Did the last patch fix your suttering problems?

Did the latest patch fix your stuttering problems?

  • Yes! It's much smother now.

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • No!!! I am still crashing.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • No, but I only stutter when I'm under stress or after watching Porky Pig on "Duck Rogers"

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • I haven't tried it yet because I'm too busy crying about my problems on this forum!

    Votes: 4 7.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I was able to play both HL2 and CS:S without any crashes the last few nights. I think I'll go up to 1600x1200 again and see if it's as stable.
It fixed my stuttering problem but it seems to have increased my load times by a few seconds. Although I prefer the fix over what I had before.
I had it perfectly smooth before the patch.

now it stutters ALL THE TIME. sometimes for as long as 20 seconds.

I also had load times of 10-20 seconds before. now it's up to about 80 seconds.

So, no, it didn't fix it. it caused more problems
Well, it seems to have helped on the in-level stuff, but it still stutters directly at the end of the loading cycle and when I quicksave.
This patch did NOT fix my stuttering. In fact, it made the stuttering even worse! :frown: What a load of crap. :flame:

So, I disabled it under the console. :D
I have never experienced the sound shuttering problem, either before or after the patch.
After some initial problems with a corrupted steam download (I had to redownload everything again), I had been able to play with zero stutter or problems. I say HAD because this patch has caused some stutter in some places, where before I had none. It seems worse whenever there is a video monitor onscreen or a lot of people (teammates,etc.). Hopefully VALVe will come out with a patch for the patch soon....
It gave me slightly LOWER FPS! And it gave me MORE stuttering. And I am not joking around. I'm mad now.
Nope, it's still stuttering like mad. With all settings at low, no AA/AF and 1024x768 it's a bit more tolerable, but still quite annoying. And with a 6800GT I shouldn't have to be using the lowest possible settings, right...?
Lukes Wall said:
How did you do that?
I'll telll ya'.

Under console:

mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0


EDIT: There is no space in that. The forums here put a space after so many letters. :|
The game is much smother for me I love it!
I haventy tryed cs s though

Eh. Bad poll. It is smother, but it still stutters, and never crashes. So no proper answer.
shadow6899 said:
well i never recieved the patch... im still waiting for it. the day it came out hl2 never once updated, and hasn't since.... so i dunno wtf happened.

You just missed it.
Mine still stutters plenty, and i have a 9800 radeon, 512MB, athlon2700, etc.. when it's smooth it's smooth as silk, but when it stutters, ugh!
There really should be a "I've never experienced any stuttering" option.
It fixed most of the stuttering for me. I still get a tiny bit here and there, but nothing too major now.
ALL I've done since I beat the game is sit in my room feeling empty inside. That's in between sessions of stacking up piles of barrels and boxes and blowing them up in some random level....

I haven't really noticed any stuttering since then come to think of it. But I've also been playing at 640X480 with everything on low textures so I can stack up more stuff that way....
Wildhound said:
There really should be a "I've never experienced any stuttering" option.

If you never had any stuttering problems then you shouldn't take part in this poll. The question says "Did the last patch fix your stuttering problems?" not "Did the last patch do nothing for you?" :rolleyes:
I changed the detail settings from high to medium, stuttering instantly dissapeared. Still shows up on high, probably just my system struggling to cope though.
RogueAngel said:
If you never had any stuttering problems then you shouldn't take part in this poll. The question says "Did the last patch fix your stuttering problems?" not "Did the last patch do nothing for you?" :rolleyes:

the confusing part is that my computer stutters but has never crashed, and so technically no option fits..