Did anyone else spot G-man during the airboat ride?


Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
I could have sworn I saw g-man overlooking the lake uptop some pier during the boat ride early on. I am pretty sure I did, he had on a blue suit and walked away slowly, holding his briefcase.
Search is your freind. Almost every person on this forum have seen him.
I believe you see him 4 times during that ride.

At the red barn, on the malfunctioning monitor, shortly after "Gate 5", and at the end before Black Mesa East.
Hmm... I saw him too... I think almost everyone here has seen that already.
Sid Burn said:
Hmm... I saw him too... I think almost everyone here has seen that already.
Everyone has, but little newbie here forgot to search. :dozey:
"The G-Man is watching..."

PS - Do you think this thead will get locked? :p We get 100s just like this.
MiccyNarc said:
Everyone has, but little newbie here forgot to search. :dozey:
You know, that could very easily be taken as a personal attack, and a level 4 warning...
I'm surprised it's not.

But anyways, yeah, the strategy guide had it too.
Lol, yeah, almost everyone's seen him. Unluckily for me, I never actually beat the first half-life, so I didn't know who he was. I just saw some random suit guy, so I wanted to go talk to him, but I just got shot at... I'm working on beating HL now, though, I finally got it back from my dad.
Actually, I lost 65 health because I was looking at him and whammed myself (and my airboat) into the wall then get skirmished by trigger-happy combines :(
I think there is a Gman sighting thread somone around here... or maybe that was some other fourms, but i kno there is one on steamfourms forsure