Devil May Cry 3 IGN Review - Who's ready for a challenge?

I wish I could take some pics myself...but I don't have a way to capture what's on my TV :(
AmishSlayer said:
I wish I could take some pics myself...but I don't have a way to capture what's on my TV :(

Send me the game and I can take pics. ;)

Sounds great Amish.
I must go and get this game as soon as it hit Europe.
jimbo118 said:
what do u mean by styles amishslayer?

You can choose from 4 styles to use and level up from the get-go.

Swordmaster - More cool sword attacks
Gunslinger - Special gun attacks - charge shots, two-target shooting - etc - The one I'm using
Trickster - Specializing in dodging enemies and attacks - wall running and other things - Gamespot recommends this for beginners to help them survive - nuts to that
Royal Guard - The only style you can block with - you still take dmg while blocking (albiet a lot less) - but you can counter attack and store up energy while blocking hits and unleash powerful attacks - allegedly the hardest style to use (hits = deadly and you can screw up blocks and counters easily I it takes good timing to use to it's full potential - which I hear is amazing)

There are also 2 hidden styles you unlock somehow - by beating the game or something

One of the styles:
Doppleganger - the only thing I know about this is the DT mode creates a copy of you that fights along side of you or something. You can press start on the second controller and 2 people can play co-op from what I hear :) Can't wait for this :thumbs:

EDIT: You can take my copy of DMC3 ....from my cold dead lifeless fingers :flame:
AmishSlayer said:
Doppleganger - the only thing I know about this is the DT mode creates a copy of you that fights along side of you or something. You can press start on the second controller and 2 people can play co-op from what I hear :) Can't wait for this :thumbs:

If that's true I'm going to jump out from the window.
AmishSlayer said:
You can choose from 4 styles to use and level up from the get-go.

Swordmaster - More cool sword attacks
Gunslinger - Special gun attacks - charge shots, two-target shooting - etc - The one I'm using
Trickster - Specializing in dodging enemies and attacks - wall running and other things - Gamespot recommends this for beginners to help them survive - nuts to that
Royal Guard - The only style you can block with - you still take dmg while blocking (albiet a lot less) - but you can counter attack and store up energy while blocking hits and unleash powerful attacks - allegedly the hardest style to use (hits = deadly and you can screw up blocks and counters easily I it takes good timing to use to it's full potential - which I hear is amazing)

There are also 2 hidden styles you unlock somehow - by beating the game or something

One of the styles:
Doppleganger - the only thing I know about this is the DT mode creates a copy of you that fights along side of you or something. You can press start on the second controller and 2 people can play co-op from what I hear :) Can't wait for this :thumbs:

EDIT: You can take my copy of DMC3 ....from my cold dead lifeless fingers :flame:
those styles sound quality,particurly sword fighting,need a bit of hack n slash since pop:ww :)
Jeez. On another tough boss fight. I've died 4 times on this one :( It hurts when you get hit and it's hard to get the damage dealt. If I could figure out how to disable the boss (I've done it twice by accident I think) then I can rock the boss...but figuring out how gets me killed :P

Loke said:
If that's true I'm going to jump out from the window.

Prepare to leap - get some matresses down there or something :P
hmm its a toss-up between this and sc:ct when it comes out,i'll be getin mgs3 and brothers in arms soon so cant buy too many games,i think i'll get this for a change as sc:ct looks like nothing very innovative in gameplay terms whereas i've never played a dmc game
jimbo118 said:
hmm its a toss-up between this and sc:ct when it comes out,i'll be getin mgs3 and brothers in arms soon so cant buy too many games,i think i'll get this for a change as sc:ct looks like nothing very innovative in gameplay terms whereas i've never played a dmc game

I'd recommend DMC1 as well. I never owned it until a week ago (I had beaten it while borrowing it from a friend). I got it used from gamestop for $7. If you're not used to the fighting style, Normal difficulty could be really tough.

I finally beat that boss and got another new weapon :) Gunslinger is lvl 2 now (out of 3) It seems some of what Gunslinger has to offer is kinda only good in certain situations and for style, but then again it does really help out in certain situations.

I'm on mission 7, I've played for like 4 hours (counting loading saves and stuff) so far. I have 3 guns, 3 devil arms. I've fought like 5 bosses :) Boss fights are tough.
What? Am I the only person here playing this game? Somebody discuss dammit!

I just saw a badass cutscene then died on the next mission. I just got the DT gague. I'm gonna take a break. I've been playing it a lot today :P
Thats pretty cool that Royal Guard is the only stance you can block with. I got used to using the counter-attacks in Ninja Gaiden on every single badguy. I'll talk to my sisters boyfriend later, he's got a PS2 and he's got Devil May Cry. I'll tell him theres a third one out and its supposed to be the best, he'll buy it. Then i'll just persuade him to let me come over and play it :E
It's kinda sad that DMCs story writer died at the age of around 56 a few weeks ago, he also did the story for Capcoms other great games, including most RE games after RE1(He was involved with RE2 and onwards) and the Onimusha series and Dino Crisis series too.
Gargantou said:
It's kinda sad that DMCs story writer died at the age of around 56 a few weeks ago, he also did the story for Capcoms other great games, including most RE games after RE1(He was involved with RE2 and onwards) and the Onimusha series and Dino Crisis series too.

Well he certainly stepped it up a notch for DMC3. This one has a driving storyline actually (it's actually good so far too :P). Imagine that.

R.I.P. Capcom-Story-Guy ;(
jimbo118 said:
no i think i'll get this instead of dmc1

Oh I'd definitely say DMC3 is better than DMC1 so far. I'm just recommending that you check out DMC1 when you finish DMC3. See the roots of the game, not to mention play another badass action game.
yeah i just got the game myself and i LOVE trickster.... that dodge is so helpful espicially on Greed (i think thats what its called).
Funny PA. :laugh:

Loke said:
Funny PA. :laugh:

Hahaha. That's good stuff. Dante isn't gay or a vampire - he's 50% demon, 50% badass.

I unlocked easy mode too, but I will never touch it. I'm on mission 9 now I think. I wanna play it soooo bad right now...but I'm at work :( Missions are longer than they were in DMC1 by far. Most of them could easily be finished in 10-15 minutes. In DMC3 I spend about 20-25 min per mission on average.

I got that wall scroll from Gamespot when I put $5 down on the game a day before it came out :P I think I'll sell it on ebay for like $15. It's cool, but I just don't need it in my room.
lol that sketch is great,gota link to any others like that?
AmishSlayer said:
Hahaha. That's good stuff. Dante isn't gay or a vampire - he's 50% demon, 50% badass.

I unlocked easy mode too, but I will never touch it. I'm on mission 9 now I think. I wanna play it soooo bad right now...but I'm at work :( Missions are longer than they were in DMC1 by far. Most of them could easily be finished in 10-15 minutes. In DMC3 I spend about 20-25 min per mission on average.

I got that wall scroll from Gamespot when I put $5 down on the game a day before it came out :P I think I'll sell it on ebay for like $15. It's cool, but I just don't need it in my room.

What's it look like?
I played for like a hour and man this game is so good
it feels so good when I am playing it

I just fall in love of it just like the first time I played DMC1
You might look a little gay with that up on your wall :D.