Diablo 3 petition rejected

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Well, I'm not all that disappointed after reading the article. I'm glad that they did start there, and they have a good reason for it being the way it is now.
Diablo III looks gorgeous, I don't understand the complaints.

pro tip:
for optimal fanboy graphic settings, lower monitor's brightness and contrast
Indeed, I can't quite understand why people would want to take something that looks simply amazing as it is and go and turn it into a gloomy piece of crap.
More assholes going on about us wanting it dark...

We just wanted it to have an ounce of realism. That means no low-res hand painted comic book textures like WoW. Source the textures from photographs to give them a little thing called detail.

This blog sums it up - http://crankygamer.blogspot.com/2008/07/diablo-iii-world-of-warcraft-15.html

Blizzard are just lazy and can't be assed changing. I said in the previous thread even when people were saying "it's pre-alpha ommggggg stfu". It's 10x faster and easier to make these hand-painted cartoon textures.
This game will make living a chore.
Disagree. I've done both, and hand-painted all the textures for my mod. If you're ripping the stock images from a site it might be easier, but not if you're taking the photos yourself.

At least he admitted the WoW influence. If only the original DII designers worked on this it would never have happened... (only 3 were in Flagship before any fanboys bring it up)
Love how people see one dungeon and shit themselves going "OMG COLORS OMG"

Blizzard should have responded with a simple "**** you" and left it at that
Wilson did conceded that it wasn't an easy decision. The game went through two versions with a darker, grittier look before Blizzard decided it just didn't work with the gameplay.

"It's actually the thing we struggled with the most," Wilson said. "When you have 30 creatures on screen - and four or five different types - target prioritization is a factor.

"You need to be able to tell those things apart fast, and you can't do that when your world is grey and your creatures are grey."

Worked fine with D2.
But I digress, the game looks absolutely gorgeous either way.
I'm sure within a few months of release we'll have graphic mods up the ass.
All the playable characters should be variations of the blood golem from Diablo 2. The floor should be flesh and rivers of blood EVERYWHERE!!!

Also, since red can be a bright color, someone needs to make sure that no lights actually exist in the game.
Did Adrik_Senturu just miss the point entirely? Again? Who'd've thought...

This game could still be realistic looking without any blood at all. The blood could be pink and the textures could still look realistic.
There's a nice preview of Diablo 3 in this month's edge and the screenshots look ridiculously good - and not as removed from the original as some people are suggesting.
It's mighty subjective. I guess I just actually like the "painted" style visuals, I think they're unique. It's much more off-putting to me when sequels come out attempting to perfectly recreate the former visual style. re-imagining almost always turns out better. Blizzard has a pretty good idea of the atmospheric and style differences amongst their IPs, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being World of Diablocraft.
I like the style. It looks visually nice, but it's not Diablo. That's my point. This is like the Joel Schumacher version.

We need Chris Nolan for Diablo IV!
I like the style. It looks visually nice, but it's not Diablo. That's my point. This is like the Joel Schumacher version.

We need Chris Nolan for Diablo IV!

Don't you think that it could have ended up far worse if they'd tried to fully mimic the Diablo II style? From what I heard they tried at first and it looked abysmal translated to 3D/Isometric.
More assholes going on about us wanting it dark...

We just wanted it to have an ounce of realism. That means no low-res hand painted comic book textures like WoW. Source the textures from photographs to give them a little thing called detail.

This blog sums it up - http://crankygamer.blogspot.com/2008/07/diablo-iii-world-of-warcraft-15.html

Blizzard are just lazy and can't be assed changing. I said in the previous thread even when people were saying "it's pre-alpha ommggggg stfu". It's 10x faster and easier to make these hand-painted cartoon textures.

Diablo 3 looks great, and it's pretty damn gory. That crankgamer guy sounds like a complete idiot, and I don't agree with any of his points.

I will admit that stealing models from WoW is pretty lame, but I'm sure that it will all look and feel great once the game is gold.
I think Diablo 3 looks like shit. Bland as a mother****er.
Wow at that blog. Talking like Maddox was funny, in what year? 2002 maybe?

Anyway, did anyone consider for a moment that 2D games are completely different from 3D games? What works in terms of art may or may not work in a 3D game. Does anyone actually know a 3D game that looks anything like Diablo 2 in terms of artstyle? Because I don't. All 3D RPGs look similar to Diablo 3 and nowhere near the same as Diablo 2 or Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale or any of those 2D games.

A reason for simple shapes and lower res textures (so: 'cartoony') is performance. Take for example that table model from WoW. If this were a 2D game, a table might perhaps be a 128x128 pixel sprite. With a sprite, you can make it as detailed as the resolution of the sprite allows; no matter how much detail you put into it, it will take up the same amount of memory. However, with meshes, a cartoony table with non-gritty textures will be much faster to render than a realistic table because that will need more detailed textures and more polygons.

However, please continue to cry over this, I'm sure that Blizzard finds the taste of your tears quite delicious.
I for one welcome the art style, the fact that it's gory as **** is enough for me.

It'll probably be the goriest RPG ever made.
Wow at that blog. Talking like Maddox was funny, in what year? 2002 maybe?

Anyway, did anyone consider for a moment that 2D games are completely different from 3D games? What works in terms of art may or may not work in a 3D game. Does anyone actually know a 3D game that looks anything like Diablo 2 in terms of artstyle? Because I don't. All 3D RPGs look similar to Diablo 3 and nowhere near the same as Diablo 2 or Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale or any of those 2D games.

