

Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score

As Barney escapes with a train full of citizens, Gordon and Alyx draw fire away from him. At least that’s what happened last officially. Whatever happened to Barney after was up to speculation as he was not seen in the last 10 minutes of episode one and not once in episode two. That is we didn’t know until now.

The story of Barney last concluded in 2006 with Barney waving bye to Alyx and Gordon as his train left the station. The rest is history: the couple fights off a strider and escapes as the core detonates. It seems that Barney got a clean getaway, but we all know that in every half-life game the door is always locked from the other side and something always drops out of the sky or crawls out of a pit to make the heroes’ lives more difficult than logically possible.

Derailed is a large total conversion set in the aftermath of Episode One. After his train gets knocked off the rails by a stray advisor pod somewhere in the outland, Barney and three other survivors of the crash have to make the rest of their escape journey on foot.

Ther journey as it's currently planned will take them through the wilderness, to the marina on the coast, through a combine food processing plant and past farmland to the largest resistance outpost outside City 17.

========= GAMEPLAY =========
This is not just "Left Half Dead" - new gameplay features will be included, such as:

- Players can now be headcrabbed and begin the process of zombification. Comrades must rescue them by removing the headcrab (De-crabbing)
- Three new believable characters (+ Barney) with their own scientifically though-out personality and dialog
- An immersive and strong storyline that will not be out of place in the half-life universe
- A new one-button fighting system for incredible close combat gameplay. Forget frying pans and crowbars, characters will take out enemies using their fists. The combat is based off Krav Maga and directed by an experienced fighter for realism.
- Advanced matching system will find the most compatible players for smooth gameplay

========= CHARACTERS =========
Barney Calhoun – former security guard at Black Mesa, uprising leader, good friend of Gordon’s. He’s funny, down-to-earth and likeable, but harbors an innate insecurity he’s not quite aware of. Although he’s a natural leader, in reality he would rather run the other way if he had the chance and no one was looking. It just seems that consequences out of his control keep thrusting him into situations where he is forced to take on a leadership role.
Personality type: ENFP

Ivan Dorozhniy – He’s regimented, inflexible, statistical, and reserved - except for his full beard. This man was made specifically to compliment as an opposite to Barney’s character, and also to fill the Half-Life series’ puzzling lack of big hairy beards. While towering at 6 foot 5 and weighing in at 260 pounds, he was the guy in high school that no one remembers. He was born and raised in Russia. Before the resonance cascade, he was a law student. Yes, he is based on Ivan the Space Biker.
Personality type: INTJ

Danny Kovacs –Strategic, brutally honest, aggressive and a downright asshole is a great way to describe this man. Raised in Canada and only 6 during the cascade, he became a commander of a resistance cell, planned and executed the City17 Sector i12 liberation, and is also a watermelon farmer by trade after the combine assault (so now we find out where all those melons came from too.) He’s a little jealous of Gordon Freeman, and thus over-exerts to prove his worth.
Personality type: ENTJ ENTJ

Jade Reynolds– Cute, naïve and optimistic even in the face of extreme hardship and suffering. She tries to nanny the others and appears very protective. She’s functionally a caretaker, but surprisingly good with a gun. The mess of testosterone between the three men needs a balance and cool-off, and she’s usually the first to quell the boyish competition between the guys. Always underestimated and treated like a little sister of the characters because of her small size and girly demeanor, she probably has more balls than any of the other three survivors in truth.
Personality type: ISFJ

========= ART =========

========= DERAILED COMMUNITY =========
Recent Post: "Stuff we're working on" is a link to the latest blog entry that tells you why we're quiet. Quiet doesn't mean dead!

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Is it okay to use HL2 content in L4D? Oh well, who cares. Good luck.
Looks sweet, I like the gimli like character with his axe. (Actually reminds of me Alan from The Hangover more!)

Looking forward to seeing some more media for this.
Oh god.

This could be awesome.

If you screw this up, I'll eat your children.
Oh my god its about time beards got the respect they deserve on the Source engine.
Jade character concept

EDIT - see mod page for art. Thanks Munro for fixing the multiple edit problem.
When will this be done? i know there's a lot of stuff and it would take a bit, but do you have any timerange idea for when it'll be complete?
It's probably dead.
haha! nice pun dude! but yeah it probably did get derailed