Did anyone else notice this?



In the water hazard level where u have to jump through the opening in the dam type thing. when u have to jump the pier thing to get up there. when i got out i looked towards the dam thing i saw someone with a breifcase! he stoped looked at me then turned around and vanished! :O G-MAN!??!?!?! i was to far away to see his face.
Now see if you can find him the other 3 times in that level. ;)
halflife-bmxer said:
In the water hazard level where u have to jump through the opening in the dam type thing. when u have to jump the pier thing to get up there. when i got out i looked towards the dam thing i saw someone with a breifcase! he stoped looked at me then turned around and vanished! :O G-MAN!??!?!?! i was to far away to see his face.

Oh Yeh, this is old news. Like 12 years ago. Get wif the times.
Originally posted by eatbugs
Oh Yeh, this is old news. Like 12 years ago. Get wif the times.

Two other people have answered his question, and, suprisingly enough in a polite manner. I guess i missed the part where you had to repeat what they said, and act like a a complete dick in doing so.
dang i found him only once. And that was at the abandoned boat house or somthing.
I hate the way people are like, "old news, use the f'ing search".

Just because they didn't buy the game the second it came out and play it through the first day they had it, gives them less of a right to post their findings?

If you cant post constructive answers, dont.

Edit: My first glimpse of Gman was on the water level, he was up high on a bridge.. Got a screen at home.. But I wont post it 'cos all the whores will come out saying OMGWTFFFSSOOOOLDUSETEHSEARCH.
NO, im saying dont start a new thread on it, and clog up the forums main page.
I wasnt talking about you, more directed towards eatbugs.. And why not start a new thread? Its a forum. Hopefully if the admin have any sense they will enable pruning so the dead threads get automaticly moved to some wasteland part of the forum or just get removed completely.

Would you rather people just went to the old threads and made them 15 pages long? I know I wouldnt want to sift through all that shyte just to find someone has allready posted it.

People have conversations on the same topic more than once irl all the time...
WySiWyG said:
My first glimpse of Gman was on the water level, he was up high on a bridge.. Got a screen at home.. But I wont post it 'cos all the whores will come out saying OMGWTFFFSSOOOOLDUSETEHSEARCH.

To be honest I played through the whole game and didn't even spot him once - well, in the beginning and at the final scene, of course :)

I guess I was just to focused to pay attention to all the details. I think I'll have to play it again when I find the time...
Anyone tried to kill the Gman? Will it make my computer melt?
I tried shooting him the first time i saw him. That time he was at the boat house in Water Hazard. You can clearly see him standing on the terrace if you zoom in. I tried shooting him. Then he just simply walked away. Weirdo.
You cannot harm any friendly NPC. Bad move on VALVes part IMO.
f|uke said:
You cannot harm any friendly NPC. Bad move on VALVes part IMO.
There have been so many times that I just wanted to double-shotgun-blast my entire squad. E.g. while blocking a doorway for me, or blocking the way down a set of stairs. :|
i miss half-life 1 when you could turn your fellow scientists into nuts, blood, red rocks, gears and a screw(i think)
Yeah, I played the entire game twice, and only saw G-man three times (all at really obvious points as well). It was only looking at these forums that I realised that he appears about 12 times during the game.

Some people must have plenty of time on their hands to have collected pictures of all of these. Even when I play a part of the game where he's supposed to be lurking, I still struggle to find the ****er.

Maybe I need some new specs.

Edit: Ooooh, how exciting, I appear to have been elevated to the level of 'Zombie.' Yet another reason I'm not in the Cool Club - oh, and anyone who spells 'cool' as 'kool' or even worse: 'Kewl', needs to be shot.
I'm curious as to why he was talking to a vortigaunt and rebel in the train car during Route Kanal. You can see his face on the TV for a split second when you drop in. Stupid Gman! I want answers now!
He wasnt, he was just watching Gordon as he came in. He wasnt talking to people through a television :rolleyes:

btw with regard to your team blocking, i never had this problem once! If i wanted to go somewhere, id walk up to them and they'd say 'sorry Dr Freeman' and i'd be like 's'ok buddy!' Maybe they didnt move for you cos you didnt love em enough?
When I played through the first time I saw him standing up on the balcony of the boathouse (I know this is not new news). So I went into the boathouse, killed the baddies and went up to where he was standing, and he was still there. He had never left

I got a real close look at him, then I shot him and tried to push him over the edge, etc. He never moved other then some 'wating around' type animations.

I figured this must have been a bug for me to get so close to the G-man, so I reloaded an old game and drove up to the boathouse again. Sure as $hit, when I drove up this time he walked away. I was never able to reproduce it again.
Hectic Glenn said:
He wasnt, he was just watching Gordon as he came in. He wasnt talking to people through a television :rolleyes:

Look closer. You drop in, a vortigaunt and human are facing the TV screen. The vortigaunt is using its charge on the TV and the Gman is displayed on the screen. It's right before they notice you dropping in.
.casper said:
To be honest I played through the whole game and didn't even spot him once - well, in the beginning and at the final scene, of course :)

I guess I was just to focused to pay attention to all the details. I think I'll have to play it again when I find the time...

If you were so focused on paying attention to the details you would have seen him. Your argument is flawed.
f|uke said:
You cannot harm any friendly NPC. Bad move on VALVes part IMO.

Actually, and this may just be a bug, i think that you can kill the guy who opens the gate outside the rebel camp where you get the RPG. Shooting him does nothing, but if you run him over he will die, and you will get the black Subject: Gordon Freeman screen with a message saying "Failure to save mission ciritcal personnel" or something.
Spugmaster said:
If you were so focused on paying attention to the details you would have seen him. Your argument is flawed.

Exactly what I was going to say. But I didn't, because you did. Too bad the started of this thread didn't have the same courtasy (sp?).
Exactly what I was going to say. But I didn't, because you did. Too bad the started of this thread didn't have the same courtasy (sp?).

Sod dotting your T's and crossing your I's, try going to school and learning to write.
WySiWyG said:
My first glimpse of Gman was on the water level, he was up high on a bridge...
Really? My first glimps of the Gman was at , uh... the very begining of the game.... :cheese:
Did anyone else see him there? :rolling:
Jus said:
Look closer. You drop in, a vortigaunt and human are facing the TV screen. The vortigaunt is using its charge on the TV and the Gman is displayed on the screen. It's right before they notice you dropping in.

this is true I just played that scene and noticed it, then the vort cums up to you and says THIS IS THE FREEMAN, the combine wereckogning has cum, then the other dood goes on how you should get the hell outta there.... i found it interesting.. freeman must be hired by the resistance, or the g-man is in cahoots with em or something

15357 said:
i miss half-life 1 when you could turn your fellow scientists into nuts, blood, red rocks, gears and a screw(i think)


shoot em with experimental weapons