Destroying cities with Source

Oct 6, 2004
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Is it possible to create cities that are at once interactive & destructible at the same time? Like you want to bring down a whole building with just you and a rocket launcher?

On smaller scale, can I affect a wall to be destructible?
You can affect a wall, but to my knowledge source is not made to make destructable enviroments to that large of a degree.
you can but you'll probably get tons of lag.
At least punch a hole in a wall. Lots of holes.

Can destructible environs be applied to a CS mod?
um, this isn't really coding...

i don't think the engine was designed for that. certainly environments can be made destructable, but it would be a creation of the mappers, I believe. As opposed to some system where the basic materials of a map are innately destructable..
My guess is that it would be just like the HL engine. You COULD make everything destructable but the engine has its own limits so at a certain point, adding more entities or destructable objects won't work. If you have a small town, id say yes you could make alot of the buildings destructable (altough it would lag as hell in multiplayer). Maybe they'll give us the code to increase the limit of breakable objects in the SDK but if you do increase the limit you'll lose some performances cuz it would take up more memory.
Don't forget that the buildings need to be entities and so they don't have VIS blocking or any static radiosity shadows from RAD.
Like Phisionary said, this isn't really a coding question. I'm sure that theoretically what you're asking for is possible. However I'm positive you'd probably just end up crashing the engine. Source is not meant to pull off simulations of that magnitude, and modern hardware couldn't cope with it.
I recall Gabe saying that a mod team could easily impliment this feature but that Half-Life 2 would not have it natively.
I dont believe that we can get to same level of interactivity as we got in Silent Storm, for example. (Toss a grenade into a basement and the whole building comes down). But the Source should allow more flexible tricks than the Hl1 engine did.
Chrysalid said:
I dont believe that we can get to same level of interactivity as we got in Silent Storm, for example. (Toss a grenade into a basement and the whole building comes down). But the Source should allow more flexible tricks than the Hl1 engine did.
I think this could be done, but it just would be to heavy to run decent on current machines.
"or" you could simply create a partial building with brushes, and fill it in with destoryable entities.

my 2 cents