Describe your fellow forumnite.

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MarcoPollo said:
Why is TDE not a moderator anymore?

Because you touch yourself at night!

(sorry couldn't resist such a quick reference to family guy)

Ikerous said:
Thats what my spanish teacher writes on all my essays ^_^
I think.. i'm not real sure though, she writes it in spanish :-/
Ikerous - makes me laugh. Not that that's difficult seeing as I'm pissed. But bravo anyways.
Seriously though - Siento mucho que su maestro español es tan grosero a usted. Quizá si usted entró el contacto con las personas correctas, usted la podría tener "cuidó" de.

el Chi - is perfectly aware of the fact that should NOT be used for homework...

lePobz said:
el Chi is cool, despite being a poncy southerner ;)
lePobz - has a vaguely French aspect to his name, despite being something of a Europhobe!? ;)
el Chi said:
Erestheux - forgot me.

el Chi - is mildly offended by Erestheux. And is listening to The Pixies
I apologize for missing you, but I honestly didn't miss you, I just had no idea what to say about you, because I really have never seen you around much. Oh well.

el Chi has a Spongebob avatar, and has had it forever.
lepobz started upside down avatar week
vegeta: started the upside down avatar day and is mad at lepobz for ruining his holiday
el Chi said:
Venmoch - likes Eddie Izzard and Spaced and thus is also fabulous. By the way, Venmoch, I think your cats're drilling behind your sofa...

That'd be hard. I lack both cats and a sofa.....

I may need to look into this......
Innervision961 said:
Because you touch yourself at night!

(sorry couldn't resist such a quick reference to family guy)


sry couldn't resist this one either----->Peter:Hi i'd like some ice cream. What flavors do you have?
Ice cream guy: Vanilla, Chocolate, Human intestine.
Peter: What was that last one?
Ice cream guy: Chocolate.
many people: like Family guy are happy it is back
AntiAnto said:
rpgprog said:
I would think the most important day of my life is the day I was concieved cuz without that happening I would not be writing this message

Yeah it's always good to see that moment of your life... my parents filmed it and showed it to me. Always good to know where you come from.
antiauto may or may not be disturbed by this
Venmoch said:
That'd be hard. I lack both cats and a sofa.....
That's what you think. Although there's a very good chance you're right.

Erestheux said:
I apologize for missing you, but I honestly didn't miss you, I just had no idea what to say about you, because I really have never seen you around much. Oh well.

el Chi has a Spongebob avatar, and has had it forever.
Don't see you 'round too much either - more's the pity.
Spongebob's been with me for almost ever 'round here - started with Animal from the Muppets, but now it's Spogebob forever probably. And a Good Thing too.

Erestheux - has an av that makes me hate all nations and have seizures.
el Chi shouldn't be up.
FarrowLeSparrow also shouldn't be up.

Those damned essays. I haven't even been working on them, i've been procrastinating.
Yes all us UK ppl should be in BED! i have work to do but i havn;t seem to have gotten round to doing it yet....damn, well time to go bed and think of an excuse for my alevel chem teacher
Farrowlesparrow said:
el Chi shouldn't be up.
FarrowLeSparrow also shouldn't be up.

Those damned essays. I haven't even been working on them, i've been procrastinating.

Neither should I really......

Antianto: also lives in eastern time zone yet can do math. yay him.
Darkside55 - Has an avatar with the Imperial insignia from Star Wars on it, which very few people realized until he pointed it out in that "Name and Avatar - what do they mean?" thread.
ooohhh, I forgot:

He_Who_Is_Steve - googly eye man!!!
Alright, Ima just post random facts/thoughts about y'all as they come to mind. In no particular order (infact I purposely wrote them out of order) -

Ritz - Is hawt :naughty:

(And damnit, woman, I don't have a hat. I don't wear hats. A 'bad hat' is a person who likes to stir trouble. It has nothing to do with headgear, phallic or otherwise.)

Burnzie - Fell in love with the girl at the rock show :E (which, incidentally, puts him out of the running)

BHC - Once made a recording of the Pokemon rap from that LittleGamers strip. I still have it, PM me :)

Sui - Is the mad storyteller. Knows way too much about Warcraft.

