Did anyone else find half life 2 lame?



i finished it about 2 weeks ago and i havent touched it since. i had to force myself to finish the rest of "follow freeman" and the rest of the game. imo i think half life 2 sucked. it was huge letdown for me.

anyone else dissapointed?
No it was one of the few new games I could get myself too complete more then once.
Not really. Replayed through it several times already. Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2 Deathmatch have kept me immensly occupied. Money well spent. Now I can't wait for the mods. Two thumbs up to Valve.
No. Although some parts were boring. The part I hated most was the tunnels area after Alyx climbs up on the roof and gets captured. Other than that the game was good.
A bit disappointed, didn't seem to have the overall wow factor of HL1 despite the fantastic engine. And the weird cliffhanger ending was an anti-climax.
no. finished it twice already, don't have time atm to play through it again. great gameplay, superb ending.
The_Monkey said:
Can you tell us why it sucked?

it just seemed boring to me. the whole level of ravenhol was a snoozefest until i met father... something i forgot his name.and the story was non existan. i dont even know why everything was happenein

and the gravity gun was just a gimmick really. i thought it would be used in some sort of innovative ways,but it was just used as a weapon to pick up stuff and throw it at people.

oh and that ending.. out of all the games ive played that is the worst ending ive ever seen EVER. it was so dumb.


what is gman then? is he god now? he can stop time and appear from nowhere? ive read some posts by other people who were dissapointed also and they cam to the conclusion that gman is just a tool by valve.
dillingerx said:
it just seemed boring to me. the whole level of ravenhol was a snoozefest until i met father... something i forgot his name.and the story was non existan. i dont even know why everything was happenein

and the gravity gun was just a gimmick really. i thought it would be used in some sort of innovative ways,but it was just used as a weapon to pick up stuff and throw it at people.

oh and that ending.. out of all the games ive played that is the worst ending ive ever seen EVER. it was so dumb.


what is gman then? is he god now? he can stop time and appear from nowhere? ive read some posts by other people who were dissapointed also and they cam to the conclusion that gman is just a tool by valve.

G-man is a mystery, and should remain so. It would be very stupid of VALVe to explain everything about him, but then again, you have the right to have an opinion, so I wont try to stop you.
If you understand the story, you would appreciate the game more....I was expecting one of the best games I have ever played and I got more than I thought I would. Theres going to be a half life 3 so the ending cant sum up everything. Although its a pain not knowing whats going on at the end, it will be more than worth the wait when the third one comes out. Check out Half Life 2 Overview (linked from main page)....After reading that a few times I found myself liking the game even more.....

and the g gun is nasty, u loved it, admit it.....
I agree,i have not played since i finished it a second time.Now the dust has settled i feel it was just another game tbh,yes it was graphically gorgeous and the physics were fun if a little uninventive at times.the story bordered on boredom for me alot of the time,but i actually liked the ending,it sent shivers up my back and i loved the way it all froze but you could still move around.

8/10 gg valve but i wont play it for a long while now.
dillingerx said:
i finished it about 2 weeks ago and i havent touched it since. i had to force myself to finish the rest of "follow freeman" and the rest of the game. imo i think half life 2 sucked. it was huge letdown for me.

anyone else dissapointed?

I was definitely not impressed. I played through it once on hard. It was the easiest game I've ever played. I removed it from my hard drive 2 weeks or so ago and haven't thought about it since.

I wasn't hyped before it came out and certainly wasn't hyped after it came out. Just another video game in my eyes. I can't believe I'm about to say this because I'm not a FarCry fan, but HL2 didn't have half of the replay value that FarCry did.
No, i loved playing around with ragdoll effect but the game itself sucked arse

God has spoken
I'm still playing the SP, im on my 4th go, and i still love it. You people play too many games. First new game i've bought in about a year, and will keep me occupied till HL3. I love everything about it, the physics are still great fun. Theres so many ways of doing every little bit, you people probably just rushed through and finished it just to come here and judge it. If you take your time you'd appreciate it more.

I think it will be hard to go back to any other FPS thats not as interactive with the environment as HL2, ill be trying to pick up things in good ol Unreal Tournament. Nothing else is like HL2, thats why its so good, its different.

You people just want the same bland fps served up every time. More people love it than loath it, so please don't bitch about it on a FAN site...go complain to your parents, maybe they will buy you a new transformer toy.
dillingerx said:
anyone else dissapointed?

What difference does it make? Want to be able to tell people about how you're right because some others also think the game is bad?
To answer the thread's title: Yes. Not me, though.
I think with the level of hype surrounding this game nothing would have ever lived up to it. Thank the fanbois for that. But the engine is damn good, probally one of the best on the market. It can scale much better than cryteks or doom 3's engine.

One thing that will continually piss me off (and probally others) is the tendancy for mod groups to do the same thing. There was a game a few years back called Operation Flashpoint. Massive military simulator. But every damn mod team had to make there own M4 varients. So you ended up with 9 billion M4 rifles, most of which were shocking, and only a few mod teams doing anything origional.

So please... no counter terrorism/realism mods... CS is for that. If you have a mod, don't start hyping it until you at least have a public alpha/beta.

And yes, i do have my own idea for a mod, and yes i'll be working on it.
No. Half-life2 might be the best game I have ever played. Almost everything in it rocked- the graphics, the physics, the enemies, the weapons- very well done (not that I didn't include "AI" :D). I'm not saying it's perfect, but compared to most other games out there it's flaws are minimal (like... the AI). And besides, it has the gravity gun!the gravity gun pwns ass!
Ive beat it once, but I have tried to play it again but i just don't feel it, so I play CS now
I've played it through twice and am on my third time. I loved it and continue to enjoy the gameplay.
I find it lame when people start threads saying hl2 is lame. But thats just my opinion. :E
VaKo said:
I think with the level of hype surrounding this game nothing would have ever lived up to it.

To me it lived up to the hype. Although I didn't indulge in it very much. What I was slightly irritated at was that I thought it seemed there were a lot of things they could've done with the engine to improve the game that they didn't.

Edit: That is, use the engine to do things that i can, not improve the engine itself.
Vako- You aren't god. Stop trying to be one. No one will stop counter-terrorist vs terrorist mods from being made. If they are good they will stay, if they are bad they will forgotten.
The physics engine was everything i expected. I had hoped for a longer game, but I am comming at 20+ hours now, so I am not disapointed the least. HL2DM is awsome, cant get enough of it. CS:S is pretty good, considering I haven't played much of the original.

I really bought hl2 for the engine and modding capabilities, not for the story, though it is cool.

The AI wasn't as revolutonary as I had presumed, but that was my assumption.
Sharrd said:
To me it lived up to the hype. Although I didn't indulge in it very much. What I was slightly irritated at was that I thought it seemed there were a lot of things they could've done with the engine to improve the game that they didn't.

Edit: That is, use the engine to do things that i can, not improve the engine itself.

I meant "it", not "i".

CookieCuttah: You can always hope.
The game was awesome, the story was awesome, it used physics innovatively (moving the trash along the beach to get across, if that was not original, then i guess i dont know the meaning of the word) hl2 lived up to the hype and beyond.
dillingerx said:
i finished it about 2 weeks ago and i havent touched it since. i had to force myself to finish the rest of "follow freeman" and the rest of the game. imo i think half life 2 sucked. it was huge letdown for me.

anyone else dissapointed?
nope, i'm playing it for the fifth time.
Sharrd said:
What difference does it make? Want to be able to tell people about how you're right because some others also think the game is bad?

How about "to start a discussion?"
KagePrototype said:
How about "to start a discussion?"

Whether it's good or not? It comes down to personal opinion. I don't think any gamer could say that HL2 is just a bad game and was poorly made. No arguments will be any kind of evidence as to whether it's good or bad.
yeah game is diffrent, more playability imo, the engine is surberb (love just jumping around) i havnt finished the game yet but i do plan to make levels ^_^. As for the mods, yeah the C vs T does get repeptetive but there are still alot of good looking mods ;)
Sharrd said:
Whether it's good or not? It comes down to personal opinion. I don't think any gamer could say that HL2 is just a bad game and was poorly made. No arguments will be any kind of evidence as to whether it's good or bad.

I would have guessed he was targetting a discussion into why people thought it was bad, not for people to argue over whether it was bad in the first place.
This game was great.
If you really can't keep up with the story, go slower. Put the game on hard. Don't just rush through it. Look around, talk to people. Look around eli's lab. Just because it's HL2 does not mean we will find out more about G-Man.

and the gravity gun was just a gimmick really. i thought it would be used in some sort of innovative ways,but it was just used as a weapon to pick up stuff and throw it at people.
What were you expecting it to be? Everyone new you would be able to do things like that. Why don't you go play some game that uses the gravity gun better. Oh wait!

and the story was non existan. i dont even know why everything was happenein
Im sorry this game dosn't give you 20 cut scenes that tell you everything. But this game does have a great story. I personally loved it. Mostly because its such a cliffhanger. The G-Man is more mysterious than ever. No one knows who died in the explosion. The story was givin through what people said as you talked to them, as what you seen. You see the 7 hour war sign. You see a bunch of things that you can notice around that tell you the story.
Don't just run your ass throughit so you can see the end. HL2 is NOT the end of the HL series. It's like watching LOTR:TFOTR. You watch the first one, and well some people like you will get mad that the first lotr didn't explain everything. That is because it's not suppose to. HL1 is like a chapter. You read 1 chapter. HL2 is like the 2nd chapter. You read the 2nd chapter. Etc... The Chapters have not ended. The games have not ended.

I suspect you didn't take your time. I'm not trying to change your opinon just trying to let you know that you should go through, take your time. Listen to what breen has to say. Listen to what citzens have to say. Look at signs look at alot. Have some fun with the physics(bashing things over people). See the abuse the combines bring. Listen to what each person says. The game has more of a story than almost any other game I've played.
On par with Starcrafts(Which I loved).
"and the story was non existant"

You are Gordan. You know as much as Gordan knows, which is how much you tryed to find. The brillance of the HL series is that the story is shoved into your face and forcefed to you
As the gman said(or something similar).
You will all understand in the course of.. well im not really at liberty to say.
Some people say time. I say that he will never understand who he is or why he is doing this or who he really is.
We will never understand.
HL2 one of the best games I've ever played. Love the gameplay, physics, story, ending
the Gman sells. Sure, some people buy games for other things, but i gurantee that there is a large portion of people who bought HL2 to answer the questions left in HL1. (I know i did, to me the graphics were just a bonus) I thought the game was cool, not as cool as i thought it would be, and it had no plot.

The game with the best plot, was definitly FFX. I almost cried at the end *sniffle*
dillingerx said:
and the gravity gun was just a gimmick really. i thought it would be used in some sort of innovative ways,but it was just used as a weapon to pick up stuff and throw it at people.
What about:

-Picking up something and using it as a shield?

-Picking up ammo/boxes/health..etc that are too far away to pick up by foot and getting killed.

-Getting the buggy back on its feet/moving cars out of your way/picking up those electric balls and throwing them in the ocean and watching them explode :naughty: ...

-Picking up ammo/healt and throwing them somewhere ahead because you know you'll need them later on.

I did all of those, a lot of time in the game. And in my opinion, the gravity gun is the best weapon to date, in any game. :)
xcellerate said:
...and it had no plot.

The game has plenty of plot. You just have to be on the lookout for it. That's the cool thing about it is that you have to gather up all the information yourself in order to find out the plot line. If you tried to rush through it, then probably everything escaped you. If you took it slowly and examined all the rooms and listened to what each person had to say, a lot more plot would have gotten to you.

For example, when you're in Eli's lab and Alyx says "That's the tunnel to Ravenholm, we don't go there anymore." It will leave you wondering, "Well, why don't you go there anymore?" And it won't explain why unless you try to find out. If you walk down that tunnel, Alyx will follow you and explain the backstory of why they don't go there anymore.

The game's story isn't spoonfed to you. I prefer the analogy of Half-life 2 being more like a buffet rather than a spoon feeding. You can blaze through the whole game and not understand a bit of it. But, you can also take your time and carefully select bits of information. It's like the information is there, but it's only there if you look for it.
For example, when you're in Eli's lab and Alyx says "That's the tunnel to Ravenholm, we don't go there anymore." It will leave you wondering, "Well, why don't you go there anymore?" And it won't explain why unless you try to find out. If you walk down that tunnel, Alyx will follow you and explain the backstory of why they don't go there anymore.

Or when you've just met Alyx and when you look at a poster of Breen she tells you who Breen was.
wow, yet another "look at me i'm just a histrionic l4mor with nothing to do so i'll just bash the best game of all time" post. yes, i respect your opinion; yes, this is a forum and you can post what you want but why waste space with your useless dribble?

the next question, why am i wasting my time reading it when I could be playing HL2?

oh yeah, if anything the mods will make up for your dissatisfaction with HL2.