Did the Gman.............?!!? *SPOILER*

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Did the Gman kill Eli? Or simply just allowed it to happen?
He could have frozen time and "plucked" Eli from the face of certain death. This is what has been haunting me since I finished the game earlier this afternoon!
I don't think so. I think it was just a twist in the plot. When Eli tells you that you have a lot to talk about (including relevant information about G-Man), he dies.

Now that I think that... well, maybe he had something to do with it anyway.
Yeah, probably. Why does he care so much for Gordon and Alyx?
Is Episode 3 going to conclude the saga?
Unforseen consequences? That could refer to anything though. I questioned whether or not he could use his 'power' to handle Advisors, but given that he apparently stopped a dark matter blast that blew the top off of the citadel, they shouldn't pose a problem. He has only shown, eh, 'compassion' for Alyx and Gordon by saving them in the past, but I haven't seen this for Eli. He likewise hasn't used his power as freely as would be expected if he were concerned that the Combine would take over the earth. Therefore, I don't think he really cared what happened to Eli.

Could be anything really. Maybe he wanted Eli dead. Maybe he could care less and the Advisors were coming anyway. Makes ya wonder if the Gman would have done anything if Dog had not been there (thinking about Alyx/Gordon's fate).
He could have frozen time and "plucked" Eli from the face of certain death.

He apparently stopped a dark matter blast that blew the top off of the citadel, they shouldn't pose a problem.

...Poor Samon.

Anyway, as already said in a way, all we can know for certain so far is that either Eli's life didn't matter to G-man at that point, or his death did.
I think a lot has to do with what the G-Man is 'allowed' to do. He is, after all, working for someone, or so he makes it seem. He said that he would wishes he could help (refering to helping you get to white forest), but has agreed to certain 'conditions'. Or something along those lines.

Then again, maybe he is just up to his own agenda again and wants the Combine to learn about the Borealis, just another stepping stone for the G-Man.
Uh, Gman can't freeze time. Newbs.

Can you show me some evidence as to why you believe this? Or is it just your theory?

I'm not doubting you and I'd love to believe it but I don't see how we have evidence pointing either way at the moment.
If he had intended to silence him, he wouldn't have warned him. My guess is he was referring to future events. Well, he might have let it happen...because he would never let something occur that would disturb his plans...on the other hand, he spoke those words long before Eli's chat with gordon, also the advisors arrived far too soon.
So I think those three events are totally unrelated to each other. As far as consequences go.
Personally i don't think the gman had anything to do with Eli's death, although maybe when he told him to prepare for unforseen consequences it was warning him about his imminent death. If that is the case, it seems a bit weak.
The Unforeseen Consequences are nothing to do with Eli's death. My theory is that there aren't necessarily unforeseen consequences: the G-Man just wanted to rile Eli up into dispatching Gordon to destroy the Borealis. It'll turn out that something on the Borealis is stopping somebody from something, and the G-Man wants that barrier down, just like he wanted the Nihlianth dead in Half-Life 1. Probably GlaDOS: 'I am the only thing standing between them and us. Or at least I was.
I tend to believe that the advisors, peeved that the Striders failed to prevent the rocket launch, came intending to kill everyone and only Dog's intervention stopped them. One thing I thought was interesting though is how the advisor originally only pins Gordon and Alyx to the wall and leaves Eli free to move. Only after Eli attacks him does he become a target. Maybe the original plan was to kill Gordon and Alyx in front of Eli, but once Eli became a problem, they decided to just take out everyone.

In the end I hope the ending was just the Combine taking action. I'd hate it if G-Man was like what Wesker has become in the RE series, a mastermind of seemingly every occurrence who pulls all the strings behind the scenes.
With your first encounter with the G-man in Episode 2 he says that he is going to take something 'valuable' (or something in that way). Could he mean Eli with it?

And the ending was sad :-/
Can you show me some evidence as to why you believe this? Or is it just your theory?

I'm not doubting you and I'd love to believe it but I don't see how we have evidence pointing either way at the moment.

Because as soon as time 'stops' in HL2, everything changes - Gordon is no longer there. He's outside of normal time and space yet again; Gman showing his influence over Gordon.
With your first encounter with the G-man in Episode 2 he says that he is going to take something 'valuable' (or something in that way). Could he mean Eli with it?

Well, that might be it.
There's no reason for the G-Man to save Eli... the gman works for a group of people currently unknown, whom want certin events to happen, so the gman is just like a servent, going about taking care of everything to be perfect. Eli's death didn't matter to his plans so he has no reason to do it mojo.
Did the Gman kill Eli? Or simply just allowed it to happen? He could have frozen time and "plucked" Eli from the face of certain death. This is what has been haunting me since I finished the game earlier this afternoon!

He didn't kill him. G-Man did say he couldn't watch everyone all the time. Thats why he asked Gordan to take care of Alyx until she reached White Forest. As to why he had Alyx say that to Eli... thats whats puzzling me.
He didn't kill him. G-Man did say he couldn't watch everyone all the time. Thats why he asked Gordan to take care of Alyx until she reached White Forest. As to why he had Alyx say that to Eli... thats whats puzzling me.

maybe this sounds crazy. But in the connection to that he cant keep an eye on everyone. Maybe telling Eli to be prepared for Uforseen Concequenses is actually to tell him: GOd dammed dont get killed, yoy know to much, the combine must not get your kwowlege!" So Eli's death is actually not what Gman wanted, but the exact opposite
There were many Vortigaunts around. They are probably resisting the GMAN's control of time.
I guess what the gman meant by unforseen consequences is that what Eli expected on the Borealis probably isn't what is actually there. Just like when, in the original half life he tells Eli to prepare for the same thing, just before the resonance cascade occurs due to the xenian crystal provided by the gman himself. I'd say that something very unexpected is going to happen either on the way to, or on the Borealis itelf.
Perhaps Gman was aware of Eli's death or that the combine were planning to kill Eli if they couldn't stop the rocket launching, but because the vorts were stopping him from contacting anyone, he thought "Well bugger em, if they won't let me control Gordon, then they can watch Eli die."

