Did you guys forget what tomorrow is?


Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
September/30/2004 one exact year from the original date set...Will it be worth it or will the dissapointment of multiplayer be to much???
I hope so much that Valve will make an announcement that Half-Life 2 has Gone Gold! It would be so awesome, and probably the most appropriate time, too. I mean, I'm starting to believe...
I bet it will go gold tomorrow. That would be awesome. I remember a year ago, forums going crazy. Good times. i thought it was fun. Then in a few days hl2 was stolen and then leaked. That was fun, everyone going "OMG NOT THAT PHOTO WAS PHOTOSHOPPED THERE IS NO LEAK GUYS"
And it was fun
Errrrr... o yeah its the 29th hehe lost track of time.....lets see if anything happens tomorrow?? :smoking:
I'm actually kinda disillusioned that another 9/30 is going to come and go without HL2. Waiting for this game is finally beginning to wear on my nerves.
yeah, i dunno,m i expect SOMETHING to happen tomorrow, what i don't know, even if it's just a bunch of fanboys screaming "o noes HL2 is not t3h gold" at least it'll be something, or maybe the burritos won't give me the runs, something
DarkStar said:
I'm actually kinda disillusioned that another 9/30 is going to come and go without HL2. Waiting for this game is finally beginning to wear on my nerves.
Why are you so pessimistic? Look up.
Whats so special about tommorow? Its a work day...oooooo the funny in tommorow...
THis is the perfect date to go gold. Oh my god. It's absolutely perfect. It would make everything magical.
hay i think today is better (29th) its my b-day :) !!!

oh and would be funny if valve said. "we never dylaid it, see its still 9/30 :p"
THis is the perfect date to go gold. Oh my god. It's absolutely perfect. It would make everything magical.

No, actually.. im working my ass off that day....

EDIT: oh wait.. it's today already..
Bigcheese said:
hay i think today is better (29th) its my b-day :) !!!

oh and would be funny if valve said. "we never dylaid it, see its still 9/30 :p"
Well...Happy Birthday!

And yes, everyone...it would be the perfect date to go gold.
She said:
No, actually.. im working my ass off that day....

EDIT: oh wait.. it's today already..
There had been enough drama over this game to make 9/30 into an international holiday, that is if it goes gold tomorrow.
If it were up to VALVe, I'd say it's probable. As it stands it's in Vivendi's hands, and I doubt they're too interested in symbolic posturing.
I was just thinking of starting a thread like this, given that it's been September 30th here for nearly four hours already.

I agree with everyone else, this would be a great time to let us know it's gone Gold (after all, I think it's generally accepted that the game is finished now).

However... It would have been an even better time to release the damn thing ;)

Well if it does go gold tommorrow, I think the 1 year late thing will become a tradition with Valve. :cheers:
Well, it is four more hours until it is 9/30 in Seattle. Lets see what happens.
Goldmember said:
Well if it does go gold tommorrow, I think the 1 year late thing will become a tradition with Valve. :cheers:

i thought it already was. HL1 ?!?
well y are u guys speculation that it will go gold on sept 30??

i hope it is true that it will go gold tommorrow like what you guys say
guise said:
maybe we might get the pc gamer review!
Yeah! That's something else we can all get excited about, too! :bounce:
1 year... lol

Dont you guys know?
Valve's doing a Diakatana..
sept 30th is my birthday, how cool would that be, hl2 went gold on my bday!
cadaveca said:
i thought it already was. HL1 ?!?

Nothing is a tradition if it only happens once :-/ Thats why if it goes gold tomorrow it might THEN become a tradition
What if the prophecy is true?
What if tomorrow the war could be over?

- Morpheus, The Matrix Reloaded

Sorry way of topic just remembered that from the matrix after reading -=DouglastR= post.

I wish gold would be announced tomorrow.
cadaveca said:
i thought it already was. HL1 ?!?

I was saying more for like the future games as well, like HL3 and HL4 whatnot. :thumbs:
john41 said:
What if the prophecy is true?
What if tomorrow the war could be over?

- Morpheus, The Matrix Reloaded

Sorry way of topic just remembered that from the matrix after reading -=DouglastR= post.
Haha! I was thinking the same exact thing! :p
john41 said:
What if the prophecy is true?
What if tomorrow the war could be over?

- Morpheus, The Matrix Reloaded

Sorry way of topic just remembered that from the matrix after reading -=DouglastR= post.

I wish gold would be announced tomorrow.
Awesome post.
I was kinda pissed off last year at this point... I mean... it wasn't released, and the leak was rampant... so I just left the forums and everything... for a WHOLE MONTH! :O
User Name said:
Well...Happy Birthday!

And yes, everyone...it would be the perfect date to go gold.

No - it would have been the perfect day to release the bloody game, but the chances of that happening are about as much as Paris Hilton closing her legs long enough to stand up. God bless her ;)
A year ago I was huddled up in a corner, rocking slightly while mutting the words, "it won't be delayed long, just a few days" repeatedly until the music stopped.

I'm fine now though :)
Spugmaster said:
No - it would have been the perfect day to release the bloody game, but the chances of that happening are about as much as Paris Hilton closing her legs long enough to stand up. God bless her ;)
Haha, I was totally expecting that to be "closing her long legs around my hawt body"... oh well...
would anyone here honestly get pissed if it went gold tommorow, i mean it is the cursed date around here.
Sai said:
would anyone here honestly get pissed if it went gold tommorow, i mean it is the cursed date around here.
Some people probably will, best response is probably going to be "well this is probably the fastest they could do it so would you have rathered them delaying the announcement until tommorow?"