Did the G-man give Col. Cubbage the rocket launcher?

Littlex said:
Well i thought that too.

Anyway something is very conspicuous, every stations trys to reach the next point where you will be going but they dont get any answer. Still they are knowing you are on your way and col. cubbage wasn very suprised to see you.

Somehow i have the feeling the MAN WITH NO NAME! is informing everyone of your arrival. What worries me most is that people know more about you and the MAN WITH NO NAME! than yourself. It gives me that dumb puppet feeling :(

As far as them trying to radio ahead is concerned, that bothered me too at first. But then I just chalked it up to Valve just trying to save space and time instead of coming up with a dialogue between the two radio operators it was just assumed that as soon as you walked out of the door they finally made contact with each other the place you just left finally told the place you are going to that you (as Gordon) are on the way.
Am I the only one who thinks that the new Gman looks exactly like the old model from a distance? I bet they use it so it won't take up as much cpu power. It fools me everytime.
I just played that part again and noticed a few things.

A. We know that G-man was talking to cubbage. Confirmed. Hmmm.
B. Cubbage says that he's going to try to warn the next station ahead, during the attack. Then when the attack is over he goes something like "There we are! All finished!" as if he succeeded in warning lighthouse point.
C. I left the room and Cubbage RESUMED trying to contact lighthouse point.
D. When I came back in, angry that cubbage lied about it, the vortigaunt standing there asked me if there was a reason for the delay.
E. Then when I shot at cubbage in a futile gesture of YOU BETRAYOR!, the vortigaunt charged my HEV. Almost like it was a reward for figuring out a traitor.

I've tried it several times, and the vort won't charge me up if i just stand there. But as soon as I shoot at cubbage, he zaps my suit up.

Now that ep 1 has been out for a long time, we KNOW that the vorts have some issue with the g-man, based on the intro.

Do these things tie together somehow?
there's no point really

the game is 3 years old

What the hell is wrong with you? Of course it's three years old, but did you notice you joined a HALF LIFE 2 FORUM? Obviously it still merits discussion... I don't understand people who join this forum and then say 'Half Life 2 isn't even that good'... D:
It was merely a quip to delusional' post. Of course I <3 HL2, i registered here didnt I? :P

I like to go back through the game with a calculating eye and try to find the hidden hints that the devs may have put in. Most of which have been found by now, but the G-man/cubbage/vortigaunt situation is intriguing to me.

I regularly post at www.generalanytopic.com which is a REALLY hostile forum, so i'm used to having to attack and defend and manuever with my posts. You guys seem more friendly here, so it may take some getting used to.
grah my post got eaten by the server. so in summary:

i love me some hl2
i post at a super agressive forum so whatever
and is delusional the resident forum whipping boy? he seems that way.

anyways, you guys seem pretty cool. a bit more friendly than what i'm used to, though i'm probably mistaken on that count.
if i had hl2, i would try it out now.. probably some random thing that came about when they were coding the game
grah my post got eaten by the server. so in summary:

i love me some hl2
i post at a super agressive forum so whatever
and is delusional the resident forum whipping boy? he seems that way.

anyways, you guys seem pretty cool. a bit more friendly than what i'm used to, though i'm probably mistaken on that count.

If you want a friendly atmosphere, come to NMA and post a thread entitled FALLOUT 3 WILL ROCK, remember to put it in all caps and don't substantiate your point.

We love such threads and they get a lot of attention.
if i had hl2, i would try it out now.. probably some random thing that came about when they were coding the game
That's what I was thinking, but it's very consistent, which sets off my conspiracy theory bell. ding.

And in reference to what somebody said way earlier in the thread, all the posts knew gordon was coming because Alyx called them. I doubt the G-man is going to every outpost himself.

There's even one point in the game where you come into a station and you hear her saying "Gordon Freeman is on his way there, help him on his way. Gordon Freeman has RETURNED!" so it's an easy assumption to make that she wasn't JUST calling that one small station (the one before you first run into headcrabs and zombies), but that she also called the other ones, so they could be ready to help you.
If you want a friendly atmosphere, come to NMA and post a thread entitled FALLOUT 3 WILL ROCK, remember to put it in all caps and don't substantiate your point.

We love such threads and they get a lot of attention.
Admiral Ackbar tells me not to do this.
Oh you guys are uptight about that? I would have multiquoted, but Mikael's post came in after I replied.

Bummer, huh.
Oh you guys are uptight about that? I would have multiquoted, but Mikael's post came in after I replied.

Bummer, huh.

Yeah, kinda. Also, if you're actually a perfectly all-right human being, I'm sorry.

Yeah, kinda. Also, if you're actually a perfectly all-right human being, I'm sorry.
Hey no big. I regularly post at a very hostile general forum, so I tend to reply in ways that facilitate that. Not afraid of a little harshness. :)

I put it in my sig if any of you guys need a new hostile environment to post at. It's a pretty fast paced forum, and the entire focus is on humor, and we're all dicks there, so be prepared for hazing. The best way is to slowly integrate yourselves and not make a HELLO I'M NEW post, FYI.

But anyways I like you guys here, so I'll chill for a bit. Apologies in advance if i faux pas with things like capitalization and double posting.
Each community has it's own quirks.

Edit: no i'm not here to advertise my other forum. I really couldn't care less if you checked it out or not.
Isn't this the first npc we see the gman speak to since the scientist on the first level of HL1?

Depends what you make of the whole Gearbox/canonicity bugaboo. If Opposing Force is accepted as canon, there's one scene in which the G-Man can be seen conversing with a security guard behind a locked door in "Welcome to Black Mesa." That brings the count up to three at least.