Diablo 3 petition rejected

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But it should be.

That goes to both above posts.
By all means, keep wringing your hands over something you have no control over. If it really means that much to you don't buy the game. Personally I think Blizzard has earned the benefit of the doubt and I will wait to pass judgment on this issue until the game is almost done years from now.
There's a difference between "I think the game should look different" and "GOD DAMN IT DIABLO 3 HAS FAILED ON EVERY LEVEL NOW".

A few of you people need to grasp this distinction before continuing with your lecturing spiels. They're tiresome. Some of us are actually somewhat reasonable in our criticisms and expectations. Just because I find the style to be something of a disappointment doesn't mean I hate the game or won't enjoy it. I bought Burning Crusade even though I never dug its slip into fantasy sci-fi crap.

Oh wait, lol. What am I thinking? Boycott Diablo 3!
I'm not buying Diablo 3 either way. I'm just saying I dont like the art direction much.
It just makes me sick D:< I had to make this leet MS paint image to convey my emotions. see this intarviewwwwwz


MTV interview said:
MTV Multiplayer: Just to be clear, are we going to see a lot more rainbows during the game?

Wilson: [laughs] After the announcement, one of our environment artists went to the darkest area in Act One and put a giant rainbow across the whole area. No, you’re probably not going to see a ton of rainbows. But we don’t think the one that’s in there is that big a deal. You know it’s like, it’s a waterfall. My favorite [criticism] is the one that analyzed the light refraction angle, and told us why from that angle seeing a rainbow would actually be impossible. Oh yeah, and it was upside down because the colors were reversed. And we’re like, “This is a whole different world than ours! Who’s to say that light refracts the same in the Diablo world?” [laughs]

We don’t think it’s that big a deal; we just think it adds a lot of interest to that scene. We don’t have specific plans to fill “Diablo” with rainbows. It’s not like we restarted the project and were like “Diablo III — now with rainbows!” Although I will say the pitch that I originally did, once we decided what we were going to do, said “Diablo III — now with pants.” Because we added a pants slot.
Less green ambient lighting in the dungeons please, and a bit more shadow. That's all I really think it needs to be perfect in my eyes.

No matter what anyone in this thread says, nothing's changing.
in my opinion the whole petition was just silly.
My favorite [criticism] is the one that analyzed the light refraction angle, and told us why from that angle seeing a rainbow would actually be impossible.


I need to stop reading anything D3 until the game comes out. It's these people that are going to put a bitter taste into an otherwise exciting Blizzard product.
This thread, along with anybody else complaining about darker textures/complaining against them is a giant facepalm. Just STFU, buy the game when it's out, and have the most fun of your life.
Mind you, most of WoW art directors moved to Diablo 3.

Blizzard fails.
srsly Naph, we were done arguing about the stupid topic, and you brought it back :(
This whole thread is a stupid topic
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