Perhaps in Ep3 the vorts realise their mistake and ask Gman for help. In conclusion: WHO KNOWS?!
Well unless G-Man could forsee Dr. Vance developing a new weapon that would help give a mortal blow to the Combine, then technically his usefullness is at an end. If Eli could provide nothing else beyond the Gravity Gun to further G-Man's ultimate goals, why should G-Man bother saving Eli? In addition, Eli doesn't seem to have a way to sever the connection between Freeman and G-Man for good, so Eli would have no reason to view Eli as a threat that needed to die. G-Man merely seems to have a great disregard for human life, otherwise he would have made Black Mesa more aware of the dangers of the crystal.
You're in a Half Life 2 fansite, what did you expect?

And no, But it obviously did not ruin his plans. Perhaps it simply sped them up.
Heh-- You are all excited that Eli is going to tell you something that may COMPLETELY alter your likeness of the Gman, then he dies.

The G man says he can't do anything besides watch, and whose to say he had any control of stopping this.
Uh, Gman can't freeze time. Newbs.

Ok now tell me this If GMAN can't freeze time then how did he save alyx and Gordon from the cithaldal and freeze time so tell me who else could of did that. When he was the only one there

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Uh, Gman can't freeze time. Newbs.
Wait tell me this if Gman cant freeze time that who did at the end of HL2 because im 100 percent sure that was Gman

HEs the newb
HEs the newb
Quadruple Post says otherwise.
Ok now tell me this If GMAN can't freeze time then how did he save alyx and Gordon from the cithaldal and freeze time so tell me who else could of did that. When he was the only one there
Time never froze in Half-Life 2. The G-Man transports Gordon out of there at the moment of explosion and shows a vision of that moment in time. It isn't even a complete vision, since the control room is missing if you look behind you. All this happens in a literal sense in the map itself, but with the G-Man often demonstrating his ability to show Freeman visions of what he could not feasibly see (the inside of the Combine citadel before he even goes there, for instance), it makes sense that G-Man is spinning a fiction of time perception rather than actually manipulating time.

And Alyx was saved by the Vortiguants, so clearly someone else 'was there'.
Quadruple Post says otherwise.

Time never froze in Half-Life 2. The G-Man transports Gordon out of there at the moment of explosion and shows a vision of that moment in time. It isn't even a complete vision, since the control room is missing if you look behind you. All this happens in a literal sense in the map itself, but with the G-Man often demonstrating his ability to show Freeman visions of what he could not feasibly see (the inside of the Combine citadel before he even goes there, for instance), it makes sense that G-Man is spinning a fiction of time perception rather than actually manipulating time.

And Alyx was saved by the Vortiguants, so clearly someone else 'was there'.

No? He not some kind of gay homo artist he froze time he may not of saved alyx the vortigaunts did but Gman froze time and told Freeman its your time again
Nobody ever freezes time.

The Gman just teleports you away. But to you it seems like he froze time.
Same is with Alyx and the Vorts.
If there would be anybody else there to see Gordon and Alyx, all that he/she could've seen was the explosion and Gordon and Alyx just suddenly dissapearing.

In short: The time DOESN'T stop!

He not some kind of gay homo artist
Jeez, what are you? A ten year old?
WEll if you look everything is still the same and You can think what you want d oyou have any proof of this ive shown mine now you show yours

Nobody ever freezes time.

lol! what are you 10? dude its just a game so he prolly can
Stop double-posting. I'd ask you to stop sounding like a stupid 11-year old high on sugar but it might be asking too much.
And the g-man does not freeze time because if he can freeze time, why does he need help with anything? His powers would be strong enough to do anything.
No, he can't freeze time.. Would someone email Gabe about this? So we can get a quote up here we can use over and over if anyone brings this up again?
WEll if you look everything is still the same and You can think what you want d oyou have any proof of this ive shown mine now you show yours
What proof? You haven't showed anything.

lol! what are you 10? dude its just a game so he prolly can
You evaded my question and rephrased it. It's like your hiding something...
I doubt you'd get a definitive answer on this. The extent of the GMans power is part of the tapestry. I'm sure he'd like us to believe his power was unlimited but we know this to be untrue, quite what he can and can't do though we don't know. Did he stop time? Maybe. Did he merely fool us into thinking that he stopped time? Maybe.
It was like the slow teleport's opposite.

It seems it took ages, until the Gman finished his speech, but in reality, you teleported away within the blink of an eye.
Is the G-Man working for the Combine?

Is the G-Man working for the Humans?

Then who the hell is he working for?

It's obvious he's a 'representative' of a third major force here, with a very unclear intentions. But his 'manipulation' of the plot and the main characters, his use of Gordon and Alyx, the mystery behind his 'employers', the diplay of supreme power mixed with absolute detachment from physicly involving in the world of HL...all this is so unclear, especialy now after end of ep2 when i expected to receive some knowledge about his origins. He's like an overgod who enjoys watching the world fight for survival, only constantly actively or inactively helping both of the sides to keep the ballance. All my theories are bust, i'm flying completely blind here!