Did somebody say upside down avatar week?

:dozey: Thing is, my avatar has been upside down since day one, continues to this day as well.
vegeta897 said:
Ummm Upside-Down Avatar DAY happens once a year.

Use search next time :angry:


Doesn't anyone remember?

I demand the immediate end of this wannabe week, and have patience until the real UDAD.


Sorry, I wasn't really such an active participant in those days, so I don't remember it.

I will however observe a candlelit vigel and a minutes silence in honour of your previous upside down avatar day.
kirovman said:
Sorry, I wasn't really such an active participant in those days, so I don't remember it.
I will say it once and will say it again. Use search next time.
kirovman said:
I will however observe a candlelit vigel and a minutes silence in honour of your previous upside down avatar day.
What, you think you can just KILL my holiday, by making your own? What kind of logic... FINE. Then I will just make a new UDAD thread and then THAT will be the official one.

It doesn't work that way :angry:
vegeta897 said:
I will say it once and will say it again. Use search next time.
What, you think you can just KILL my holiday, by making your own? What kind of logic... FINE. Then I will just make a new UDAD thread and then THAT will be the official one.

It doesn't work that way :angry:

Hey....I didn't do it :) it was lePobz :dork:
Yeah it was me, I didnt know UDAD was a yearly thing ... anyway I do know it didnt last long enough.

Calm down vegeta, its a forum.
Hehe, I guess my sarcasm wasn't obvious enough... No hard feelings to anyone :P

But it's still a little unfair ;)
I'll post my masterpiece of 2 seconds work:
Hazar said:
I'll post my masterpiece of 2 seconds work:

Just over 3 months left... Yessss.... Then I will show YOU...

And why don't you grow up, MarcoPollo...
^^^ wow i was just kidding u really need to chill the f*ck out kid...besides..anime is teh suck
MarcoPollo said:
^^^ wow i was just kidding u really need to chill the f*ck out kid...
vegeta897 said:
Hehe, I guess my sarcasm wasn't obvious enough... No hard feelings to anyone

I'm fine, thanks.
ok since my sig was upside down, I will make it rightside up for this special day. and I also added my hl2 name to my av

EDIT:whoa I just realized I reached 400 posts. and the new status. go me
Someone must change my avatar immedietly!
Damn you and your upside-down avatars. Damn you all.
i don't think anyone would notice if mine was upside down :o
omg all who dont flip their avatar arent worthy
thus i do :D:D:D:D:D

now it says:
with a backwards six
is this avatar week thing serious? i don't thik timon would like hanging upside down for that long, unless everybody is doing it..... oh well:D
ya. i dont even post very often on the forum but i flipped my avatar. hey, its a festive mood. what else can i say?
Oh yeah..it's t3h upside-down 5fc_h00t w00t!1 :E
I'm a little late on this. Turned my avatar upside down. How ya like it? He's doing exercises while suspended from the ceiling.
I'm doing 360 degrees avatar year. That makes me a leet boy.