Did u think ther's a game gona........?!see,&rate(&)review


Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Did u think game gona challenge hl2 , "me? ,i think" ,
hey guy's, look now i'm gona offer some pictures of new games and comming soon...ok, and i want u guys rate these pics and tell me if these games gona challenge hl2 ??, dont know guess!! :rolleyes:,by the way i like hl2.;)


1- bf2 : pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5
2- F.E.A.R: pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6
3- star wars Republic: pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4 pic5 pic6 pic7
BF2: nah
F.E.A.R: It's possible, but I doubt it
Star wars: Yeah, right...
You forgot Brothers in Arms, Stalker, KoTOR 2. I already played Brothers in Arms and Stalker, and i think both will be also very very good. Of course, you cant say that they will be better or worse than HL2, as all of them have their strengths and weaknesses (HL2 included)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl is gonna own hl2 so much....
yea it could be possible. But when i played the game at the Games Convention in Germany, well it looked a bit crappy, especially the textures... Well lets see
STALKER, doubt it, i dont thinks theres going to be another game for a whil thatll beat HL2, its just the don!
F.E.A.R and STALKER are a possibility, BF2 is a different genre so its impossible. HL2 has just so good gameplay, its hard to do better.
big_king_frosty said:
STALKER, doubt it, i dont thinks theres going to be another game for a whil thatll beat HL2, its just the don!

Yes it will!

HL 2 is a linear FPS and after you completed it once or twice there isnt much reason to play it again.

Stalker is unscripted and non-linear, so every time you play it it turns out differently. Oh and it's much more realistic too.

check out http://www.stalker-game.com

too bad i'll have to wait till May :(
Seppo said:
BF2: nah
F.E.A.R: It's possible, but I doubt it
Star wars: Yeah, right...

you were:cheers:100% right ...but F.E.A.R it seems to be cool isn't ?
,star wars rebublic , maybe???also i expect BF2 it's better than star wars that what i see??!!
I don't think any of these games will edge out HL2 for most people. But they are all looking to be good. ;)
technically the engine for HL2 is fairly impressive the single player itself is really good but i wouldn't say it's unbeatable, as for the engine i gotta say that from a coder/devs perspective Unreal 3 is a better engine though it needs a minimum of a DX9 hardware compliant gfx card, which means that projects that are looking for an engine platform for 2006 releases will probably prefer to use that, so IMO that means that only a few new games like CSS/DOD will come out for HL2 engine, obviously thats excepting the ones already in progress, that leaves it all upto the mod community to come up with something new/interesting !?
there's a very good chance STALKER will be awesome, but an equal chance they didn't balance or do the open endedness correctly. I've been looking forward to STALKER for a long time, I'm just worried about being disappointed.
What exactly are we talking about?

Graphics? Well, duh. Many of the new games this year will have better graphics. That's how it works.

Gameplay? Ooh, that will be tough. The 2005 GotY, maybe. But not more than one. And I don't think it's that likely.
I hope Battlefield2 gets realistic looking water.. HL2 raised the bar, all games should use water like that from now on.
It looks alright, the wakes of the boats look nice tho.
I think out of all of them S.TA.L.K.E.R would be the most "half-lifeish. I don't see a reason why everyone feels the need to compare these fabulous games against eachother because they'll all be awesome in a different way.
well... It looks like S.T.A.L.K.E.R's physics will surpass hl2's since theres fluid and bullet physics too.

