Did u think ther's a game gona........?!see,&rate(&)review

So are we just talking about graphics here or what? You cant see if a game will be good or not just because of its graphics.
HL2 is going to be hard to beat it really was the whole package. I think that some of these games do have better graphics than HL2 but they are coming out some more than a year after it.
STALKER and FEAR i think will be more like far cry than HL2 just in the way that they are being made and how it seems they dwell on the technical side of video games. One thing to be noted is that Far cry is more power consuming compared to both doom 3 and half life 2 on a lot of computers and i hope that these development team make there games more efficient than far cry or no will be able to play them.
I will put my neck on the line here, and say that NO GAME will surpass HL2. The only way I can see it bettered is graphics-wise, but even then it will be close.

What was the first FPS shooter to clearly better HL1?? Quake 3? Medal Of Honor? Or Farcry??

Certainly, it was WELL over a year before it was beaten.

I predict the same again...
AfternoonLemon said:
What was the first FPS shooter to clearly better HL1?? Quake 3? Medal Of Honor? Or Farcry??

Well I guess Half-Life had to fall on to its knees before the mighty Daikatana
STALKER will equal, but shall not (sur)pass.

The problem with having an open ended game is that you just end up doing generic quests.

The problem with a linear game is that there's only one door or one set of tyre tracks outta the map.
lordoftheroot said" You cant see if a game will be good or not just because of its graphics.....i know but we didn't talk only in graphics we talk about what u think or...guess of these games and pictures gona help us not only to see graphics...ok. :thumbs:
Christ, what has happened to this forum?! On the first page no one has made fun of his horrible English!!
BF2-Gonna be good, real good but not as breathtaking as I think people are hyping it up to be.
F.E.A.R- Looks like Doom 3 on steriods to me, but thats not a bad thing
Star Wars-Confused about this one, looks like metroid prime copy actually looks fun though, something different coming from the Star Wars lineup
I saw the E3 2k4 video of FEAR, and it looks like a pretty generic shooter. The destructable environments and bullet time look quite nice though. I hope it doesn't end up like Doom 3. STALKER now... That looks pretty good.
yep not that impress by stalker or fear. However, bf2 looks like killer fun!
I am impresed byt STALKER cuz it storyline and gameplay looks very cool and original

especcially cuz is like a RPG/FPS

the rest are meh
bi0_gauss said:
i dont think STALKER looks that great..

Well they haven't released many DX9 screens yet, most of them is DX7 or 8. But the game is gonna be running on DX9 so it's gonna look much better.

Anyway even if STALKER won't beat HL2 in terms of graphics (which i doubt), still it will have much more interesting and unrepetive gameplay.
Overwatch said:
Well they haven't released many DX9 screens yet, most of them is DX7 or 8. But the game is gonna be running on DX9 so it's gonna look much better.

Anyway even if STALKER won't beat HL2 in terms of graphics (which i doubt), still it will have much more interesting and unrepetive gameplay.
well, if wat ur saying is true... damn I cant wait to buy this game :smoking:
JavaByte said:
as for the engine i gotta say that from a coder/devs perspective Unreal 3 is a better engine

WOW REALLY, IT REALLY TAKES A CODER/DEVELOPER TO KNOW THIS. the engine won't be done in like 1-2 years, of course it'll be better idiot.

and about STALKER, the graphics will be very good, and very good lighting. I watched a trailer showing a car being parked in front of a projector, and not only a shadow is lit in real-time behind it, the image is actually projected onto the car itself. It will most likely be very fun, but no doubt, hl2 will outlast it in the end; and it'll outlast any game of this generation.
i think guys we see...

that most of people here in this forum try to protect half life 2
perhaps this is condition nature....but still ther's many company's
has much experience than valve...i didn't mean to humiliation valve..ok...i really like this company :D .
Bioshock?:O you mean the game that's being developed by the ex-System Shock team with insects? Yeah, the screenshots looks cool enough...as with the other overly-bump-mapped games with overly-shiny surfaces which makes people looked like plastic action figures. (i.e. Far Cry, Doom3, The Chronicles of Riddick : EFBB, etc.)
btw, your english is weird, mate :hmph:
okeydokey89 said:
:E :E

So then go to an Italian forum where people understand you. Seriously. Are you using "babelfish" or something?
JCampbell said:
So then go to an Italian forum where people understand you. Seriously. Are you using "babelfish" or something?
...then u get out from this forum or i'm gona kick ur a.. ok , i'm here to see how noob's like you are thinking.!!!
:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
okeydokey89 said:
...then u get out from this forum or i'm gona kick ur a.. ok , i'm here to see how noob's like you are thinking.!!!
:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

No...because I'm not polluting this board with half-ass grammar and ridiculous emoticons.

So if I'm a "noob," as you call it, what are you? I may be new to the board, but last time I checked, I've still been here longer than you and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Grow up.
I think there's already a game that beats HL2. It's Resident Evil 4. I have far more enjoyed RE4 than I did HL2. But if we're sticking to PC games, then I'd have to give the nod to Battlefield 2. I think the new look along with some of the great features they're adding this year, it will stack up well against HL2.