Did ya get that thing...


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I sentcha!

But seriously do you guys whatch adult swim? And if so what shows?

my personal favs:
Samuri Champloo
Harvey Birdman
Venture Bros.
I watch ATHF, Sealab, Havery Birdman, and Family Guy.

Haven't seen it in some time though. I also liked Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Absinthe said:
I watch ATHF, Sealab, Havery Birdman, and Family Guy.

Haven't seen it in some time though. I also liked Space Ghost Coast to Coast

yeah I loved CTC too, halarious stuff :D
Futurama, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, and Aqua Teen.
You Americans and your television. I don't know.

Sometimes I just wonder what life would be like with a little less variety. It comes in packs of 8, you know.
I've downloaded Adult Swim episodes of Aqua Teen hunger Force, Family Guy, and Samurai Champloo. they all rock my socks off!
Family Guy
Samurai Champloo
Robot Chicken (my favorite but i wish the eps. were longer :( )
and when new episodes come, Inuyasha
dekstar said:
I've downloaded Adult Swim episodes of Aqua Teen hunger Force, Family Guy, and Samurai Champloo. they all rock my socks off!

I have all of the Family Guy, Futurama, and Robot Chicken episodes. Also, I have Viva La Bam. <3 Don Vito.