Describe your sex life with a gaming qoute..


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Metal Gear Solid 3:

'only fast in bed' :stare:

'theres nothing like slamming a long greasy bullet into a well-oiled chamber' :eek:

Metal gear solid:
'huh... a surveilance camera'


Half life 2:

'hold on.............. hold on............... just a .....liitle ..........bit .......more............done'(alyx) :hmph:


are you a pervert?
Alyx: gordan theres somthing I've wanted to tell you

Gordon: ...

Alyx: I want your enoumous bar inside me

Gordon: ...

Alyx: Take me now man meat!!!

Barney: You're the man now dog!

Wait wtf that doesnt make any sence :|
"I can't hold on...much longer!"

"Rescued at last, thank god you're here!"

"Hey, over here! Eat lead you outer space octopus!"

"Well so much for the government, their idea of containment is to kill everyone associated with the project. Judging from your hazard suit, I'd guess you're part of what went wrong, isn't that right?"

No, I don't play RPG games.
kirov what games are those from and no im not a perv,there was a thread on mgs forum like this but usin mgs quotes,it was hilarious
jimbo118 said:
kirov what games are those from and no im not a perv,there was a thread on mgs forum like this but usin mgs quotes,it was hilarious

All Half-Life
'I like my women like I like my beer: stout an' bitter.' - WoW :P
Dont think these count but has anyone played enemy territory? The axis commands sound so camp!

/German-campness 'We need an engineer!'

/SUPER-camp German 'I'm an enginner' *wink wink*

Makes the game funny though. 'Dynamite planntttted' 'Bridge RE-IN...forced' ;)
This is a pretty funny thread! Bizarre and rather sad that we can equate our sex lives with computer games - they probably ought to be left separate :)
"The bomb has been planted"
<Duffman voice> Ooooh yeeeah!

<Sighs> I feel slightly dirty now.
For those whose sex life revolves around the G-man:

"Time, Dr Freeman? Is it really that time again?" :naughty:
kirovman said:
For those whose sex life revolves around the G-man
Whose doesn't!?
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman..."
"Gordon Freeman, in the flesh."
"Let's just say your hour has come again." That's stamina for you.
"Oooh Gordy you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Gordy!"

He may not have said that one in the games, as such. But in my head he's a fabulous all-singing all-dancing cabaret act.
el Chi said:
Whose doesn't!?
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman..."
"Gordon Freeman, in the flesh."
"Let's just say your hour has come again." That's stamina for you.
"Oooh Gordy you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Gordy!"

He may not have said that one in the games, as such. But in my head he's a fabulous all-singing all-dancing cabaret act.


"Dont worry, I wont look" -Alyx
You all have way to much time of your hands....
"I've got a present for ya!"

"That was left handed!"

Commando, C&C
Ritz said:
You all have way to much time of your hands....
As opposed to someone who chimes into a thread just to deride it?

No offense, just an observation...
Pi Mu Rho said:
"I've got a present for ya!"

"That was left handed!"

Commando, C&C
Ooooh, Gotta love the commando.

I went through all the moans and startles(In the hl2 sound file) before getting to this...

"Stop looking at me like that"
"Sometimes I wonder how I ever ended up with you"

hail to the king baby
gman voice: this is where i get off
el Chi said:
Whose doesn't!?
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman..."
"Gordon Freeman, in the flesh."
"Let's just say your hour has come again." That's stamina for you.
"Oooh Gordy you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Gordy!"

He may not have said that one in the games, as such. But in my head he's a fabulous all-singing all-dancing cabaret act.

"I took the liberty of relieving you of your clothes...err I mean weapons..."

"Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there, I am impressed"

"That's why I'm here Mr Freeman, I have recommended your 'services' to my employers, they have authorised me to offer you a [hand] job"

"rather an anti-climax, after what you've just survived"

"wisely done Mr Freeman, I will see you up in I mean ahead"

You're not gonna look at the G-man with a straight face after all this, eh?
Speaking about HL2 citizens :
"When this is all over, I'm gonna mate." ;)
el Chi said:
Whose doesn't!?
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman..."
"Gordon Freeman, in the flesh."
"Let's just say your hour has come again." That's stamina for you.
"Oooh Gordy you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Gordy!"

He may not have said that one in the games, as such. But in my head he's a fabulous all-singing all-dancing cabaret act.

lol the 3rd is the best so far next to mine of course :laugh: :|
kirovman said:
"I took the liberty of relieving you of your clothes...err I mean weapons..."

"Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there, I am impressed"

"That's why I'm here Mr Freeman, I have recommended your 'services' to my employers, they have authorised me to offer you a [hand] job"

"rather an anti-climax, after what you've just survived"

"wisely done Mr Freeman, I will see you up in I mean ahead"

You're not gonna look at the G-man with a straight face after all this, eh?

lol another good 1 :thumbs:
"wake up. Mr. freeman, wake up and smell the asses...."
"careful Lammar, those are quite fragile!"
"ah, yes, Gordon Freeman! Here, take this rocket launcher and I'll cum right up and lend a hand!"
-all from half-life 2

"your codename will be solid snake"
-from Metal Gear Solid. (does it really need any explenation?)"
Teta_Bonita said:
"wake up. Mr. freeman, wake up and smell the asses...."
"careful Lammar, those are quite fragile!"
"ah, yes, Gordon Freeman! Here, take this rocket launcher and I'll cum right up and lend a hand!"
-all from half-life 2

"your codename will be solid snake"
-from Metal Gear Solid. (does it really need any explenation?)"
haha :)

remember everyone(not directed at any1 in particular) they have to be real quotes,not your own sick fantasy 1s,*nervous laugh*
'oh my mr G-man, is that a G-string your wearing' - seductive Combine Soldier
" this is the gravity gun, you can call it the zerio point gravity manipulator if you REALLY want to"

"hmm, iv set the antimespectrometers to 50%, evrything should be fine"
"thats what you said last time!"

"...not to imply you'd been sleeping on the job, nobody is more deserving of a rest than you..."
You know I changed my mind...

I think the title of this thread says all anyone needs to know about our sex lives :x