Derren Brown The Event

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Deleted member 56031

Anyone been watching this? Have to say I've been disappointed :(

The lottery one was a bit interesting but ultimately pointless once you realise that it just doesn't work. I'll admit I bought it at first considering it is derren brown after all and he is convincing but once people started to openly call the method utter crap it clearly was.

The newest one however really, really, really, really disappointed me. I was ready to be stuck to my seat and it just didn't ****ing work :( It worked with the people on the phones and on the tv but not in my house. There only was one other person with me when I watched it and it didn't work on either of us. Then derren tells us it has a less than 50% chance of success. I would have loved to if not be stuck myself then to at least see someone else get stuck before my own eyes. I'm really pissed off :(
I haven't seen the latest one, but I enjoyed the lottery event. Whether what he presented was the answer or not is kind of moot, as he made it fairly clear in several ways that focussing on winning the lottery rather than focussing on getting the numbers right was actually a bad thing, so even if you teamed up with a bunch of people to re-enact his 'deep maths' approach you'd have to do so with a care free attitude. That he didn't reveal the winning numbers to even his team of 24 before he left for the studio, kind of screams of misdirection tbh.
I don't have any time for charlatans like him or Blaine and their pathetic attention-whore stunts.
He's become progressively worse though, it won't be long.
I haven't seen any of this series, but I used to enjoy his earlier shows and I've heard a lot about the lottery stunt. What I've heard has been very disappointing. It sounds like there's very convincing evidence if not irrefutable proof that it was accomplished with just a camera trick, which, to me, sort of undermines everything else he's done. Obviously everything's a trick but a camera trick? You may as well call WETA effects 'magic'.

What I've heard of his 'deep maths' explanation sounds like utter, utter balls, too. Sounds like more people are coming away from this series disillusioned than impressed, tbh.
Obviously everything's a trick but a camera trick? You may as well call WETA effects 'magic'.
Cameras or mirrors or whatever, it makes his career rather like a typical B-Story in a Jonathan Creek episode, which can't be good at all.
Did not stick me or my mum to our seats either. Shame. However I promised my dad I would eat my hat if he made me stick to my seat so I was very lucky.
I don't have any time for charlatans like him or Blaine and their pathetic attention-whore stunts.
He doesn't pretend to be really magical or a messiah. He clearly states his act is showmanship, misdirection and tricks. He's an extremely clever person, with fantastic skills at manipulating people and situations...there are few in the same league as Derren.

He's making a TV show, like he has for several series of Inside your Mind and Mind Control, as well as several's a bit difficult to not be the centre of attention when it's your show.

I find it great fun to watch and learn what is really going on. I've seen him on his live tour a few times now and he makes everyone feel really involved. It's all good fun.
My god did anyone watch this tonight? It was paradoxically the best episode I thought and I have to say I felt really sorry for derren, you could really hear the disappointment in his voice when it happened ;(