Did Aliens build the Pyramids? (clips added)

Yes they did.

Great egos can build anything.

Pharaohs have great egos.

If you look at grid reference 2B you will see a super massive Egyptian dildo with wings.
(Not directed at anyone in the thread.)

My thoughts: People love to take incredibly complex, intricate, and difficult to understand issues and give them a simple solution that doesn't actually explain anything whatsoever. It's easier and often times more satisfying from an every day, human level perspective. This has been going on for all of human history. The world can be scary, uncomfortable, and extremely complicated and messy. Thus we get recurring historical themes of conspiracies, religion, and superstition that like to give neat, easy to understand, and tidy answers to everything.

Philosopher: "How was the universe created?"

Scientist: "Well you see, first you need to look back 15 billion years (an amount of time we can't even comprehend) and through a complex analysis of mathematics, quantum theory, observational astronomy, and the accumulation of scientific data and theory over the last few hundred years we conclude that..."

Average joe: "um...."

Religious leader: "God did it."

Average Joe: Uh...ya, I have to be at work in ten minutes and my wife is angry and the kids are late for school... I"ll just go with what he said."

Same thing with the pyramids, stone henge, evolution, the germ theory of disease, politics, war, etc, etc. Complex issues rarely have simplistic and concise answers, however much many of us would prefer them to. It's incredibly easy to take decades of research and analysis by hundreds, if not thousands, of people; take a few pot shots at it and declare that "Because the current theory behind the history, politics, war, slavery, government, engineering, and physics of a structure built thousands of years ago isn't 100% complete.... aliens must have done it." Might as well just come out and say that there is giant pink elephant floating behind the sun and that is the explanation behind it all. Of course such an example seems silly because it doesn't fit into our current cultural myths and superstitions, but it is just as much of a qualitative and diffinitive answer as invoking the more common culturally acceptable explanations of super intelligent aliens, omniscient gods, or magical spirits.

It is my opinion, however, that it is not merely more accurate, but more corageous as well, to stare the universe in the eye ask it a question and not shy away from the answers we obtain through hard work, dedication, and logical analysis. I, for one, admire the scientists and researchers out there sifting through data, adding their own little piece to the ever growing puzzle that is out understanding of this place we find ourselves in.

Now by all means, question the scientists and their findings. That is the fundamental paradigm of science after all; to question everything. But to scoff at theories and ideas resting on decades of research to merely replace them with empty explanations that take no thought and offer no real insight or solution is not only a diservice to the scientific community (past and present), but a threat to our species cumulative knowledge of ourselves and the world we live in.

And that is my rant for the day.
would it shock people if they knew that the ancient greeks at their height could perform complex surgeries, calculated the worlds diameter (very very precisely), they knew optics, they had steam engines (herons steam engine), they made a precise mechanical calculator,...

only god knows how much info was collected in the ancient library of Alexandria.

the only problem was that the knowledge was owned by the elite. most importantly was the fact that they had time, alot of it...they didn't see the world as we do today. the average person could only differentiate time with the sunset and the sunrise.
Aliens did 9/11.

Humans did the pyramids. Just because modern humans use cranes and bulldozers and shit to do everything (pussies) doesn't mean there aren't other methods.
The jews.

and whoever else was slave labour for the Eygptians.
Aha, yeah, if you want to get technical, it was the jews who built the pyramids.

The pyramids are as strange as Stonehendge in the UK.

Why, how and what was the purpose of building Stonehendge? Werent those stones quarried from somewhere in Wales? Then dragged across almost the entire bredth of the UK to be errected in a strange circle of Tetris shapes.
there were some interesting points in the documentary though. for example some of the observations about the availability of the necessary building materials makes you think doesn't it? it's funny that even thousands of years later, science still can't explain with 100% certainty how the pyramids were built. it's mostly just guessing and trying to connect the dots in an attempt to create a theory. much like evolution.
it's funny that even thousands of years later, science still can't explain with 100% certainty how the pyramids were built. it's mostly just guessing and trying to connect the dots in an attempt to create a theory. much like evolution.

Science doesn't attempt to explain anything with '100% certainty'.

Also, I don't think archaeology is a science.

And Evolution isn't 'just guessing'....
Aha, yeah, if you want to get technical, it was the jews who built the pyramids.

