Devil May Cry 4 Thread

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Who else has picked this one up?

I just started playing a bit today (trading off with Mass Effect) and I've beat 4 missions so far.

So far the game is pretty easy though even on Devil Hunter. I guess It'll pick up when I bump it up to Son of Sparda next time through.

I'm saving my souls for a 5,000 upgrade right now that fills the exceed gauge to full when I time an L-trigger press properly, then I think I'll level up the exceed stuff and see how that goes. :)
sounds great, i love dmc as well, but i dont think ill be picking this up, because i have no console
ya i really liked the demo
i'll probably pick it up when the price drops or i might even rent it at some point
i'm too busy playing mass effect anyways :P

i read somewhere that the combat intensity is somewhat erratic... meaning it gets crazy hard, cools off for a bit and then it throws everything it's got at you once again... rather than having it get progressively harder...

are you playing it on PS3 or X360? what are the load times like?
I'm on 360.

If I hadn't seen reviewers complain about the load times, I wouldn't have even noticed that there were alleged long loads. It all seems pretty quick to me.

I haven't timed it, but I'd guess 1-3 seconds between areas and maybe 10 seconds tops for levels.
Currently tossing up between getting this or Lost Odyssey. The demo was cool, but I've been craving a good JRPG for some reason...

Would you say it's forgiving (and fun) enough for people who haven't played a DMC game before?
Currently tossing up between getting this or Lost Odyssey. The demo was cool, but I've been craving a good JRPG for some reason...

Would you say it's forgiving (and fun) enough for people who haven't played a DMC game before?

I've been hearing nothing but great things about Lost Odyssey. If it's longevity you're looking for in your game, get Lost Odyssey.

If you're really down for an action/fighting game with an amazing combat system with pretty solid replay value if you want to keep playing it on harder and harder difficulties (keeping the same stuff you had from the previous run through), go for DMC4.

If you'd probably only play it once, just rent DMC4.
DMC is sounding like a rental. I'd rather wait for Ninja Gaiden 2, really. The first one was pretty damn long and well worth the purchase.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it's out today here, so I might go across the road and hire it now. Impressions soon if they have it in.
I'm pretty keen on Devil May Cry. Played the demo and it seemed pretty solid to me. Won't get the game proper until I'm at home for easter though.
Somehow games like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden (the new ones, not the old-school ones which kicked much ass) do not engage me at all. Meanwhile, titles like Heavenly Sword and God of War get my full attention for weeks on end!! They are all button-mashing combo-fests but its really how well the story pulls me in that keeps my interest and makes me want to buy and play the heck out of a game. DMC did it with the first outing, but I have not picked one up since. Don't think it will change with this one either.
Loving the game. My first ever DMC and bought it cause of the demo and the fact it's a new 360 and am hungry for new games. Just done the 4th mission and it's fantastic. If only Assassin's Creed's combat was like this... :O
I really want to get this game, but not console for me. PS3 is overpriced & the XBOX 360 failure rates make me squeemish . . . so, hopefully there will be a PC version?
Some of the boss fights in this game are so f*cking awesome. This game has some of the coolest looking bosses and enemies I've ever seen.

Fighting Dante felt like I was playing DMC online vs another pro. It came down to me having a sliver of health before I got enough in my devil gauge to activate my DT and finish him :)
Gave it a hire. My one sentence review follows:

The time has come, and so have I.

This line is burned into my f*cking psyche, and yet I still flinch every time I hear it.

I'm loving the Devil Bringer and Dante's Styles that carried over from DMC3. Shotgun nunchuck move is awesome as is his ability to fire at two enemies at a time. Nero comes off a twit to me, but I can't get over how fun it is to grab a guy with that demonic arm and wail away on their asses.

Graphics are great, but I agree it's pretty damn easy. Also, mission 12 is a pain in the ass with the Lost Forest area where going the wrong path put's you into a "Pit". A figured out the pattern and forgot what it was when the game locked up on me. >_>
I'm loving the Devil Bringer and Dante's Styles that carried over from DMC3. Shotgun nunchuck move is awesome as is his ability to fire at two enemies at a time. Nero comes off a twit to me, but I can't get over how fun it is to grab a guy with that demonic arm and wail away on their asses.

Graphics are great, but I agree it's pretty damn easy. Also, mission 12 is a pain in the ass with the Lost Forest area where going the wrong path put's you into a "Pit". A figured out the pattern and forgot what it was when the game locked up on me. >_>

There isn't exactly a pattern. It's kind of a puzzle. The inscription tells you to run away from the darkness and towards the light (something like that). Well there's shadows being cast on the ground....

Run in the opposite direction the shadows are being cast.
decided to pick this up a few days ago...
awesome game.
the combat is as great as ever, especially since you get to play as both Nero and Dante
but the cut scenes alone are worth the purchase/rent :P
any of you guys checked your rank lately?
i managed to get 143rd in the world on mission 7 in son of sparda mode... pretty happy with that :)