Dictionary for blondes

I always pictured Ritz to be a light golden color, round and covered in salt...
Shens said:
You know, those NAZI guys.

I ain't a racist!I might be a aryan...I really don't know, but I ain't a racist.
Tr0n said:

I ain't a racist!I might be a aryan...I really don't know, but I ain't a racist.
The nazis aren't racists. :upstare:
Well they have the mentality that they're superior then every one else.
Tr0n said:
Well they have the mentality that they're superior then every one else.

Pffft, almost everyone has that.
As a former blonde, I find that to be absolutely....hilarious.
Shens said:
Pffft, almost everyone has that.

Elitism is pretty widespread eh? You probably wouldnt know that as your inferior. ;)
(Thats a joke by the way...)
When I'm not bald, I have blonde hair.

It gets shaved off a lot.
kirovman said:
"The President is a cross-eyed Texan warmonger, unelected, inarticulate, who epitomises the arrogance of American foreign policy"
Boris on George "dubya" Bush :laugh:

Boris Johnson, what a legend. Is he still fired from the Tory party?

Apparently not:


EDIT: Well, he's standing for MP. I don't think he got fired from the entire party (a la Howard Flight), I think he got fired from the Shadow Cabinet.
I allways asked why is all this esteriotipe of the blond girls dumb

but I know 2 blond that make that real,well one is very intelligent but a litle dumb sometimes but still very intelligent and the other is like a 13 years old girl in the body of a girl of 2 meters