Actually no. According to the evidence there is, the Jews were in Egypt during the reign of Ramses I and II. That was around 1200 BC and by then the pyramids were long finished. According to regular Egyptology the pyramids were built between 2630 - 1814 BC.
I was watching something recently - my memory is a bit foggy, but it was that they found evidence of burn marks on the stone used for the pyramids. For example a monstrous slab of rock that was never used. It had been cut into a rectangle somewhat, then abandoned. (abandoned because it had a fault crack, making it worthless)

They found much evidence, and they tested the theory. They tried it out, and used fire to heat the stone, which made it very vulnerable; this made it much easier to chip into.

As for how they moved it, they didn't stand the huge monolith stones up - for example the ones they used for pillars - they dug out the ground around it, and slid it into that hole, so it was standing up. Then they cleared the earth around it.

There are other methods they used that are not hard to believe - clever - yes, but it's been proven that the brain power of early humans was equivalent to the brain power we have today. In fact, they are finding evidence all the time that ancient peoples were way more intelligent and advanced than they originally thought. Evidence of inventions and tools - for example the light-bulb and battery that the Egyptians had.
Evidence of inventions and tools - for example the light-bulb and battery that the Egyptians had./QUOTE]
Woah, can you source this???
I was up to the 3rd page of this thread when I finally asked myself "why the hell am I still reading this?".
I think they found at least one bulb, but the condition was absolutely horrible; it was caked in dirt for thousands of years. I could be remembering it wrong. Regardless, this artifact is encased in a museum somewhere and is widely believed to be a light bulb. I was pretty convinced they were right, so I stored the theory in my mind as fact; sorry.

There is also quite a bit of suggestive artwork.

See, the Egyptians were becoming absolute masters of the very few things they had at the time: metals, glass, ingredients, water, earth, fire. These things were like cars and the internet for us.

What is it that fuels invention most of all? A need for something.

A nail was invented because people needed a way to hold wood together, for example. A shoe was invented to protect feet; a shoelace invented to hold the shoe on. Just examples.

An Egyptian prosthetic toe invented, to help someone balance


Mummies' Fake Toes Could Be First Prosthetics

July 27, 2007— National Geographic News
When this mummy lived, she was able to walk like an Egyptian—thanks to a false toe.
The toe, made of wood and leather, may be the world's earliest known functional prosthetic, experts say.
The current earliest known prosthesis is an artificial leg found in Italy that dates back to 300 B.C. That's several hundred years younger than the Egyptian toe, which dates to between 1000 and 600 B.C.
A woman between 50 and 60 used the well-worn prosthetic, and the amputation site of her toe seems to have healed successfully, Jacky Finch, of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, said in a statement.
To see if the toe really works, Finch is gathering a group of volunteers who have lost their right big toes to wear a replica of the Egyptian toe.
Finch will also test a second Egyptian prosthetic toe from the same time period. That toe, made of a sort of papier mache, is on display at the British Museum.
Replicas from both toes will be tested at the Human Performance Laboratory at the nearby University of Salford.
"If we can prove that one or both were functional," Finch said, "then we will have pushed back prosthetic medicine by as much as 700 years."

A need for something ensures that it is invented, if possible.

Oxygen burning, smoke producing fire wasn't exactly the greatest thing to be using while spending hours painting and carving stone in a catacomb.

I mean look at this picture. The symbolism is striking. It's like they are trying to tell us something.

“Baghdad Batteries”, which are, to all intents and purposes, 4,500 year-old batteries. These “batteries” consist of a clay jar with a copper lining, from which protrudes an iron rod straight down the center. When the jar is filled with a weak acidic liquid such as grape juice, lemon juice or vinegar, and the copper and the iron are connected, a positive charge is produced. In this video Jason Martell, founder of Godtube and CEO of BooyaMedia.com, performs an on-camera experiment for the Discovery Channel where he is able to consistently generate a positive full 4 volts using a replica he made of the Baghdad battery.

Until proven otherwise, I want to believe; I don't mind if others believe something different.

Maybe I'll look for the 'light bulb encased in dirt' exhibit again later, because holy **** the amount of crazy alien information on the internet is staggering. You can't even find the known facts.
I'm sick of this shit. People are still arguing over if Aliens built the Pyramids?
No they aren't actually, and haven't been for quite a while. Try reading the posts next time before you start getting sick.