Destructible cover in BiA:HH


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Short IGN preview with a vid

Never really got into the first two BiA games since the maps were a bit too small and console-ish for my taste, but this one seems to shape up pretty nice. The level of destructibility is quite high and it all looks pretty sweet. Anyone else looking forward to this?
This game looks less and less interesting with each new gameplay video
Ya the 1st videos released for this were really cool. But the more they showed the less interested i got.
Seems like destructibility is the new fad in FPS's. It's cool for the first 20 minutes or so...then it's just, meh.
When the player blows up the sandbags (?) are the models all stuck together in threes? Looks awful.
This kind of makes cover not cover anymore. Well for a short period of time it is.
Third person cover, WWII setting... let me guess, it has regenerating health, right? It's like a team of scientists have been studying all the cliches and generic fads of this generation to put in a video game museum 10 years from now as an exhibit of what the average shooter looked like in 2008. Third person cover systems are my most disliked FPS gameplay mechanic in recent memory and I hope the industry will be over that stupid idea soon.
What I don't understand is why a hand grenade can send sandbags flying. Sure, they have some explosive force, but most of the damage they do comes from shrapnel, which should just leave the sandbags standing there. So much for authenticity.

Indeed. That is sort of the point of sandbags. But if movies and computer games have told us anything it's that hand grenades are actually bombs.
Also- those machine guns are mighty powerful.

I played the first BiA and was not overly impressed- they failed pretty badly at making it a character-driven story like they said they would, and the tactical gameplay was way too easy and repetetive. "Suppress and flank" over and over and over does not an interesting game mechanic make.
Yeh the game mechanics were pretty flawed really and while seemed like a good idea at first just got boring after a while, most likely wont be getting this.
Yeah. I mean, it was a good try, I'll give them that, but it just wasn't thought through enough to carry the entire game. Also the character-driven aspect had potential, but you got no time to get to know the characters in your plutoon or whatever, and it didn't matter if they died or not- they'd just re-appear next mission, which meant you didn't know whether that person had *really* died or if he was gonna re-appear.

It does get some admiration for being nice and gory, though.
dang you people are bitter

Conflict denied ops had (somewhat) destructible cover, it was the best part of an otherwise dull game

and bring on ww2 shooters, it's a sub genre of fps just like the overly muscled space marine vs monster-overplayed to death genre. There's a huge audience for ww2 shooters in the casual market the genre is here to stay

the bia games were enjoyable despite their limited scope
Personally I love 3rd person cover (isn't the whole game 3rd person? If not, then YAY!) as seen in games like Rainbow Six Vegas. I also never seem to get tired of murdering innocent nazis. That said BiA compares extremely unfavorably to CoD historically, so I do not have high hopes for this, allthough I will give it a shot.