Destructable Buildings


Dec 5, 2004
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Hey, just wondering, how do i make destructable buildings? Meaning, how do i give a cube (or whatever i'm building my buildings out of, but they're mostly just a crapload of boxes as walls) a break value. I know how to do it for props, and i'm sure u can for buildings, I just don't know how. Anyone have any ideas? (i'm trying to build parts of my map as destructable, like the battlements on a castle, pieces of walls, etc)
select your brush and push ctrl+t and select func_breakable.
thanks man. You rock. Now to go construct some battlements out of hundreds of little pieces :) I think the cut tool is about to get abused like never before :p

Wonder what would happen if i let the towers be breakable? Hehe, that'd be sweet.
is there anywhere i can find out how much damage each weapon does? Like how many break points i would need to give one of the blocks of the battlement so that one direct rocket hit would destroy it (well, piece of battlement block, each block (by block i mean the little parts of the battlement wall that stick up and that archers shield behind), and i'm gonna make each out of several of these to make the damage look realistic)
50 would seem to be a good value to set for the health, if you want a rocket to destroy it.

They will probably look better if you set them to something like, func_physbox ( i think ) with motion disabled, then when it gets hit, make it motion enabled.

I did that with some towers in my map, and it looks really cool.

Probably not as good unless it's a structure. I suggest you fool around, cause func_breakable isn't very exciting :)
Pennington said:
I think the cut tool is about to get abused like never before :p

In a 2-d view select what u want copyed and hold shift down, and drag, i use this alot, when duplicating stuff. :cheers:

just an fyi if you use func_physbox instead they will react more realisticly than a func_breakable. The breakable will not move, so if you have say 6 blocks 3 stacked on top of 3, the ones on top wont fall if you break the ones underneath
Well, it's going to be one 'box' but what i meant by the fact that i'm going to be using a lot of cuts is that i'm going to use cut to slice that box into a bunch of fragments, so when it is damaged it won't just be poof! the box is gone. It'll break and leave a jagged edge. Course, god knows what kind of strain a hundred or so stones made like that will cause.

It'd also be fun for a seperate thing to make a building that's completely destructable, like made brick by brick (lots of copying and pasting of course, just make a few wall segments and then just use shift and drop) but that's a whole nother deal.

Thanks for the help, neway.
Hey, shouldn't my terrain (buildings, ground, etc) be func_brushes. Not the destructable parts, but the rest. I just opened up the box to change something to destructable, and realized that everything is env_bubbles. However, when I change it to a func_brush it puts the little sphere in the center, and on the maps I made before i never noticed that in my brushes but just in objects (that's the fade distance thing right?).