Deus Ex: Source... Possibly.


Apr 27, 2005
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Well, my friend and I have been looking into the HL2 engine, and simultaneously been pining away for the good ol' days of Deus Ex. We thought that one of the single greatest games of all time needed a makeover. After looking at the engine, about 98% of all features present in Deus Ex are possible in the HL2 engine (excluding the inventory system, still no idea how to do that). So, if there's enough interest (and enough help), we may just go through with this. However, it's a lot of work, so we need a lot of support. We need modders for every position you can think of. Any help and support is appreciated, thank you!
You could do an inventory system quite easily.

However, your project will not get far given copyright law
You can do a Deus Ex style mod, just don't call it Deus Ex, don't use any names from the original and make a new story.
Think about what made deus ex so good and apply it to something new/original.
He can make it called Ex Dues and then like its like a parody...
that wouldbe soooo coooooooooooooooooool

would offer my help, if there is nething you nee don the pretty picture drawing line and or modeling tho i cant model for shit and need to learn!:P if you need a crate modeled i ur man!
Im his friend... We had been really thinking about recreating Deus Ex, but without the proper story line it would be a waste of time. If we were to make Deus Ex source, we would need a team, a team of detacated individuals to achieve our goal. Any have any ideas?
Well, we have an email pending from a representative from Eidos. I wrote him an email, emphasizing the fact that this is a labor of love and that we will not capitalize on it in any way, shape, or form. I think he'll tell me it's fine just to get me to go away :). So, yeah, the mod is back in buisness! Inventory system is still gonna be hella hard.

P.S Joims, we'd love to have you, can you PM me anything you've made?
Doomsayer said:
So, yeah, the mod is back in buisness!

I wouldn't speak until you have legal authorisation on paper to make the mod.

EIDOS is stingy with their IP's
I dont know why you would do that when the engine is very perfect already. I can only realy see the physics coming into play with a source version, and not to mention improved graphics.

I dont think the game requires these things so much. You also have to keep in mind that creating a game such ad Deus Ex would be a Massive task, very very big and compleatly not feesable and thats not talking about the laws against it.

Like somone said, find out why people liked deus ex and build on that, in your own world.
Killing2Live said:
screw copyright laws
Try so. It will end up that you lost a lot of time and then it's you who is screwed.
Yes, it will be a lot of work, and yes, it will be hard. But it is feasable. We already have it worked out how all the skill systems, lockpicking, hacking, dialougue, etc. are all gonna work.
I think you can use the name Deus Ex because its actually a phrase in another language dont think it would be copywrighted (trademarked?) if it is tho, call it Deus Ex Mechana(sp?).
Just call it something else and publesise it as Deus Ex-esque, that isn't breaking any law.
i dont think they can sue u, as long as you are not making money off this mod, i dont think they have ne rights over the story, wat would they sue you for. I have seen some other mods based off of games like quake and they prob didnt get permission from id, raven, or activision. And deus ex machana means god out of the machine in latin, that is wat u get for going to school rated number 1 at latin in the world BLS woot oldest school in america.
mikeandike22 said:
i dont think they can sue u, as long as you are not making money off this mod, i dont think they have ne rights over the story, wat would they sue you for. I have seen some other mods based off of games like quake and they prob didnt get permission from id, raven, or activision. And deus ex machana means god out of the machine in latin, that is wat u get for going to school rated number 1 at latin in the world BLS woot oldest school in america.
There was a mod recently based on Stargate SG1 that was forced to quit.

Believe me, it's not legal.
Making a mod based on a companies Intellectual Property has questionable legality, Its like providing somthing theyre supposed to make money off of for free. But I remember seeing that Ion Storm (the makers of Deus Ex) got dissolved after their failure with Deus Ex 2 and the new Theif game. So who exactly is around to sue them? I's sure SOMEONE owns the rights. Besides, I always thought Deus Ex Mechana was a much cooler name, more meaningful. The real meaning of the term is this.
In some ancient Greek drama, an apparently insoluble crisis was solved by the intervention of a god, often brought on stage by an elaborate piece of equipment. This "god from the machine" was literally a deus ex machina.

Few modern works feature deities suspended by wires from the ceiling, but the term deus ex machina is still used for cases where an author uses some improbable (and often clumsy) plot device to work his or her way out of a difficult situation. When the cavalry comes charging over the hill or when the impoverished hero is relieved by an unexpected inheritance, it's often called a deus ex machina.

I thought the definition kinda odd, but you could interperet the same phrase different ways, perhaps technology and machines being so important to society.
Egarb said:
I thought the definition kinda odd, but you could interperet the same phrase different ways, perhaps technology and machines being so important to society.

It's a literal interpretation of the term. The game's called Deus Ex, meaning "god of..." because you can pick and choose what to become a 'god of'. It's a nice little touch that the player who jumps in at the last minute to rescue the world from the secret societies and evil corporations is none other than a literal deus ex machina. Nicely done, Warren.
Egarb said:
So who exactly is around to sue them? I's sure SOMEONE owns the rights.

