dickheads who spray disgusting images

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This is starting to piss me of, The last couple of games Ive played some sick,twisted m f***** has sprayed images i would rather not get into, The fact is these people need serious help, Just wish there was a way of stopping this. :eek:
cl_allowdownload 0, i believe thats the cmd for downloading sprays etc.
That command stops me from seeing other peoples sprays?
anobium said:
That command stops me from seeing other peoples sprays?

yes it does.
until Valve comes up with a command to disable individual player sprays theres no way around it. :| :(
the best solution right now is to find a server which has admins most of the time and they have a zero tolerance policy as far as behaviour/cheating/sprays goes.
Doesn't that command also prevent you from downloading (possible) custom content ie. maps?
You can't download the maps from the servers yet. So it wont affect you if you play on custom map servers.
I did see some clever animated sprays of CT's or T's shooting. I'll be honest and say I fired at them before realizing they were sprays.
Then there's the animated ******* spray my friend was talking about... makes me think that perhaps custom sprays are the wrong idea.
But being mature doesn't mean we should be subjected to gross images.
two things Valve really need to work on ASAP.
adding in a feature that allows users to disable individual sprays and the other being the command to auto download maps from servers running custom maps.

cliffe if u are reading this, please do something about it :)

i think whoever made a spray of a T or CT are pretty smart actually. Your a nob if u fall for it more than once tho.
I remember going on a server and there was this player named "Goatse is my Hero" who would spray the notorious picture of the man with the gaping anus as much as possible. Thank god he didn't stay long....
******* is just wrong ( though setting someone's homepage to it when they arent looking is funny)
also, they need a sexx0r engine in CS so that we can sexx0r the hostages.

Or not.
I hate that Goatse animated spray that people keep spraying

Not to mention the cartoon porn
:dozey: Once I was playing and this dude kept on putting a spray with some fags, one givin a BJ. I couldn't stand it, I was about to die.
Aslong i dont have to see a spray of barney the dinosaur im happy :| :imu: :bonce:
Some guy told me I was "gay" when I objected to the picture of a woman spreading... herself.. open that he was spraying all over the place..

I would have gotten mad at him, but i just left the server instead
yes well pld walk away from a fight live to see another day , ..... someone people was born with balls others wasnt :flame:
Anyone made a spray that looks like a tunnel or open doorway?

Id say they have but i havent seen one...
exodusuk said:
yes well pld walk away from a fight live to see another day , ..... someone people was born with balls others wasnt :flame:

if your talking about bliink, your more right than you think... :rolleyes:
And yet it goes on today so a spray wait for it, of a women sh****** on another women NICE? Whatever turns you on but dont show it to me you FREAKS. :sniper:
Really, if your looking for the sprays, your not really playing cs..

If they wanna spray their crap let em, that is what freedom is for.. you dont have to look at it.
I use the Terrorist spray, I love it when they fall for it, only to be ambushed from the side! I saw the goatse one, disgusting. I can't complain about the porn sprays, other than getting distracted by them. There are some nice ones.
Two things:

(1)While cl_allowdownload 0 is all well and good that kind of sucks because most sprays are funny and cool. :P

(2)I think Valve should just make it so if you take a screenshot of the Spray and the person admitting it or them doing it or something like that and send it to them they lose there Steam account forever.

Theres gotta be a way.

Personaly it doesnt bother me. Im not there to look at sprays, im there to play the game. The only ones that really get to me are the "Old guys 69ing each other" picture sprays. In most cases i just spray my spray over PORN sprays.
CarLBanks said:
But being mature doesn't mean we should be subjected to gross images.
No, but it does mean it shouldn't bother you as much.

As much as I dont care to see fecalfelia, I dont really care when I do. There certainly is no feeling of "innocence lost"
f|uke said:
No, but it does mean it shouldn't bother you as much.

As much as I dont care to see fecalfelia, I dont really care when I do. There certainly is no feeling of "innocence lost"

I agree.

Its ok running around shooting people in the face, happy you just killed someone then get pissed off when you see someones "Ratemypoo" picture. Just dont pay any attention.

The only occasion it would bother me is if small children in the same room caught a glimpse. But heh, cl_allowdownload 0. Pretty soon valve will make a command specific to sprays (not stopping maps, models etc downloading.)
I saw someone spray a ladder on walls. It was hilarious to see people jumping or running into it, or just staring at it. (Was there a ladder here before?). Fun times.

It would be nice if you could "mute" someone's spray like you can their voice. I don't know much (much = anything) about the innards of the Source engine and all that, so I don't know if it's even possible. But it would be nice.

Regarding CS being a "mature" game: It is a game intended for mature audiences. It says nor promises nothing about the maturity of the people playing the game. As can be evidenced by some sprays and conduct in general, maturity is something sorely lacking in many participants.
You could set your online decal count in options really low until the offender leaves. Just a suggestion.
anobium said:
This is starting to piss me of, The last couple of games Ive played some sick,twisted m f***** has sprayed images i would rather not get into, The fact is these people need serious help, Just wish there was a way of stopping this. :eek:

your a pussy. try watching the middle eastern beheading videos.
I offen use porn sprays, why? because its entertaining to me. I only use tasteful pictures or artwork/hentai again because its entertaining. I always get a good laugh when two or three players stop to have a look as I gun them down. Do I always use Porn? no I find it hard to stick to one spray so I cycle through what I have or make more.

Now images like ******* I can live without but it not like it's been tattooed on my arm.
Audiophile said:
Then there's the animated ******* spray my friend was talking about... makes me think that perhaps custom sprays are the wrong idea.
link? i want for my viewing pleasure!! *needs to make a goatse one....*