Did Microsoft concider the heat of the X360?


Jan 23, 2004
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Wow. That system gets real hot! You could put the X360 in a small minus 15 degree celsius room and it would heat up the small room! It could be a little problem with all this heat...and the first games are only using one 3.2Ghz chip! What happens when the developers use all 3 for gameplay? I remember my PS2 getting real hot for a couple of months..then it slowly started to cool down in temprature. Maybe the X360 will also? The system just gets really hot!
Humm. You sure its using on 1 chip?
It uses 3 3.2GHz chips.

Edit-- Wait, didn't read post carefully. My Bad.
your statement about only 1 core is wrong.

and yes, they did, hence the large external power supply, with fans and so on, instead of being inside the console like with the last one.
of course they considered it. They designed it for christ sakes bro. What you think they just forgot? lmao!

The thing has an external power supply two large idealy placed fans and ventilation holes.

What more can you do?

If it runs hot all the time then that is not considered running hot. that is normal.

A car engine can reach extreme temperatures as well, that doesn't mean anything is wrong with it however. It has methods of keeping the engine temperature from increasing past a certain point. A cooling system not unlike an xbox 360. Im not sure if it is liquid cooled but I do know it has two fans just like a car's radiator.

I suggest reading the instruction manual. It will tell you if playing for extended periods should be interupted by a break. usually they say take at least a 15 break and shut it down every couple hours--but don't take my word for it, i didn't read it
no these games are only running on one core, no one codes games for two or three cores for that matter yet....like gabe newell said...No one knows how.
hungryduck said:
no these games are only running on one core, no one codes games for two or three cores for that matter yet....like gabe newell said...No one knows how.

More to show off, thats about it. The more the better some think the console is than others.
hungryduck said:
no these games are only running on one core, no one codes games for two or three cores for that matter yet....like gabe newell said...No one knows how.

He may not know how but that doesn't mean that others don't. Carmack had a working MP version of the Quake 3 engine years ago and he's gone on record as saying he likes what MS have done with the new XBox.
Like i said about temperature-- Should be nothing to worry about.

read the instructions. Make sure you don't enclose the system or block the ventilation, take breaks every once in a while, you don't want to play it for 14 hours straight.

Ok here is the deal with the cores.

It has 3 cores, each core has 2 threads

Some of the games use only 1 core

Some of them use all 3

Programmers-- if they know what they are doing-- can have the other cores processing the music and AI, things like that. i believe xbox360 core #2 uses 14% of its resources for the Operating systems. The other cores are 100% free. Anytime you can send chores to the other cores, you are taking some of the load off of the main core. Games like Oblivion make use of the 3 cores.

There are many ways to come up with the same result in programing. Me being a programer i can tell you there are some things I just don't know how to do but there are work-arounds that don't always involve any disadvantage. A different way to do it.

I'd say a good game is a good game no matter if they are making the processors work as hard as possible.

Anyway everyone knows 360 is going to produce some increadible graphics.

EDIT: by the way if i turn on my ceiling fan in my room, my PC prompty activates the auxilary fans. I assume that the ceiling fan in my room blows the air in the wrong direction, making my PC hotter and making the PC fans less effective.

Placement of your system is important.

Also, I would never move a computer or console while it is on. I would turn it off and allow the hard drive and DVD drive to stop spinning before moving it at all.
You only need to worry about turning it off when your house is in flames. Even then there is no need to worry as you will be filthy rich because of insurance money and suing MS.
Apparently the power brick is to blame, under load it just overheats and can't provide a decent enough voltage on one or more of the lines, not surprising considering the amount of power Xenon soaks up.

MS won't be the first one to have trouble with third party electrical OEMs (anyone remember the debacle between Delta and SEMC? No prizes for guessing who's responsible for the X360 bricks...). Delta should have gone bust ages ago but they're still around, shoddy as ever.
jonbob said:
Apparently the power brick is to blame, under load it just overheats and can't provide a decent enough voltage on one or more of the lines, not surprising considering the amount of power Xenon soaks up.

MS won't be the first one to have trouble with third party electrical OEMs (anyone remember the debacle between Delta and SEMC? No prizes for guessing who's responsible for the X360 bricks...). Delta should have gone bust ages ago but they're still around, shoddy as ever.

Im not sure what this has to do with the 360 running hot becuase .. what are you saying the fans don't get enough power? I'm having trouble believing that 2 fans are going to use hardly any power. that power supply is the biggest i've ever seen it is designed for the 360 and i should think it is well suited.

Well, Im not familiar with power supply performance but if what you say is true, common sense would be to not place the power supply on things like carpet. It wouldn't exactly encourage cooling. If you don't have a good place for it, set it on top of a table or something