Crushy - Has a big ass chair, a big ass plastic hammer, and a big ass fish tank.

(By the way, I always used to get BHC, Sui and Crushy confused for one another. I still don't know why. Anyone else?)

Prince Of China - For the life of me I can't remember his old name, but I know he had one. Loves Prince Of Persia. Hates Prince Of Persia forums.

Murray - Whoa, Dude. About the only person on IRC aside from myself who 'gets' 4chan.

CrazyHarij - Doesn't have time to bleed. Thinks I'm a pedo :D I still have the PM.

Outpost - Sechs! Thinks ninja masks are stylier than commando headbands.

Qckbeam - Uuuum... I remember something about socks being mentioned in an MSN convo in the past? Someone put my mind at ease, it was a group convo with like 10 people, Qck's the only one I remember.

Icarus - Has a surprisingly deep voice. Didn't remember me on MSN the other day :(

Ikerous - Occasionally writes in haikus. If after this post he starts it up again, that'll be like the third time I've provoked him back into doing it.

CptStern - ...what everyone else said.

MechaGodzilla - Don't mess. Master debateramificator.

TDE - Has changed. Idunno, just seems like a totally different person to Fenric. In a good way. Also has many bi ladeh friends. Hook a bruddah up :O

Pi - Is constantly pwning noobs on IRC, including me on a few occasions. Will probably lose his job if he lets slide any more info on his *cough* secret project.

nw909 - Random as a willy on a broomstick. Lost him to the SA forums. Hates furries.

Cybie - Has a freaky mo.

Farrow - Has freaky burnz.

Pendragon - Uber nice guy. Despite only talking to him after he posted his leaving thread, he still went out of his way to upload a bunch of Death Cab For Cutie to his personal webspace for me (even if half of them were misnamed Phish songs :D).

Shuzer - IS TEH SHUZER LOLZ! (crap, they took down all the user created sites on :()

RJMC - Is probably the only one who's actually learned something from these forums (better english).

Bad^Hat - Once sent me a PM telling me I was the one. Seriously, I didn't write the damn thing.
I am pretty surpirised at the amount of people that mentioned me...

I only read up to page 11... Sleeping and school can be real bitches in these situations.
Alright I just have a few things...

Burnzie uses in hax in Counter-Strike and team-kills incessantly...

dfc05 feeds crack cocaine to fishies...

Shuzer is now, in fact, a crazy dwarf...

I've yet to see Crushenator actually crush anything... he can feel free to start with AntiAnto's avatar, though! Speaking of AntiAnto, he is currently in a relationship with the famed Ronald McDonald. So while he may not *be* Ronald McDonald, they are certainly quite close.

And Prince of China used to be Tredoslop... worst... namechange... EVER...
I don't even know most of your names I just look at the avatar.
i dunno why reak said this...heh
Mr.Reak said:
Oh, hey ne0_shiny, go shine somewhere else, okay? You ruining my future, goddammit!
but yeah..
Mr.Reak says mean stuff...i guess
I am pretty surpirised at the amount of people that mentioned me...
i'm not. ur so cool :D

what's that? ur not a mod? :| :frown:
cybersh33p: as of friday, lacks a freaky mo.

also has a headache from blowing his nose so much and would rather die than have to wake up with a cold and go to school in the morning. seriously, please kill me.

If any of you see me around in like 3 years, please toss a nickel or something, even a little change helps :(
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Tron is not defined by his home state. He is defined by the fact that whomever makes him angry is denied his sweet lovin'.

Awwwww...yea baby.They can't resist my lovin....
Danimal said:

oooooooo! conspiracy theories, eh?

danimal is really cool :thumbs:

gosh.... i'm exhausted from all this sucking up. surely i've done enough now? :(
Ranga said:
its a .png file.... thats a picture, right?

i hope so.... me clicked it :frown:

chris_d is *teh best!* he's the lead editor, and a damn gd one!

do more.
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