Deus Ex Human Revolution

People on my friends list: please don't play this until EU release if I am online. I just can't look at my friends list without hurting myself if you do.
Just picked up my Augmented Edition from EB games a few minutes ago. Packaging is quite nice, will look good on my shelf. Installing the game now, so I'll probably pop back on with impressions in a few hours.
Why do I have to wait till Friday for it to unlock on Steam? :/
Hmm... apparently there was a screwup with some of the Gamestop retail copies not containing the DLC codes. Welp, guess I'll just start the game without it then.
They unlock it on a different date even on steam in euroland? Wow.
Need more time to see if it's really Deus Ex, though.

From what I have played it is without a doubt Deus Ex. Also Adam is more of an asshole than I expected!

Hmm... apparently there was a screwup with some of the Gamestop retail copies not containing the DLC codes. Welp, guess I'll just start the game without it then.

My code was on my receipt. Make sure it's not there.
I checked, also asked the EB games guy to make sure I didnt miss it and he said its not supposed to be there either (maybe for Canada its different).

Anyways, just played 3 hours and finished the first mission. Because of all the leaked footage I pretty much knew exactly what to do, but its pretty good so far.
Anyone know if CompUSA purchased graphics cards are eligible like those from TigerDirect? My GPU crapped out on me, so I bought an XFX AMD 6950, but CompUSA and Tigerdirect have exceeded maximum traffic flow so I can't find out.
Compusa closed its stores here. I don't see why they would be any different quality wise though, from my experience with other products from there.
Ehh, the release is on Friday here and I wouldn't be surprised if the place I ordered from sent the game out on that day, meaning it would be here next week ><
anyone know anything about anti-aliasing? there seem to be a number of choices in HR... and I understand that FXAA is developed by NVIDIA, and MLAA by AMD
but my question is, can both types be used by either brand of video card? which offers the highest visual fidelity?
Found the basketball court. Most satisfying moment of the game so far when I sunk a basket.
It plays surprisingly just like Deus Ex, I'm on the 2nd mission.
Anyone playing on a console? how does it play?
Quick question, does everyone start with some of their augmentations at higher than level 1? For example, my Sentinel RX Health System aug is maxed out, and I only just got my first upgrade point and havent even used it yet. I have others at higher levels too.
Yeah some augmentations start out with points in them, it's explained pretty early on in the game why it's like that.
Dumb. Why even show it to me if it starts maxed out? Why even give it two levels if you always start with both.
Well here is my interpretation of their reason (not really a story spoiler as its early in the game and is just a sidenote for now, but just in case people dont want to know)

The doctor at the limb clinic says that you were given a bunch of augmentations during the surgery (ie. everything in that aug screen), but they were all inactive to begin with and only a few have gone online since then (the ones you start with). According to her the rest would turn on in time, but you can accelerate this activation procedure by using Praxis software (hence unlocking the rest of them).

Basically, the aug screen shows those augs to support the explanation given, though I agree that its pointless from a gameplay perspective.
Was anyone else bothered that when you first enter Sarif Industries you are punished for exploring? I like the freedom of choice and consequence, but it was the one thing that really bothered me. Being that it was the first time you are given the opportunity to explore a wide open area, and the game itself normally rewards exploration.
Did you actually get punished for exploring? I just ignored Sarif's complaining and explored at my leisure (first stop was the ladies bathroom). All I remember is him just being like "hurry up" but then forgetting all about it 5 seconds after.
Was anyone else bothered that when you first enter Sarif Industries you are punished for exploring? I like the freedom of choice and consequence, but it was the one thing that really bothered me. Being that it was the first time you are given the opportunity to explore a wide open area, and the game itself normally rewards exploration.

I know, that kind of made me mad. Not that there was a lot to do before that, but you had no way of knowing that unless you try and then "hey sorry everything is ****ed cause you wanted to look around."

Another minor annoyance is that some characters are flail around wildly while speaking. I almost prefer the frozen bodies of the original Deus Ex to constant gesturing that some people do. Other than that though I'm having a great time.
Made the mistake of reading a bit of a HR thread on /v/. Someone spoiled an x kills y event but I'm glad I got the names out of my head and didn't know any other character names than Jensen. /v/ before game complete, never again. I never asked for this.
Yet another reason to never ever go to that horrible place.
I'm trying to be careful. Things are also getting a bit more revealing on Reddit gaming so I'd be careful of that too, though not many would be so revealing there since they'd get downvoted to shit this early on.
my ps3 copy just arrived in the post. (my pc is starting to show its age now tbh so i felt better with ps3).

No waiting till friday!! :D

....****, i've got a gig and a date tonight! =/ jk
anyone know anything about anti-aliasing? there seem to be a number of choices in HR... and I understand that FXAA is developed by NVIDIA, and MLAA by AMD
but my question is, can both types be used by either brand of video card? which offers the highest visual fidelity?

They can be used on either manufacturer's cards when they are built into a game like this, I think. They are both forms of anti-aliasing that are done through a post process effect, from what I understand, although the implementations are a bit different. I haven't done much comparison between the two in DXHR because I'm loving the game way to much to even think about it, but people seem to be saying that FXAA is the better option for it.
I know, that kind of made me mad. Not that there was a lot to do before that, but you had no way of knowing that unless you try and then "hey sorry everything is ****ed cause you wanted to look around."

I normally would do that, but I learned my lesson after Mass Effect 2... :\
god damn **** boss fights **** them they don't belong in this game god damn i hate everything
This game is un-****ing playable. I'm not touching this game until the mouse accel is fixed.
What? It feels fine to me. No mouse accel at all.
What? It feels fine to me. No mouse accel at all.

Please tell me you're joking. My x-axis isn't in direct proportion with the y-axis. High dpi induces mouse lag with a hefty amount of skipping.
I'm no expert on mouse issues, but I think I had the skipping issue that you had as well. I just dialed down the sensitivity a bit and its worked perfectly since.
Please tell me you're joking. My x-axis isn't in direct proportion with the y-axis. High dpi induces mouse lag with a hefty amount of skipping.

Maybe I can't tell because I never use guns ever
either way I'm 13 hours in and never had any problems

**** the boss fights though