destructable airboats..?


Mar 9, 2005
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Is it possible to make prop_vehilce_airboat destructable?

Do I need to use a different prop? If it's possible that is... If it isn't that's alright.


(BTW these last threads I've been posting have to do with a new map I'm making called dm_waterworld for HL2 DM.. it'll be my first map.)
I dont think so, you could insert a few explosions and make them bounce around some, tho :D
it is possible but whont look THAT good... add explotions and add in "Outputs" the fuction that on health change it will expode then "kill" it self.. aka. dissapear
Best would be to build your own model and add in animations (Preferrably different ones, and some flich animations?) for death. Though that requiers a lot more work than just inserting an airboat ;).
You'd have to create a brush-based invisible shell and parent it to the airboat. When the shell takes damage, you can add smoke effects, and finally an explosion to coincide with the removal of the airboat.

In theory.
That's okay - this should make the DM map even more crazy...

Thanks for the info folks.