Destroying a harddrive


May 27, 2003
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I was just looking through my closet and found two old hard drives. I could just throw them out, but I think they might still have some of my data on it, and there aint no way I'm connecting those 10-year old freaks to my new PC.

So what would be the best way to destroy them physically? One is protected by a 1/4" thick steel armor, and I don't have any power tools at my disposal.

Creative ideas are welcome :)
well if i were you, i would dip them in a bucket of fuel, tape an exploding target to it, and light a match

Hmmm ....

Well I was able to remove the cover from one of the drives then proceeded to scratch the disk platter with a rusty nail. I saved the other platter for myself because it kinda looked cool .. like a mirror almost.

The other disk's cover used some sort of special screws, and I was only able to make a small hall inside by peeling off one of the "void if removed" labels. I then threw 5 rusted nails inside. I sure wish I could see what will happen if some poor chap finds it and tries to connect it to his PC. :LOL:
Oh really? I dunno.. those little things are surprisingly tough. I remember a couple years ago I wanted to get the magnets inside of the hard drives because they were so powerful, and it took me hours just to get one open (I didn't have any tools). Repeated throwing against sharp objects or asphalt at ~50 mph is recommended :p
So magnets inside hard drives are really powerful? My friend wipes old hard drives with this big industrial magnet that can lift 200lmbs.
fire. that is you need. something with fire. gas is good. throw it off your roof. that would be cool to. throw off your roof while it is on fire. yes, do that.
Wack someone round the head with it, make sure you do it hard enough though
how to destroy your hard disk, the easy way.
1. Install windows (any version)
how to destroy your hard disk, the easy way.
1. Install a mac OS (any version)
how to destroy your hard disk, the easy way.
1. Install linux(any version)

(had to join in and couldnt thinnk of any other os's :p)
yes, i know HDD's have magnets in them, but hmm someone told me that running a large magnet over the hard disks will erase all the info. mehhh...
Jackal hit said:
yes, i know HDD's have magnets in them, but hmm someone told me that running a large magnet over the hard disks will erase all the info. mehhh...

anyways i can't edit, but i was trying to add a link for how to destroy a computer. and now i've lost the link ;(
well you could always use thermite. it's used to weld railroad tracks together. it's a substance that burns at something like 3000 degrees celcius when you ignite it. pretty cool stuff. dunno how safe it would be to use it though.
To destroy a hard drive, using a magnet is not enough, sometimes. To be sure, use a magnet to erease the data, then use a hammer and pound on the case like it is a Diakitana disc or something equaly evil.

Source: News

Might need more punishment through. I would go the extra mile and do something else... like a blowtorch or something.
Thermite is a more or less 50/50 mix of Iron Oxide (rust) and powdered Aluminium. It burns at in incredible temperature, so I suggest using it on concrete, nowhere near any flammable materials.