DEUS EX: Source



Does anyone think it would be possible, or even a good idea in the first place, to redo deus ex with source? Of course you would need to get permission first, but is it possible.... I think if it could be done it would be awesome.

PS: sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum, or if it has been discussed already, I forgot to search.
You could make a mod sure, but I doubt you'd ever get permission to do so.
Yea.... if you were willing to spend that much effort making a mod, recreating Deux Ex, you might as well make an all new mod which takes inspiration from Duex Ex, and improve on the original formula!
Does anyone think it would be possible, or even a good idea in the first place, to redo deus ex with source? Of course you would need to get permission first, but is it possible.... I think if it could be done it would be awesome.

How about you remake it, yeah that would be 'AWESOME'! Whats that? you have never made a game or mod in your life? Wow, never of guessed.
Scapegoat said:
Yea.... if you were willing to spend that much effort making a mod, recreating Deux Ex, you might as well make an all new mod which takes inspiration from Duex Ex, and improve on the original formula!

It's Deus Ex, not Duex Ex ;)
Don't bother remaking deus ex, but I encourage you to no end to make your own original game that is similar to deus ex.
The reason I say this is because ION Storm/EDIOS(sp?) would shut you down in a heartbeat (especially if your's is better than DX2).

good luck, I hope you make a good original mod.
Could someone make a square room, put a bad guy in it and call it Deus Ex 2 please! I'd much prefer to play that :p
Good idea BigGoose that would be great.

However the Japanese will probably think it is crap......

They always do.