Based on ODE engine
Simulation speed outperforms commercial engines such as MathEngine, Havok, etc.
Real-time IK, vehicle physics, etc.
Collision database with low memory usage
Collision detection optimized for a large number of queries in a high concentration polygonal environment
Realistic simulation of ballistics, movement, and fluids

Well... we see when it is released.
bf2 looks pretty fun!
but it will be long before anything comes close to hl2!!!
FoB_Ed said:
I think out of all of them S.TA.L.K.E.R would be the most "half-lifeish. I don't see a reason why everyone feels the need to compare these fabulous games against eachother because they'll all be awesome in a different way.

yeah i see it S.TA.L.K.E.R Fantastic game really it going to be the game of the next year ..... see textures,graphics,detailed gun&hand look.....
this one so nice :)
Pariah is looking pretty good, as is Starship Troopers. I played the Star Wars : Republic commando demo on xbox and that was a lot of fun, and I am also looking forward to FEAR and BinA.
Volcane said:
Pariah is looking pretty good, as is Starship Troopers. I played the Star Wars : Republic commando demo on xbox and that was a lot of fun, and I am also looking forward to FEAR and BinA .

bina what this ??? give us some pics please :D
The only part of stalker that looks better than hl2 are the sky's. Those look damn sexy.

STALKER does look pretty damn cool though, so if my comp can handle it. I'm definitely gonna get it.
kenyo said:
bf2 looks pretty fun!
but it will be long before anything comes close to hl2!!!

...in which side close ?, u mean graphics ohh no I think ther's many of games gona be close to hl2 like stalker,fear,as u know doom3,....what's u ever.. , if u mean in physics.. :hmph: ...here i'm with you yeah that's 100% right cuz it's really when valve said"where the player's persence affects everything around him"yeah sure...should be along time in ths side.
Death.Trap said:
The only part of stalker that looks better than hl2 are the sky's. Those look damn sexy.

STALKER does look pretty damn cool though, so if my comp can handle it. I'm definitely gonna get it.

...but the detailed hand and the gun ,isn't cool??
I don't think any of game of this year will beat HL2 for singleplayer gameplay, unless Quake4 can come up with something.

I'm looking forward to F.E.A.R too.
....hey guys by the way we must forgot one game u know what is it??, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut, yeah any one play it it's fantastic game in graphics i think it's close to hl2 so much maybe better, but in physics no way at all !!!,if i were wrong show me guys ur opinoins and review of this game and ther's i got some pics of it. see

Ridick :- pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6, pic7 ;)
what the hell this game is?...

....it called (bioshock)... , anyone think it's will be cool game!!,
here is some pics,and it seems to be sexy:cheese:graphics...

pic1, pic2.

sorry with "sexy"!!!! not clean speach.!!! :E
okeydokey89 said:
....it called (bioshock)... , anyone think it's will be cool game!!,
here is some pics,and it seems to be sexy:cheese:graphics...

pic1, pic2.

sorry with "sexy"!!!! not clean speach.!!! :E

"Sexy" graphics? When you talk I feel like slitting my wrists. There IS such a thing as grammar check. It might fliter out some of your more egregious errors.

I think a game like HL2 can only do good for the gaming community. It pushes other developers to produce better products, and that is a good thing for the discerning gamer.

It's funny. Now I am starting to compare everything to HL2. Doom 3's lip synching, Far Cry's water. They just don't seem to measure up. :E And now I hear that they held back features in the engine? My, what's in store for the gamers of the future?
Unreal3 engine looks to be good stuff, and from what Ive heard, they're making the SDK fairly easy to work with, which means more licensing, which means more games.

STALKER looks kinda interesting. Too much open-ended-ness can get kind of stupid though, as the plausibility of a gripping story lessens with every tangent.
FEAR has my attention, especially after seeing those screenshots and reading the brief preview in the latest PCGamer. Can't wait :cool:
BF2 can still match up to HL2... for the rest... not in a million years. lol.
I think its too early to tell by looking at them, hl2 plays well due to all aspects of design and so they are going to have to play as well or better to challange it, which is impossible to tell from pics (i did check out the stalker ones but i cant see whats special about it...)

It would be great if they equal or come close to it so i can have another great gaming experience but its an extremely difficult task tho for the developers. I thought D3 and Riddick sucked, they better not disappoint like them....i wont be getting my hopes up just in case.