Did Kerry Cheat?

rkef said:
seinfeldrules, The Post looked at the actual raw footage. Best quality you'll find. Far better than the CSPAN stream, or w/e the hell those pixelated/blurred image were taken from(?).

Trust News Corp.!
Allright. It really wasnt that big of a deal anyways :bounce:
Kerry could've been drunk and retarded while being asshumped by a seal lion while in a bondage costume.......and still beat Bush in those debates.
Lol: while there is no real evidence for Kerry having anything, there IS pretty clear evidence of Bush having something.
Here he is pulling it out and unfloding it.

And here he is with what looks like a well detailed cheat sheet on his podium, too neat to have been from notes (which he didn't take many anyway."


Looks like this "cheating" stuff has come back to bite Republicans in the ass. Bush cheated and he STILL lost, pathetically.
seinfeldrules said:
If you look at the high quality images you can clearly see sharp corners aka paper of some sort.

This is TV footage: sharp corners are often artifacts, not truly sharp. The same "sharp corners" appear on his hands, which, contrary to your belief, are not paper.
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's on the front page of the www.drudgereport.com

Drudge uncovered the Monica Lewinski incident.

Drudge just reposts stories from other places. Just because some rumors turn out to be true doesn't make him a reliable journalist. And he's MANY MANY times posted stories that later turned out to be false (like the faker who staged an incident where he claimed Democrats ripped a sign out of his daughter's hands). Of course, Drudge never mentions later on that they are false. He even posted photoshopped pics of Kerry with an orange tan without later mentioning that they had had the contrast specially adjusted. I mean, how desperate is that?
wow that is definetly cheating... I always knew something was up with kerry..

DarkStar said:
Or perhaps Republicans are so angry that Kerry destroyed Bush that they'll resort to anything to tarnish his win.

Oh.....actually.....more likely a magical pen. Yep, magical pen.

please explain how someone WINS a debate? Also maybe kerry really did cheat..i know you think of him as your god and all but you know.
KidRock said:
wow that is definetly cheating... I always knew something was up with kerry..

please explain how someone WINS a debate? Also maybe kerry really did cheat..i know you think of him as your god and all but you know.

Kerry I don't believe cheat. He is not my god or wouldn't even vote for him. But who the **** knows. And kerry winning to the debate is because he is a good debater. Everyone knows that.
KidRock said:
please explain how someone WINS a debate?

Person A makes person B look like the fool that they are in front of 60 million people.

Person A wins.

:cheers: Complicated stuff.
KidRock said:
please explain how someone WINS a debate?

When the majority of american citizens say you did.

And so much for cheating. What about Stern's footage of Bush doing the same thing? Obviously it's part of the procedure, whatever it is.
Yes. Do Not Vote For Kerry Because He Brought A Pen To A Debate.
bgesley426 said:
Yes. Do Not Vote For Kerry Because He Brought A Pen To A Debate.

People say dont vote for bush becuase he stutters...

so why vote for kerry? he cheats.
Javert said:
(or if your name is Fox Mulder.)
And apparently, you've all missed this post:

Just had to let that out. I don't think either candidate cheated (too much at stake), though it's funny watching the right-wing attack party retaliate after their failure.

Ahahahahaha, you might have quoted that from the National Enquirer. The NY Post lost any sort of credability a long time ago.

I still think this entire thing is a none issue though.
blahblahblah said:
Ahahahahaha, you might have quoted that from the National Enquirer. The NY Post lost any sort of credability a long time ago.

Are you implying the NY Post on par with the Natl. Enquirer? Examples? (I have no preference to the NY Post, but is it that bad??? Or just a gross misunderstanding on your part.)
Apos's video clearly shows Bush doing something similiar.... since we haven't heard anything from the campagings against each other, they obviously don't care.

and debates can be won in many ways.
In, say, policy debate, a judge decides which team presented thier points and refuted the other team's points the best way.

In this debate, the American people decide.... and the vast majority decided that kerry deid better than bush. Good enough so that bush lost the small lead he had in the polls.
I only quoted the NY Post because it's Murdoch-owned (as is Fox, for example). Them admitting Kerry didn't cheat isn't something they'd do gleefully, and they certainly have access to the original footage.

In any case, the site which hosted the "damning" video, The Daily Recycler, has a new post saying "Mystery Solved", with this picture. This from a group of people who wanted to believe he was cheating.

It was also reported on Fox News, as they say. Fox probably only ran the story (of there being no story) so people would stop calling/emailing them.

Get over it :laugh:.