Deus Ex Human Revolution

Is it supposed to show me that I'm using a referral link? I'm at the order page (your link takes me to greenmangaming's home page) but if I can get you five dollas then I want to make sure I do it right.
It didn't for Kyorisu's link either so I'm assuming it's something that's folded into the code once you click it. If it doesn't work it's not a big deal though.

edit: Apparently it's a cookie "Please note that the affiliate link uses a single session 'cookie' and so any registrations must be completed at the time the referral link is clicked to ensure that the referral is tracked."
Oh and just to be clear, both the referrer and the new person get the $5 credit. So... yeah free $5.
I'll be making an account for a mate soon who wants a copy for $34. Free monies...sort of.

$5 credit on my account anyway awesome. Soon to be $10. Not a bad little system considering the prices shit all over AU retail.
What game is that if you don't mind me asking?

I am interested in all things cyberpunk!

It's based on Evangelion, but it's after the angels and I really started to get deus-exy with augmentations and crazy-ass Evas and shit. Turns out really nice.
Just pre-ordered on Steam, hope I can run it!
Just pre-ordered on Steam

Why? You could have saved a lot of money getting it from greenman. Its a steamworks game so you get it on Steam anyways. You made a bad decision and you should feel bad :arms:
Which version do you get through GreenMan?

Is it just the regular version or the Augmented Version that includes the extra DLCs, soundtrack and such?
Why? You could have saved a lot of money getting it from greenman. Its a steamworks game so you get it on Steam anyways. You made a bad decision and you should feel bad :arms:

I'm not stretched for cash.
Which version do you get through GreenMan?

Is it just the regular version or the Augmented Version that includes the extra DLCs, soundtrack and such?

They have both. The Augmented is currently 49.99 by default but there's a 20% coupon on the site and if you use a code (like Krynn's) both you and he you get a $5 credit for a future purchase. Seems to me to be the by and far the most reasonable way to purchase the game. Augmented edition comes out to $40 even and it activates exclusively through Steam so you basically just save $14 and get a $5 credit you can use for prostitution. However the Deus Ex: GOTY you receive free activates through their proprietary software and I don't know if you can get the key to activate it through Steam. Not that it really matters, but I just like having all of my eggs in a Steamy basket.
Hmm, that is cheaper than retail version over here...

So, get the AU cheaper through GMG or buy the retail version which makes me eligible to win the 1:1 arm replica...

Hard choice for me!

Edit: Meh, bought it from GMG since it was 40 euro using the coupon instead of the 65 it costs in Swedish retail.

The Deus Ex GOTY Free Copy was indeed Capsule-only, but seeing as I own the retail version of Deus Ex GOTY since it came out, I don't mind.
**** me! Just when DX:HR is around the corner another component in my PC breaks down so now I have to send it in for servicing and I might not have it back in time for the release.

I wonder if I should buy the 360 version as well or just be patient.
Gamespot did an interview that had a lot of talk about the PC version is clearly the best of all of them. I found it on the Deus Ex forums on Steam forums.
gonna pick up a boxed copy soon, want physical copies of a lot of that stuff
Just ordered the Augmented Edition on £2.00 cheaper than Steam's price plus I get actual physical items.
Started a playthrough of Deus Ex doing something I never tried before: Melee. Due to Shifter making what loot you get from enemies more random I found a sword within five minutes by luck and with Advanced Low-Tech it's a goddamn beast.
Replaying as well, trying to go through a more Gunther approach instead of the stealthy route so I can get through a bit quicker. Also a lot of little story bits I had forgotten about.
I'm up to Hong Kong without killing anyone so far.
I got up to a certain point without killing anyone, and still abided by that unless they were the Men In Black. **** those guys.
Shooting pretty much everyone in this round. The game is hilariously awkward if you run and gun instead of sneak and stealth.

Hoping there are a lot more fun options for non-lethal attacks in HR.
I remember I once knocked out everyone in the first level (to stop the UNATCO troops killing them when they go in once you're done). Then I met Paul at HQ:
"Pace yourself, you've killed a lot of people tonight."

Stupid game registering knockouts as kills >:(
I remember I once knocked out everyone in the first level (to stop the UNATCO troops killing them when they go in once you're done). Then I met Paul at HQ:
"Pace yourself, you've killed a lot of people tonight."

Stupid game registering knockouts as kills >:(

UNATCO shoots them in the face afterward to make sure they're unconscious.
Yeah, I knocked out everyone in Castle Clinton and then JC raved to Anna Navara about how much of a butcher he is, and the munitions guy back at base scolded me for being a killer :\
Speak of the devil, the new Japanse trailer shows a ton of weapons.

Wow that was a big ass laser. Nice to see there are some non-generic weapons in there...

EDIT: Thought I would ask this question in case someone knew. I've already preordered the Augmented Edition, and I found out that it apparently includes both of those "preorder bonuses" (which I think are dumb). One of these bonuses is extra credits, which I dont want to use because I would rather not breeze through the game on upgrades. Do you think the bonuses will be included on install, or on a serial number? Would there be a way to activate all the other content and not the credits?
I dunno. Spend the extra credits on Soy Food.
Anyone fell like it's influenced more by Metal Gear Solid 4 than Deus Ex?

Yeah it's got a laundry list of choices of how to complete the mission, but the stealth feels like MGS4 mixed with Splinter Cell.

Then again..guess that's no bad thing.

I dunno, I was just expecting it to blow my mind like Deus Ex did originally and felt a bit bland about it at the end of the beta. It's great, but I'm torn about getting it as a result of playing it, even though the vast majority have decided to buy it as a result of playing the beta leak.
Anyone fell like it's influenced more by Metal Gear Solid 4 than Deus Ex?
You start thinking this before or after seeing the above Japanese trailer? Because it's a no brainer for them to downplay the game's FPS angle and trump up the MGS angle.

Funny how common it is for people to profess to not being 'blown' away by the pre-release stuff for this game. I may have been young, but I specifically remember going through my back-issues of PC games magazines to work out why I'd never heard of this funky 'Deuce Ecks' game I played on the cover disk. The coverage was there alright...
It looks that I'll have to cancel my pre-order of the Augmented Edition from UK since the game is region locked for other EU countries (which is probably illegal but Sqeenix don't care).
Not sure if I'll find another Augmented Edition for a reasonable price...I must have that artbook, damn!
Just got an email from, they've knocked a fiver off the price of my Augmented Edition on PC. So cheaper than Steam yet again with actual physical items.
Got this email from greenman.

Thank you for prepurchasing Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition from Green Man Gaming.

You are receiving this email because your game will be available for download on 18 Aug. 2011 at 09:21.

*bunch of instructions on how to download*

Available for download on the 18th huh?

EDIT: Oh shit, it actually IS downloading. Thats cool, didn't realize they were doing a pre-load.
Sweet $34 for a new game like this is awesome. Preloading now instantly.
Essentially you could buy HR, get the TF2 items, and sell those genuines for roughly $20.
HR on Steam for $25.
Still preordering from Gamestop to get that Tong mission and a physical art book.
This is available to pre-load for those of us that ordered from GMG. Downloading it now on steam!
from /v/ (it's either leaked or released early for consoles). people say don't trust the leak.

the story is lame
three endings, you get to push a button to choose the ending. ending is also lame