Demomen thoughts

Uber Kitty

May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Why do demomen get 1) 2 weapons that can basically kill a weak class with 1 hit, while all the other classes get 1? 2) Why do they get an amazingly powerful medium range gun, AND an immensly powerful close range gun? 3) demo-jump ability 4) a gun that reloads fast enough to get a constant stream of explosions in a particular corner 4) a gun that sets traps at the same time as exploding them, 5) the ability to hinder an entire team from passing a corner and 6) speed

Demomen have become the basic attacking class that fills every role rather than the soldier. They have so many abilities and are so powerful, they have taken over so many positions. They get so many more abilities than other classes (all of which take no real skill, just basic demoman dynamics.)

Just my 2 cents on yet another buff/weaken idea.

I have been playing more medic and pyro, lately so maybe demoman is their main enemy which is why I feel that he is over powered. Anything I mentioned here that you guys disagree with? My mind is open.

Also, I almost exclusively play dustbowl.
Seems like demo nade fall behind the class you are healing, on to you.
Demo spam pisses me off but it's easily fixed if your team has a bloody clue how to stop it.
Leave Demoman alone ;(

But yeah, they are everywhere these days.
4) a gun that reloads fast enough to get a constant stream of explosions in a particular corner

A single demoman isn't any big deal but when half of the other team is spamming grenades, and sticky bombs it becomes annoying.
A single demoman isn't any big deal but when half of the other team is spamming grenades, and sticky bombs it becomes annoying.

Same can be said for the Soldier. Get 5 soldiers, you can just stand in a door way holding the fire button.
I remember I used to think the Demoman was underpowered after his nade launcher was downgraded after the beta...not anymore.
I love playing as demoman but I have no problem fighting against them either, I don't think they're overpowered.
Demoman is one of my favourite classes, I played it almost exclusively from the offset. The thing about a fast reloading gun isn't true, I find myself hindered greatly waiting for reloads. Secondly they got a big ammo drop recently along with the soldier. Only 20 grenades for the launcher now, and trust me...they run dry quickly. Dispensers become godsends.

Other than that, I agree they have good speed and a variety of ways to attack, but those are just the perks. If you ever meet a demoman in an open environment you'll usually have the upper hand being a scout / soldier / heavy / engineer / medic / sniper / pyro. Whip out a shotgun / rocket launcher / or machine gun and chip away at a demoman's health puts him in real trouble. Stickies are avoidable and grenades are only an issue if you get hit dead on with a crit. Few players are that good though ;)
Same can be said for the Soldier. Get 5 soldiers, you can just stand in a door way holding the fire button.

! demoman can reload fast enough to always have a nade on the floor. Even if it doesnt explode, people wont run next to one.

Stickies are avoidable and grenades are only an issue if you get hit dead on with a crit. Few players are that good though ;)

Stickies are not hard to avoid at all. All demomen need to do is shoot at their feet to stop pyro rushes or something, and if they shoot more than one at a time (like good ones do) they are impossible to avoid.
yup, its not about amount of nades, it sthe speed he shoots and reloads them
His weapons taken the longest time to reload out of any weapons.
Their weakness will always be being caught in the open. A scout, soldier, sniper, heavy etc will tear them a new one. The regular nades are't much of a threat either - it's all about the stickies.

The demoman is pretty much fine at the mo.
Yeah, like Warbie said demomen are hopeless in the open. I play scout alot and demomen are easily my favorite target, you can even bet them to death while they are reloading.

On Dustbowl it gets tricky since they are often covered by sentries and heavies and thus saved from 1v1 combat. Try going spy or sniper, they can be quite easy targets since they tend to spend all there time looking one way and have quite predictable movement patterns.
Fast reload? The hell I do.

Sounds like you just absentmindedly walk into stickies a lot.
Fast reload? The hell I do.

Sounds like you just absentmindedly walk into stickies a lot.

Its regular nades that get me most, they are always in a random corner, constantly exploding

A good demoman can use his stickies against any other class in the open. The are one of the best mid range weapons.
Why do demomen get 2 weapons that can basically kill a weak class with 1 hit, while all the other classes get 1?

isn't the same as the rocket launcher?

4) a gun that sets traps at the same time as exploding them

If you're talking about being able to explode sticky bombs while not on the sticky launcher I agree, I think sticky bombs should ONLY be able to be detonated while on the sticky launcher.

5) the ability to hinder an entire team from passing a corner

This is often the teams fault. I'll run into the sticky bombs so the demo will blow me up (and therefore the corner is free to pass!) but my team will just stay back and watch as the demo launches more sticky bombs...i mean, wtf.
isn't the same as the rocket launcher?

Thats only 1 weapon.

If you're talking about being able to explode sticky bombs while not on the sticky launcher I agree, I think sticky bombs should ONLY be able to be detonated while on the sticky launcher.This is often the teams fault. I'll run into the sticky bombs so the demo will blow me up (and therefore the corner is free to pass!) but my team will just stay back and watch as the demo launches more sticky bombs...i mean, wtf.

i mean, you can focus on detonating your trap at the same time as shooting more stickies at it. So the trap is never truly gone, even if you sacrifice yourself, there are still going to be at least 2 stickies already their. I heard an idea of a destruction button like the engy for the nades, but your idea was pretty good as well.
I play on a lot of dustbowl/warpath servers, and it's becoming more and more annoying to see 6 demomen on a team. Often times the attacking team on dustbowl will have ZERO offense classes, and look more like: 5 demo, 2 heavy, 2 medic, 3 sniper, 1 spy.

The fact is, if the demoman (defensive) is a better offensive class than the listed offensive classes, something needs to be changed. I think the two problems with the class that need to be fixed are:

1.) the 'delay' for sticky bombs needs to start when they STICK, not when they are fired. Making the class less effective at charging the enemy, since the enemy will have more time to avoid the sticky bomb.
2.) the sticky bombs need to have severely less damage, it should take ~5 to kill a solider. This way demo can't charge the enemy and be able to kill classes with 1-2 sticky bombs, but it would still be able to set traps at corners and cap points and kill with effectiveness.

Currently the grenade launcher does 64-132dmg and the sticky bombs do 108-160dmg ( is not right. You should get MORE damage from the grenades since they bounce (randomness) and are on a timer.

Or they need to make it so another class can destroy sticky bombs, like a pyro or maybe the scout pistol. I'm just really getting upset at the amount of people playing demo right now, and something needs to change to make them not so popular. The class is popular because of how powerful it is, make it less powerful and it will be less popular and even out the number of players again. least that's how I feel about it.
Thats only 1 weapon.

i mean, you can focus on detonating your trap at the same time as shooting more stickies at it. So the trap is never truly gone, even if you sacrifice yourself, there are still going to be at least 2 stickies already their. I heard an idea of a destruction button like the engy for the nades, but your idea was pretty good as well.

I tend to do that to for my teams but it's about 50/50 if someone sees that and thinks "Oh oppurtunity! " or if they get too scared to enter because i'm now in 8 pieces
ugh demomen piss me off. they are more like a coward class to me.
A single demoman isn't any big deal but when half of the other team is spamming grenades, and sticky bombs it becomes annoying.

Losers from TFC maybe.

My answer to demomen is to either run away entirely, or run at them keeping in close while I melt their face off with a sawn off barrel of pain.
Demomen are my worst enemy for most of the classes I play. They can just take an area so fast, 3 stickies do enough damage that when they go off you die even if you are a moderate distance away. And as Engineer it's not Spies or Invulerables that worry me the most it is the Demomen.