Did the rebels hire Gordon from the Gman?

Wouldn't that be kind of silly considering the Gman IS Gordon?
Exactly. It's obvious that there's nothing the G-Man would want from them except maybe the destruction of the Citadel. And even then, that's not very likely.

They have local teleportation technology, good relations with the vortigaunts, maybe some black mesa left overs too.

They have lots of bargaining option. Also, it might be in GMAN's interest to actually let gordon be "the right man in the wrong place", so he would basically take everything in exchange for hiring him.
The more I think about it, the more I feel that Laidlaw & co. won't be able to conclude this story without employing some serious artsy-fartsiness. I just hope that it's artsy-fartsiness I can chew on.

I'm worried about this too. How are they going to tie up all the loose ends? This episode is supposed to conclude the HL2 story arc!