Did anybody else see this last night?


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Last night at around 2:30 AM, as I was going to bed, I decided to check HL2.net. I posted a message, then tried to return to the HL2 General Index, and I saw some weird 404 error. I didn't think anything of it, so I browsed off HL2.net and checked my e-mail real quick. After that, I went back to HL2.net and typed in halflife2.net/forums/ in my address bar and got the same weird 404 error. Following that, I tried the same with halflife2.net.. same 404, odd.

First thought was I had spyware of some sort, wrong, I checked with multiple browsers, all gave me the same 404 error. So, I took a screenshot. It's attached..

Anybody else see this? What exactly was I seeing here?
well last night hl2.net got hacked.

i remember trying to go in but getting a, plain white screen with only the words haxx0r teams owns j00 or something like that
Thats a Brazilian site.
This is getting weirder all day.
I have every confidence in you, my good man.

Have you checked out my 404 message.... I'm quite fond of it.

I love that Blackadder, me and qckbeam pissed ourselves laughing at it, genius :)
Lordblackadder said:
How's this for a 404 message.

Into EA Poe?


Haha, sweet.

I have to contribute my anime 404.

The words say "bye bye"
So many 404 errors...this could be a subject for the art competition. Aha! Right, I@m off to the art forum.