team. The objective for the evil team is to taint different areas of the land so it can take control over the earth. The good team needs to stop them from doing this. The location is on earth and is mainly outside. The game is going to be Multiplayer.
Gameplay: This mod will have a unique feature that will allow you to create your own character by upgrading yourself. It is going to be a first person shooter and sometime it is going to go into cinematic view on its own. Each team will have its own unique items and each player will be totally different from the next. There will also be NPC in the game at your disposal.
Story: The evil creatures have found a way to escape from hell and go onto earth, with this they will try and take over the world. The angels and some of the humans have found out about this plane that they have and are going to stop them. The angels and the humans have joined teams so they can defeat the demons.
Contact Information:
Email- [email protected]
MSN- [email protected]