Did VIP maps get the boot?


Sep 22, 2003
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I havent seen any information on valve planing to have VIP for CSS. Well... Its kinda like the "Now that I dont have it, I find a use for it." type of thing. So many ideas rushing into my head with this new engine at my disposal. Ofcorse with my 20 credit hours next quarter my maps might take some time to complete.

Bigger question : Is it possible to have the CT's (And VIP if applicable) spawn inside of a moveing vehical (or moveable Vehical)?
no one wants to be a vip, and it is unplayable in a pub because the vip is usually afk or really stupid.
VIP maps? You mean like hostage ones? There are hostage ones.

He means AS (assassination) maps, like as_oilrig or as_oilrig for Counter-Strike 1.5.

They're the maps where one CT player acts as a VIP and are guided to a safety point by the other players on the CT team without getting killed by the terrorists.
bring back es_ !!! g0g0g0g jail and trinity.
Well, now that maps can be so much more detailed... Imagine...

*God really dont use this as a idea or all hell will brake loose on news*

You have the whitehouse and its underattack by a unknown force. Your job will be to evacuate the VIP through a series of tunnel networks underneath the whitehouse.

Before yes that type of map could have been done, but it was waiting for a engine that would make it look good in all its glory.

*Notice* Before thinking of makeing that map, one other reason people havent is well... Who wants the FBI/CIA at their door asking why you made a terrorist training map and put it on the internet. So as a notice to all newb mappers... Think before you make a map... That goes for schools too..... *thinks back to when someone released a school map*
They were pretty cool games, i always found that i eneded up being the VIP 75% of the time, strange very strange indeed, maybe it was because i was so good as the VIP *head explodes* :)
i like oilrig but not many servers have it running on 1.6.. plus i don't plus 1.6
CZ does not have oilrig either :(
hopefully its one of the maps that gets redone.
the es maps i never really cared for.
as_ maps were gone long ago, 1.6 just still supports them.

es_ maps, while cool, were easily abused and damn confusing at first. Plus, t's getting limited weapons bit the big one. Abuseable because a t can camp and force everyone to wait out the whole 5 mins.

as_ maps rely on a decent player being the VIP to play the way they were intended. That in itself blows the concept. VIP's can camp the round out, or t's can all camp the extraction point, usually outgunning the cts.
I always thought it would be interesting having the VIP as a hostage....

Like you would give the Press. a gun anyway.
as_ maps rely on a decent player being the VIP to play the way they were intended. That in itself blows the concept. VIP's can camp the round out, or t's can all camp the extraction point, usually outgunning the cts.
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de_ maps rely on a decent player having the bomb ;)
if the guy with the bomb gets killed you can pick it up and plant it, if the VIP gets killed you lose.
what happens if he just sits in a corner for the whole match (and FF is off)?
I loved VIP maps, it meant proper teamwork, which is what CS should be about
Nothing like escaping the level on your own, with dozens of terrorists out to get you. I once escaped as_tundra by hiding in a dark corner and stabbing a terrorist in the back. Then I ran away.
man i love as_oilrig..

i also love being the vip now and again, the challenge of only having a pistol and trying to get some point on the map was quite invigorating in my opinion, and it was such a reward if you could do it.
Well, u r only given a USP and a knife and cant buy anything. I love the USP and can do just as well with that as an M4. The only pistol that sucks is the Glock 18.
Ive looed and looked through damn near every file in CSS and non of them mention anything about it. My guess, like the rest of the game valve got lazy and MIGHT add it...
dc_clan said:
Well, u r only given a USP and a knife and cant buy anything. I love the USP and can do just as well with that as an M4. The only pistol that sucks is the Glock 18.

I played Condition Zero for weeks (then I got bored) againts bots, and I came to the conclusion that the Glock is far better than the USP. Much more accurate. I used to think the opposite.

TST_Devgru Seal said:
I never got to play es...What was it like?

An extremely short-lived game mode (I think it was there for one or two versions, then it got scrapped) where terrorists need to escape the map and CTs need to stop them. The terrorists could either run straight away or spend extra time getting weapons and equipment (but they were in limited supply) from rooms. One of the levels was especially cool, I can't remember its name but it took place in a (seemingly) abandoned complex of subway stations. It was very atmospheric, even scary.
I love as_maps.. they add a new element to the gameplay... on source they would be rad, like oilrig and tundra.. two of my favs
The 1.6 update upped the glock damage to just below the usp. Combine that with a 20 round clip and 3 shot burst, and the guns are pretty even. The glock is more powerful up close whereas the usp is better with some distance. I do better with the usp when shooting in bursts, and the glock i tend to spam a bit more cuz of the clip. Also, the 3-shot burst is great for headshots.
BrownTown said:
if the guy with the bomb gets killed you can pick it up and plant it, if the VIP gets killed you lose.

why not do it like americas army, one VIP he dies CT loses.
silverstealth89 said:
why not do it like americas army, one VIP he dies CT loses.

err thats Assassination mode... (see referrals to as_ maps above).
The glocks good for getting head shots up close, thats all.
as_highrise was a great map, it would be sweet if it could be turned into a hostage rescue map. I remember all the fun climbing down the ropes in the room with the piano while shooting at CTs camped down there.

Good stuff

Eurynomos said:
as_highrise was a great map, it would be sweet if it could be turned into a hostage rescue map. I remember all the fun climbing down the ropes in the room with the piano while shooting at CTs camped down there.

Good stuff


yeah :LOL:
another good map which gets overlooked..
piano room was class :thumbs:
AS maps are very much still part of CS imo, i think they will eventually get round to it in CS:S. I think its just a case of time consuming map making rather than coding.

ES maps should come back aswell deffo.