A reason for simple shapes and lower res textures (so: 'cartoony') is performance. Take for example that table model from WoW. If this were a 2D game, a table might perhaps be a 128x128 pixel sprite. With a sprite, you can make it as detailed as the resolution of the sprite allows; no matter how much detail you put into it, it will take up the same amount of memory. However, with meshes, a cartoony table with non-gritty textures will be much faster to render than a realistic table because that will need more detailed textures and more polygons.

However, please continue to cry over this, I'm sure that Blizzard finds the taste of your tears quite delicious.

And what was the point in going 3D? Should have stuck with 2D and high res textures in my opinion.

Then again, I never cared about Diablo games, and i'm only arguing because I'm trying to avoid having to do work (on a 2D game lol).
Oooh, so now not getting with the times is "trendy"? ****ing hypocrites you all are.
I'll buy Diablo3 because the game itself looks ace. The art style, however, is misplaced IMO. Don't like it.

Also, Wilson's comparison to Gears of War seems... stupid?
Comparing anything to Gears of War is stupid.
A reason for simple shapes and lower res textures (so: 'cartoony') is performance. Take for example that table model from WoW. If this were a 2D game, a table might perhaps be a 128x128 pixel sprite. With a sprite, you can make it as detailed as the resolution of the sprite allows; no matter how much detail you put into it, it will take up the same amount of memory. However, with meshes, a cartoony table with non-gritty textures will be much faster to render than a realistic table because that will need more detailed textures and more polygons.
Absolute pish.

It wouldn't need any more polygons. The textures would require more colours maybe, which would add almost nothing to the memory usage. Even adding a photoshop noise filter would give them more detail. The texture dimensions would be exactly the same.

That's why a straight texture-swap mod will be out within a week of D3's release.
I never liked diablo nor hack and slash games in general, so blizzard should drop it and make a totally different game.
His crazed-environmentalist posts have made me question everything he types.
Huh? I did.

No, I meant GF. which in this case stands for Gray Fox.
Absolute pish.

It wouldn't need any more polygons. The textures would require more colours maybe, which would add almost nothing to the memory usage. Even adding a photoshop noise filter would give them more detail. The texture dimensions would be exactly the same.

That's why a straight texture-swap mod will be out within a week of D3's release.

Haha, oh wow. Way to discredit your own position, you know, the one of "I'm not emo, I don't just want darker and more grainy textures, I want realism!!11"? Yet you seem to think a noise filter would improve the game's looks.

But fine, I'll play along. You really think that pillars as shown in this pic on the blog wouldn't require a finer mesh or higher res textures than the pillars in pics like this? The current painted look of D3 textures lets Blizzard get away with what are probably very low res textures stretched over a large surface area - which look great despite that - to be able display many enemies on-screen at the same time and probably still follow the Blizzard tradition of low system requirements.

What it comes down to is that a more cartoony style lets you get away with lower polygon meshes and lower res textures, because 'cartoony' means more stylized and abstract. Whereas a realistic game would look like shit with either low res "detailed" textures or high res textures on low detailed models, or high detailed models with low res textures. Not saying that performance is the only reason for this artstyle, but it certainly played a part.

What you're essentially doing is taking a painting like this and expect it to translate it to 3D without making compromises, without a loss of detail. You could add anything to this picture and it would render at the same speed in 2D, but it's completely different for 3D. And that's what I'm trying to tell you: 2D and 3D are completely different things! Again: are there 3D games with the grittiness and detail of Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale?
It should look like this.


are there 3D games with the grittiness and detail of Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale?

Company of Heroes compared to Diablo 2
Haha, oh wow. Way to discredit your own position, you know, the one of "I'm not emo, I don't just want darker and more grainy textures, I want realism!!11"? Yet you seem to think a noise filter would improve the game's looks.

But fine, I'll play along. You really think that pillars as shown in this pic on the blog wouldn't require a finer mesh or higher res textures than the pillars in pics like this? The current painted look of D3 textures lets Blizzard get away with what are probably very low res textures stretched over a large surface area - which look great despite that - to be able display many enemies on-screen at the same time and probably still follow the Blizzard tradition of low system requirements.

What it comes down to is that a more cartoony style lets you get away with lower polygon meshes and lower res textures, because 'cartoony' means more stylized and abstract. Whereas a realistic game would look like shit with either low res "detailed" textures or high res textures on low detailed models, or high detailed models with low res textures. Not saying that performance is the only reason for this artstyle, but it certainly played a part.

What you're essentially doing is taking a painting like this and expect it to translate it to 3D without making compromises, without a loss of detail. You could add anything to this picture and it would render at the same speed in 2D, but it's completely different for 3D. And that's what I'm trying to tell you: 2D and 3D are completely different things! Again: are there 3D games with the grittiness and detail of Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale?
You're trying to explain something to someone who knows more than you on the subject. It's useless. I'm in UnrealEd every other day practically, and use 3ds Max to make models, unwrap them and texture them.

No, they wouldn't require a finer mesh or higher res textures to have more detail and look more like real stone. They could also adjust the texture scale to make anything less blurry. Texture sizes aren't even that big a deal nowadays. It's more the normal maps/shaders that will kill a computer.

And I knew one of your predictable group would jump on the photoshop noise filter comment to further your non-point, so I thought about putting a disclaimer in parenthesis to say it was an example. I had to do that in this post - http://halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=2714544&postcount=9

I would say this game looks like Baldur's Gate/Icewind (which I haven't played), or at least Planescape Torment - http://halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=2702471&postcount=31 (bottom 3 screens).
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