Detroit Wins...

Detroit Pistons just beat the LA Lakers to win the NBA championship by a score of 100-87.
heh, if they birn the city down, I say that they give jimmy kimmel his show back.
im so glad the lakers didnt win and that the detroit handed them their asses on a platter. im tired with the lakers always winning it so damn boring just like the yankees
I guess no HL2 fans are sports fans. Lol detroit deserved to win
basketball is like some kind of trick game.. i mean the rules are so arbitrary.. home teams have such a huge advantage b/c the refs just play to the crowd half of the time, or they play to the superstars, *oh he went up and shot.. some guy was near him, must be a foul!* it's like the ubiquitous diving in soccer.. accept it happens on every ****ing play! and what's worse, everyone knows this and it's accepted as part of the ****ing game! give me a break.. yawn. i enjoy watching the occaisonal freak like lebron, but as a spectator sport, it's pretty much a popularity contest. i didn't even bother watching these finals, i saw part of the first or second game. so damn boring.. of course this is all being highlighted by the fact that euro 2004 is going on right now..

it was funny when they showed that 80 yr-old owner of the pistons on the tv though, he looked like he didn't even know where he was.
Absolutely Detroit deserved to much for the Lakers "dream team"...just proves that you can't buy your way to a championship anymore, just like the Yankees last year...and being a Florida Marlins fan, I know something about the underdog beating a "superior" team.

I'm actually a HUGE sports fan - and not just limited to American sports either - I follow soccer ( in Europe as well.

My dream job would be to host a radio sports talk show!

Oh yeah, you're right about Jimmy Kimmel's show. If they do burn down the city, I think JK should run his entire next show with newsclips of the burning of Detroit in the background and say things like "Yep, looks like I was wrong."
Im very glad that the Pistons dominated, but very sad that the series was not enjoyable to watch. Only game 2 was even worth my time. I have been a Michigan fan all my life, and have been tired lately of people liking the team who is on top (like the lakers or yanks) if you are from there, or strong backround, then fine, but dont switch your favorite team because they are having a good run. Now I will have to deal with people who never like the Pistons before, but now they won and all of a sudden they will have more fans. Darn the finicky people.
I don't care for basketball, bit of a weird sport imo. The rules are never enforced, the court is to small/packed with 9 foot sissies, and there is no way to check someone without fouling them :(
Six Three said:
I don't care for basketball, bit of a weird sport imo. The rules are never enforced, the court is to small/packed with 9 foot sissies, and there is no way to check someone without fouling them :(

-sniff- I smell a hocky fan ;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: