Did anyone else HATE the poison zombie


Oct 3, 2004
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I Hate him sooo much. he fills me with so much fear and anger and hate. I dont think I've ever hated anyone so much, except maybe hitler. the poison zombie is my video game hitler. That sound that breathing, the tossing of poison headcrabs that bring your health down to 11 and then your suit must administer morphine and the antitoxin. OMG!!!!!1111oneone so much hate is in my little heart for him, every time i see him! when i see them and I have rocket launcher i always waste my rockets on him just so i dont have to fight him for real.
Take him down with an RPG round at 500 yards away, you know just to be on the safe side
Yeah, those poison headcrabs are the creepiest thing ever!
Hmmph. I usually just killed it with a shotgun or crossbow. It's not like it's hard to avoid those tossed headcrabs, and the thing is so slow that it shouldn't be a major problem to dodge. Sometimes, if I'm feeling a little masochistic, I'll go at it with a crowbar.
The poison headcrabs remind me of the darklings from Diablo, don't know why?
I remember when I played the Ravenholm, the bastard tossed one at me and I was all like wtf when my HP went to 23 or something.

Nasty things but there's nothing a grenade can't handle...with a possible exception of Alyx XD
Yup i hated them too, and that creepy guy that toss them is fearful too... :x now i'm playing again on hard and i got to ravenholm... gonna be hell...
The first time through both the new types of h/c gave me a serious case of the shits, but now I've got a bit of experience under my belt, I've found they're quite fun to pump bullets into, especially when you can catch a fast h/c in mid-air with a shotgun blast. :D
Or you can try throwing a radiator at them with the gravity-gun and hit them in mid-air, its nice to kill those things. They always scared me, wherever they showed up
I had full health and armor, one gets thrown at me, bites me and bang! 1hp no armor and a warning that im poisoned, thankfully it started to raise back up to 100% but it could have been worse.

4 of them against 20 combine troops and 14 antlions and they still won. Easily the most powerful ground monster since all his crabs have to go first until there is just one left.
i didnt exactly like the poison zombies, but what really freaked me out where those fast zombies with their terrifying scream .. really ugly.
I barely noticed the poison headcrabs, I liked their inclusion though - added a tenseness to the combat that could sometimes be lacking.
Must admit the poison headcrabs scared me, especially when there were a few of them and they take your health down to 1hp.

Those howler zombie things though, they scared me more, but what was good was when you caught one jumping off something at you and you caught them with a shotgun blast in mid air. AWESOME!
I hated them and I loved them.

They were annoying, but they added an extra element to keep you on your toes during Ravenholm.
Poison headcrabs are literally the only thing that has scared me in a video game in several years. Kudos to valve on one of the creepiest creatures ever.
I hated those poison zombies in Ravenholm... then when I ran into one in Nove Prospekt I used pulse rifle secondary fire and wasted it with one shot :)
When I met one on the upper floor in the houses in Highway 17 ner the huge bridge, I was so damn suprised to see it that I used all my five granades to take it down, and then searched the house withe the rocket launcher.
Yeah, they scared the hell out of me. I hate them sooooo much. Valve, you guys are geniuses :thumbs:
the posion zombies were a bit annoying but the best zombies in the game were the new fast zombies, i thought they were very scary, one time i was playing half life 2 latre at night and i was very tired and i was at ravenholm and i was shit scared of the fast zombies popping out of no-where lol
I was annoyed because I got hit with a poison headcrab and then killed by a NORMAL headcrab a moment later because my health was at like 7, which is without a doubt the most embarrassing way to die in any video game (getting killed by a headcrab).

It's like getting pwned by the fish/worm things in HL...
I hate the poison zombies. They are TOUGH. It takes like 5 or 6 shotgun blasts to down them on Hard. 2 RPG rounds.
On Hard, poison headcrabs require a close range direct hit from a shotgun to kill them with one shot.
And I hate how they take your health down to 1...very annoying, especially when you are surrounded by other zombies or headcrabs.
Poison zombie isnt really as tough as he seems.

The crowbar will take any headcrab out in one hit. Best way to go by far. Once Poison zombie has thrown all his headcrabs at you, he goes down easy.
The first time a saw one I went like, cool, what are these things? I killed the first couple of them and then, just wanting to try how it felt I let one bite me. Having my health dropped all the way to 1 I totally freaked out at that thing. Emptied my shotgun on it and whacked it a good while with teh crowbaar :sniper: In DoomIII I hated a few enemies but none made me so murderous as that single little blackish crawler...
cH0WyUNf4T said:
I Hate him sooo much. he fills me with so much fear and anger and hate. I dont think I've ever hated anyone so much, except maybe hitler. the poison zombie is my video game hitler. That sound that breathing, the tossing of poison headcrabs that bring your health down to 11 and then your suit must administer morphine and the antitoxin. OMG!!!!!1111oneone so much hate is in my little heart for him, every time i see him! when i see them and I have rocket launcher i always waste my rockets on him just so i dont have to fight him for real.

Haha, thats the best bloody post ive seen on this forum, bravo :thumbs:
I enjoyed blasting a flammable barrel at him with a gravity gun - and watching him and his crabs burn - occasionally you'd get a few jumping off him on fire and running around in flames - which was amusing. Yeah - I hated him - but I enjoyed the challenge he presented.
Once I was done with the game, I gave myself the blue gravity gun in Ravenholm. Zombies don't fly too bad after all.

And the poison dude (and his poison minions) fly alright too.
That level is a bit too easy with the blue grav gun tough.(as any level you play with it except maybe the snipers/striders level.
According to the HL2 book ("Raising the Bar"), the poison headcrabs were originally intended to be in the original Half-Life. Valve liked how they would elevate the threat of any nearby monsters, because being lowered to 1 hit point makes everything a tremendous danger.

Let's just hope the poison zombie and the fast zombie never mate... just imagine a Fast Poison Zombie!
notmydesk said:
Let's just hope the poison zombie and the fast zombie never mate... just imagine a Fast Poison Zombie!
AGH! Bad! Mental! Images!