Eidos own the rights to Deus Ex.
Just wanted to post to show my support for a mod of this kind :)

I've been wanting to help/see a mod like this made for a looooong time, but I'd be totally up for anything thats like deus Ex... Easily my favourite game, I think for me what made it so good though was the really engaging story and characters, as well the shear open endedness of gameplay... These are the main things you need to get into any Deus Ex mod; and what Deus Ex 2 missed D:
Still no response from Eidos, I'm mailing them again tonight. To a different address this time, see if anyone answers.
I'd bet you could pick up the rights to Deus Ex for cheap (relatively) since it seems that no one is ever going to do anything with it again (couple grand maybe, you have ten grand to waste right?)
Does Deus Ex use pak files that contain all the resources in the game (like the quake games)?

If so maybe you could write an interpreter for these paks on top of the source engine, and add a way to inject new high res models?

Many replacment engines have been made for the quake games, so maybe it's possible :)
bliink said:
EIDOS is stingy with their IP's

no more so than the average video game behemoth.

This community needs more original ideas anyways, of course you can barrow a few of the great ideas from DX/DX2

v1p3r said:
Does Deus Ex use pak files that contain all the resources in the game (like the quake games)?

If so maybe you could write an interpreter for these paks on top of the source engine, and add a way to inject new high res models?

Many replacment engines have been made for the quake games, so maybe it's possible :)

actually DX is a Unreal engine game.. so it uses unreal file extensions, but using them in any way, shape or form would be UBER COPYRIGHT infringement. Direct stealing... which is just wrong. If your going to already take the main concept of a game and port it, at least make all your own content. But i'm sure you meant no harm in the suggestion.
As people have already said: use Deus Ex as an influence, but make something original. Why devote thousands of hours to make something that's already been made once? I just don't get it. A mod can be anything, since there's no commercial pressure to succeed, so why lift someone else's IP?

Use its open gameplay and conspiracy theory style to influence a new original game. Use a similar RPG style inventory system. Make something in the spirit, but not the game itself.

Re: naming: "Ghost in the Shell" is also a loose interpretation of "Deus Ex Machina". It's got a rich history as a literary element, and you should be able to find other ways of twisting the meaning around.
First off, about Red Faction: Source. HELL NO! We have'nt the time nor the experience to recreate the Geo Mod Engine in the Source Engine.

Second off, unless we can get the rights to Deus Ex for, let's see... $4.83, I'm thinking that's not happening.

Third off, the point is less about upping the graphics on Deus Ex, and more on updating the gameplay, adding physics puzzles and entrys, more weapons, more skills, balancing issues, things like that. Otherwise we would just edit the textures on Deus Ex and we wouldn't be posting in a HL2 forum.

Lastly, we will not be making a mod with Deus Ex influence. It's just not the same. The point was to bring one of, if not THE, best games of all time into more modern technology. The tech behind DX was outdated even at the time, and we fell it deserves better. If we can't get permission to make the mod, then there will be NO mod whatsoever.
Hmmm, except for the fact that we do... Countless mods have been shut down for copyright issues, the Lord of the Rings mod for Morrowind, the Stargate SG1 mod for HL2, need I go on? So, yeah. The copyright thing is kind of important on the whole basis of not getting my ass sued.
mikeandike22 said:
u dont need the rights, as long as u are not selling this
just make the game.

It's stupid and uninformed comments like that that get mods shut down.

If you don't own it, you can't use it, whether it's for a free mod, a commercial game or for your own line of novelty sex aids.
how are they gonna shut u down, just make it and keep it on the dl, and then release it through bittorrent or something, just dont write your name all over it, or use an alias.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It's stupid and uninformed comments like that that get mods shut down.

If you don't own it, you can't use it, whether it's for a free mod, a commercial game or for your own line of novelty sex aids.

But why is that, are they actually worried that the mod is going to leech of their sales, or are they worried that some people will think it is official and that it will cheapen their IP if it sux.
mikeandike22 said:
how are they gonna shut u down, just make it and keep it on the dl, and then release it through bittorrent or something, just dont write your name all over it, or use an alias.

So the entire team spend 12-18 months working on a mod that they can't release through legitimate channels, and will never receive credit for.
Yeah, I can just see people queuing up to volunteer for that.

Grey Fox said:
But why is that, are they actually worried that the mod is going to leech of theur sales, or are they worried that some people will think it is official and that it will cheapen their IP if it sux.

In order to be able to protect your copyright, you have to be seen to be enforcing it, otherwise someone can pretty much just take it out from underneath you.
How much would it be to buy the Deus Ex ip. Remake the game remake part 2 and make a 3rd?

I cant think of what i will feel if there is no more Deus Ex :(