[The Core] Mod startup - Info. Inside

  • Thread starter Thread starter elbaz_uk
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Hey there,

I'm elbaz - I'm in the process of making a mod called "The Core".

The Core – Over View

Chairman Fredrick Wenceslas is the highest authority in The City. He runs the Governmental Defence Forces, who have taken charge in dealing with the alien threat. However, recently in The City, more and more guards have been pulled into The Core, a fortress right in the heart of the city where the Chairman and his underlings reside. Upon noticing this, you and the civilians around you began to grow suspicious. A few pulled strings and favours from people higher in the chain reveal Chairman Fredrick has a terrible plan.
He’s having a nuclear reactor built, not for power – but for destruction. His plans are to eliminate the alien threat around The City by blowing it up. Each sector in the city contains a reactor core for its power supply, so if one sector loses power, the others remain with electricity. The trouble with his plan is that there are NO evacuation procedures for the hundreds of civilians.
Knowing this you decide you must take action and stop the manufacture of this super bomb before it kills the entire remaining population of The City. You must get to The Core, and stop Fredrick Wenceslas, but of course there will be opposition.
“The Core” refers both to the name of the central sector, and to what is going to be blown up (a reactor core).

*I'm an absolute sucker for government conspiracy/corruption stories, which was the main drive to come up with the sotryline. I've tried to make it light and more suitable to encorporate a game into rather than storyline first, then mould the game around it. Everything you see in terms of content is subject to change for the better, so any suggestions are welcomed too*

The Core – What is it really?

The core will be a relatively short mod of HL2, involving the creation of some 9 maps. One map will be The Core, with the others surrounding it. It’s the player’s objective to go around these maps trying to get himself into The Core to stop the manufacture of The Bomb. It will be a FPS, using all the standard HL2 controls, untill further developement when new features can start to be added. I would like to get the whole city built and running, then implement new weapons, then voice overs and then finally coded extras (more as a post productions of the mod than an active ingrediant :))

New Content – In terms of new content for the mod, there will be a few new weapons and static props to be used in the maps. These will be outlined further along this document. In addition to the models, there will be new dialog using characters already within the game. This is to aid the storyline and give a more realistic feel to the game.

I would however, like to modify the damage stats of the player and enemies to better represent a real world situation, ie only a few shots will kill, instead of the 20,000 you can take normally :). This is so we can add an extra thinking dimension the player has to take on to be able to win the game. It becomes more than simply run, shoot, run, run , jump, shoot etc. (not that HL2 was wholey like that, some puzzled had me swearing for days).

The Core – World Explanation

The City – The City is a huge man made fortification, split into 8 sectors – N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW around a central sector: The Core. The core is home to the governmental complex that makes the decisions for the cities residents. There’s still a few hundred residents still hiding in the city. Each sector is encased in a 20 foot high, 3 foot thick wall, to protect the people inside from the alien threat outside. Each sector has a minimum of 2 gates, leading to the sectors next to them. However the Northern and Southern Sectors also contain gates into The Core. A good number of the gates are in disuse, and do not work anymore. The people of The City have found other ways through the walls though – unbeknown the any governmental forces. The gate into the core from the Northern Sector has also been melted shut, meaning the only entrance to The Core, is from the southern sector.

The Sectors – Each sector within the city has safe areas, populated by the cities remaining people – and danger areas. The danger areas contain Alien Threat, Governmental Forces, or both. The Player will have to navigate each sector until he can find a way into The Core.
Each sector has its own power supply in the shape of a reactor unit (New Model). This is the guise that the bomb will be in. A full explanation and plan of each sector is contained further down in the “Mod Planning” stages.

The Core – Characters

You – You play the main character. As you are ex-SGDF (Special government defence force) you have the skill and knowledge to try and stop Fred W. in his plan to blow up the city. You are equipped at first with minimal weaponry, but soon find bigger and better guns once on your journey.

Fredrick Wenceslas – Fred W. is the chairman of the GDF, or Governmental Defence Forces. He is control of the law, imports, and food, clothing and medical facilities in the city. Currently he is in command of a team designing and building what will look like a normal reactor for power in the City, which is in actual fact a bomb. The bomb is being designed to wipe out the whole city and a forty mile radius around it where the highest concentration of the alien threat resides. Each reactor in each sector will act as a multiplier of the blast, adding more and more power. He plans to do this however, with no evacuation plan for any of the civilians, or the lower ranks of the GDF.

Basil – Basil is your chief source of information regarding the state of the city. He will be your guide as much as he can and give you information as to the whereabouts or weapons, items and so forth.

The Population – The population is anyone who isn’t one of the above. They inhabit The City and mostly hide away in there respective houses, daring not to go out unless it’s for vitals such as food and medical supplies. They will mostly be out of the way and unnoticeable during most of the game.

The GDF – The Governmental Defence Forces are the soldiers of which are in the control of Fred W. Mostly they ensure no movement of population from one sector to another to avoid spread of infection (if any). They have been pre warned that you are trying to get into the core, and have been told you have committed murder and treason to the City, and have been told to shoot on sight. There is a higher concentration of GDF in areas which contain a higher concentration of alien threat.

The Core – Mod Planning

Maps – Each map will have its layout, events and enemies/allies planned out before any work in the world editor is done. Each sector shall be given its own section format.

Sample Map planning :

South East

Overview – The south east is the starting map for the game. It is the storage sector for the entire city and has since been run down with alien threat and put under lockdown on both of its gates. The eastern gate in this sector has been melted together to prevent any alien threat from spreading into the southern sector, the GDF barracks.

Aesthetics – The SE sector is the storage sector, and therefore contains a lot of storage freight boxes and such. Since GDF lockdown of the city it has been converted to house more people, but since has been over run by a moderate amount of alien threat. To that end, it also contains a lot of shanty style houses. Separate areas of habitable space have been sectioned off with heavy duty wire fencing to keep any alien threat out, which have been linked with walkways for ease of travel between each area. Two of these walkways however have collapsed in the middle because of neglect, so traverse between a couple of the habitable areas has been stopped.

This is the SE map i have come up with:


Progress has been made in hammer on this map, and I have most of the bigger pieces of scenery locked down and playable. I have had it running in game and the compile times are relatively fast :D. Please note that the map key is not included, but it is pretty self explanitory.

At the moment, the mod is in it's very first stages of developement. Currently there is only me working on it. Which the point of this entire post :). The concept has been formed, although it will prbably be subject to change through discussion and so forth. conceptual ideas and preliminary planning work continues to grow by the day, and a storyline is quickly forming.

Positions to be filled:

Mapper: Currently I am the only mapper, and whilst i'm getting along fine - it's going at a VERY slow rate. I am also not that experienced with hammer and therefor would love someone to join me who has experience of which more than mine and who can create maps quicker than me.

For the moment that is the only position in need of filling, for I am a more than capable 3D artist and can easily come up with new props, weapons etc in a relatively quick time frame. Probably at some point in the future, the mod will be in need of a texture artist when more and more models are to be made.

How to contact me

My email address is [email protected] or
[email protected] (for chat).

Obviously some sort of evidence will be required before i will hand over everything i have in terms of content, so be prepared with some sort of image or video of previous maps/map.

** an extra little note - I've no intentions of this becoming the next big thing, although that would be a perk. I have aspirations for where I want this to go, but i'm under no illusion that it will become ground breaking in any way. I just want to make a cool game :) The mod will start off basic, and then become it's full glory once we have something to show, not just a concept**

I look forward to hearing from you.