Desert Eagle (WIP)



Hey all, I've been working on my second model and I wanted to show you guys my progress and see what you think. I'm working on the back right now and the top and front of the gun need to be done. So far I think it's looking 100 times better than my Baretta 9000 did, but I'm still using the same methods. I'm doing this one without help of following any instructions so it's taking a little more time, but I'm proud of it thus far.


  • DEagle WIP 1.JPG
    DEagle WIP 1.JPG
    62.1 KB · Views: 358
  • DEagle WIP 2.JPG
    DEagle WIP 2.JPG
    55.7 KB · Views: 317
that is nice man, that really is something to be proud of :)

that looks really nice there man. keep it up, its all good practice. for your second model, its really good, very clean mesh. theres a few places where polies could be dropped, but for now, concentrate on finishing it :)
Don't worry, once the model is complete, I will go through the optimization process to decrease the final poly count as much as possible.
looks quite nice. I'm gonna blame the angle of the shot, but it looks like the handle is too thick and the gun is too short. but that's probalby the angle.

looking like a very nice model.
Hey all, just digging up the thread to let you know that I finally got around to finishing my Desert Eagle. I'd like to do a proper render, but I honestly just can't follow the lighting tutorial. It's way to vague. I don't even know where the the things are that I need to click on for the lighting. Maybe make it for newbier newbs like me and I can fix it up. Let me know what you think of the final product. Remember, this is technically my very own first model without help.
when i see a desert eagle i tend to go back to the past.Yeah to the matrix, where the agents used the same gun.Man !!! have you seen the recoil of it ??? Its one of my fav. weapon in games
Glad you guys like it, just wish I could do a nice clay render or something like that.
nice model mate! keep it up.

btw clay rendering is not that hard.
i understand it's not that hard, but, I don't know how to do it. Need a basic tutorial, haven't found one. I'm sure there's one in the tutorial section, just haven't found it yet.
Look really good, but 1 suggestion. Don't boolean out the barrel if it's for ingame. Boolean jacks up the poly count and no one willl see the front of the gun. But once again, very nice job.
ya we want a clay render tutorial

all this clay render you guys talk about, its pretty simple. the basics are, a Skylight and an Omni or Spotlight to give depth.
random.hero said:
all this clay render you guys talk about, its pretty simple. the basics are, a Skylight and an Omni or Spotlight to give depth.

could you explain how to do it? i searched for a tutorial for clay rendering but i didn't find one.